12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 931-960 of 978 matches for query tension.

931. Trump seeks 'very meaningful' summit in with N. Korea

US President Donald Trump has high hopes of “doing something very meaningful” to curtail North Korea’s nuclear ambitions at a summit in Singapore next month, after Pyongyang smoothed the way for talks by freeing three American prisoner...

932. Iran targets Israeli bases across Syrian frontier

Iranian forces in Syria launched a rocket attack on Israeli army bases in the Golan Heights early on Thursday, Israel said, prompting one of the heaviest Israeli barrages against Syria since the conflict there began in 2011...

933. Cyprus, Greece, Israel recommit to a way forward

President Nicos Anastasiades says a ‘code of conduct’ has been established between Cyprus, Greece, and Israel, following the completion of a trilateral meeting in Nicosia that yielded a long declaration and paved the way for another meeting before the year is out to discuss an ambitious EastMed pipeline...

934. Greek gunboat on patrol nudged by Turkish cargo vessel

A Greek gunboat was nudged by a Turkish cargo vessel early on Friday while on patrol for unauthorized migrant crossings in the Aegean Sea, the Greek navy said. ...

935. Greek island protest about migrant influx turns violent

Greek riot police fired tear gas Thursday to try to disperse angry protesters on the island of Lesvos who tried to topple a police bus during a demonstration against a European Union migration policy....

936. You can’t put a price on heritage

When the German tabloid Bild suggested that Greece should sell off Corfu and the Parthenon as part of its asset-stripping, they didn't know that Durrell had foreseen this many years ago...

937. Tension rising on the Greek islands

More than 15,500 migrants are living in cramped conditions in state-run centres on the eastern Aegean islands...

938. Cyprus anticipating UN moves to end talks deadlock

Forthcoming elections in Turkey and tensions in the wider region have complicated the matter further...

939. New Turkey's hasty birth

The way in which the snap elections were called is not normal, nor is the unsettled situation in the country and on its borders...

940. Far-right extremists attack migrants on Greek island

Police forced dozens of migrants onto buses and transported them to the Moria camp in the early hours after Mytilini was turned into a battleground...

941. French arch stretching from the Aegean to Cyprus

There is growing evidence of a broader French plan to support Cyprus in the region but also to strengthen Greece as it tries to manage the geopolitical challenges that have accumulated in the East Med and will intensify...

942. Early elections in Turkey give Greece the jitters

Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s decision to call for snap elections on June 24 is of direct consequence to Greece, more than at any other time, as the Turkish president increasingly espouses a nationalist stance and invests in the political gains this brings him....

943. Nicosia conference will stand up evidence on climate change

There is now overwhelming scientific evidence that climate is changing because of human activities....

944. European Commission's report on Turkey most critical

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed the view that a European Commission progress report on Turkey published on Tuesday is the most critical one since 2005 and has also agreed with a Commission assessment that the implementation by Turkey of its Cyprus related obligations would significantly boost its relations with the EU....

945. London believes Cyprus peace process should start sooner than later

British High Commissioner says "whatever is going to happen should start to happen quickly because after such a long delay since last summer and with other things that are happening, the world is not waiting"...

946. South Korea discussing peace deal with North Korea ahead of summit

South Korea and a US-led U.N force are technically still at war with North Korea after the Korean War ended with a truce, not a peace treaty...

947. Flag claim sparks fresh tension between Greece and Turkey

Ankara’s dispute of Greek sovereignty brought the two countries to the brink of war in 1996 over the islet of Imia...

948. Leaders ponder next steps after dinner date failure

There was no breakthrough apart from the leaders not excluding any new moves from the UN...

949. Are we heading for a West v East showdown in Syria

Following the allied strikes on Syria, the regional map is changing and Cyprus is the only EU-Member state stuck in the middle...

950. Threat of US-Russia battle hangs over Syria

Two days ago U.S. President Donald Trump warned that missiles “will be coming” in response to that attack...

951. Turkey and Greece ratchet up tension in the Mediterranean

With help from rabble-rousers on both sides, disputes over airspace and maritime borders, which have poisoned relations between Greece and Turkey for decades...

952. Knowing exactly what we’re doing

International experience has shown that some of the greatest tragedies were the result of bad or vague communication...

953. Trump warns the missiles are coming for Syria

The White House pushed back against suggestions that Trump had broadcast his plans for military strikes via Twitter...

954. Airspace violations from Turkish aircraft continue unabated

Five new violations of Greek airspace and six infringements of the Athens Flight Information Region by Turkish aircraft were recorded by the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS) on Tuesday, as tensions continue to broil between the two countries....

955. Cyprus seeks to overcome regional tension for peace

Rival Cypriot leaders will meet for dinner on April 16 in an effort by the United Nations to reignite a stalled peace process...

956. Tsipras looking to rein in hawkish defence minister

According to a senior official, the incendiary rhetoric “is not needed” at a time when Greece is trying to de-escalate tension with Turkey...

957. Fears that Erdogan is controlling migrant flows to raise pressure

Tensions have peaked in the Aegean in recent weeks with a spike in Turkish violations of Greek airspace and disputes at sea...

958. EU-Turkey migrant deal ‘at risk’, report says‘at-risk-report-says

The deal signed between Ankara and Brussels in March 2016 to crack down on human trafficking over the Aegean is hanging in the balance as several countries are reportedly refusing to pay for it, insisting that the European Commission cover the next tranche of 3 billion euros in funding pledged to Turkey....

959. Kammenos: Arrest of two Greek servicemen was pre-planned

The arrest of the two Greek soldiers who inadvertently strayed into Turkish territory during a regular border patrol last month was "pre-planned," Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos said on Monday during a briefing of journalists in parliament....

960. China hammers US goods with tariffs

Eight other products, including pork and scrap aluminium, will now be subject to additional tariffs of 25 percent...