12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-235 of 235 matches for query teachers.

211. Teachers march nine thousand-strong

Thousands of demonstrators descended on Presidential Palace Avenue on Tuesday, protesting a Cabinet decision to trim down the number of class-exempt teaching hours in state schools...

212. Nicosia roads close as teachers march

Traffic police say there will be road closures in Nicosia on Tuesday late afternoon due to a scheduled teacher demonstration where thousands of educators are expected to join...

213. Teachers regroup ahead of big demonstration

States teachers unions rejected over the weekend a government attempt to seek middle ground in budgeting exempted hours, saying they had nothing to do with the proposal and warning they would resist any change without mutual agreement...

214. President makes final offer to teachers

President Nicos Anastasiades has weighed in on the ongoing debacle between state educators and the government, drawing up a final offer to teachers and expecting an answer before the weekend is out...

215. Education debacle full of suspense

The president is weighing in on the ongoing debate between the government and state educators in a last ditch effort to avoid a bumpy start of the school year, but it is not clear whether the highly contested issue of budgeting hours will be taken off the table...

216. No labour peace as schools open next month

State teachers and the government failed to reach an agreement this week, with the education minister saying the unions were placing demands that cannot be addressed before September and accusing them of avoiding the budgeting issue...

217. Archbishop favours scrapping five religious school holidays

Archbishop Chrysostomos says religious holidays on school days no longer serve their purpose, suggesting that five of them should be eliminated while also taking a jab at union teachers...

218. Gap in education talks seems unbridgeable

A truce agreed upon ten days ago by state teachers and the government, which aimed to help reengage in a dialogue on school reform, appears to be collapsing...

219. Teachers agree to a truce

Three unions representing high school state educators have agreed to a truce with the government, in order to reengage in a weeklong dialogue aimed at finding common ground in school reform...

220. President invites enraged teachers to Palace

President Nicos Anastasiades has extended an invitation to public education union leaders in order to have an open dialogue on school reorganisation...

221. Teachers up in arms as minister rejects ultimatum

Unions of state educators are fuming as Education Minister Costas Hambiarouis rejected their ultimatum to start dialogue from scratch in public school reform...

222. Minister unfazed by angry educators

Thousands of public teachers stood outside the gates of the Education Ministry on Friday, calling on Education Minister Costas Hambiaouris to resign and union members refusing to go to his office to talk things out...

223. Probe into Stavros’ death still open

Members of a Health and Safety Task Force Committee are visiting Alethriko elementary on Wednesday, a Larnaca school where 10-year-old Stavros Georgallis got injured last month and whose death hours later was shrouded in controversy and allegations of incompetence...

224. Teachers call for air conditioners in state school classrooms

Public school teachers are calling on the government to move forward with the installation of air condition units in classrooms, with the government raising health concerns while looking into the possibility....

225. Education minister calls for special task force

Organised parents and teachers met with the education minister to discuss safety and health issues in public schools, but union representatives did not take part during talks over teacher evaluations...

226. #PoliticsBlog - Healthy’s thunder and a warning

Get the inside scoop on political gossip and other happenings right here, including the ‘Healthy one’ landing on the unions like a sumo wrestler...

227. Child sex abuse complaints get buried in school

Disy MP Efthymios Diplaros is defending comments he made publicly about teachers involved in sexual abuse cases who face no consequences, dismissing criticism that he was acting irresponsibly with his remarks...

228. Teachers take on minister in row over boy's death

Organised teachers are up in arms over the education minister’s comments during a probe in the aftermath of a school boy’s death, when he asked union educators to stay away from the investigation...

229. Eight to ten dead in Texas high school shooting

At least eight people were killed on Friday in a shooting at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas, and officers had taken into custody a student who was suspected of carrying out the attack...

230. Educator in Stavros’ school under investigation

An internal probe into a ‘problem teacher in connection with the fatal injury of a 10-year-old student has angered union teachers, who visited the school premises while their colleagues were talking to investigators...

231. Questions raised over school safety during gym class

Education Minister Costas Hambiaouris has received the final report on the circumstances surrounding the death of a 10-year-old student in Larnaca, but people are already raising questions about safety on school premises during gym class...

232. Cypriot university attracts Greek scholars

Greek academics and students are looking to Cyprus for work and educational opportunities, in hope of escaping the distortions of the Greek market and stubbornly high unemployment...

233. Supply teachers go on strike

234. Nigeria's Boko Haram has abducted more than 1,000 children since 2013

One young woman, Khadija, now 17, who was abducted after a Boko Haram attack on her town, then locked in a room, forced to marry one of the fighters and repeatedly raped...

235. EU leaders host Turkish President Erdogan for uneasy summit

Erdogan will seek more money for Syrian refugees, a deeper customs union and progress on letting Turks visit Europe without visas...