12° Nicosia,
28 September, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 300 matches for query votes.

211. Woman aborts baby alone in Paphos

Police in Paphos are investigating the death of an embryo or fetus after neighbours called authorities to report “strange sounds” coming from a vacation rental of a young Scottish woman...

212. Friday the 13th to sort it all out

Britain will hold its first December election in almost a century after Prime Minister Boris Johnson won approval from parliament on Tuesday for an early ballot aimed at breaking the Brexit deadlock...

213. Johnson seeks backing for early election

The European Union agreed to a Brexit delay of up to three months on Monday, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he would push on with his bid to end Britain’s political paralysis with an election on December 12...

214. 'Flextension' thrown in the mix

European Council President Donald Tusk said on Tuesday that he would recommend that the 27 other member states of the European Union approve a delay of Britain’s departure date following Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to put the Brexit deal on hold...

215. Brexit deal faces Saturday showdown

European Union leaders unanimously backed a new Brexit deal with Britain on Thursday, leaving Prime Minister Boris Johnson facing a battle to secure the UK parliament’s backing for the agreement if he is to take Britain out of Europe on October 31...

216. Brexit deal agreed as EU summit begins

Britain clinched a last-minute Brexit deal with the European Union on Thursday, but still faced a challenge in getting it approved by parliament...

217. Kyriakides a step closer to EU health chief

Commissioner-designate for Health Stella Kyriakides got on Wednesday the green light from ENVI EP Committee to move on to the next step in the procedure for her appointment...

218. Johnson goads opponents to call election as tempers flare over Brexit

Waving his arms and yelling “come on, come on”, Johnson implored his opponents in a raucous House of Commons session to bring a vote of no-confidence in the government and trigger an election to finally break the Brexit impasse. ...

219. Niyazi against Turkish language holdup

Cypriot MEP Niyazi Kizilyurek is calling on the European Commission to clarify why the EU is slow-walking the process of making Turkish an official language of the EU...

220. Mitsotakis in New York – opportunities, substance, results–-opportunities-substance-results

This week will see the first appearance of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the United Nations General Assembly. He will make the customary speech before the plenary and be received by the UN secretary-general. However, the substance will be in the meetings that are to take place on the sidelines of the proceedings. ...

221. Israel's Netanyahu fights for record fifth term

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a battle for political survival in a closely fought election on Tuesday that could end his 10-year domination of national politics. ...

222. Interview with Endy Zemenides

Ever since Joe Biden declared that Cyprus was a “strategic partner” of the United States, people have been trying to identify substance behind those words. There has been a similar search of what “best relations ever” between the U.S. and Greece means...

223. Fig Tree among world’s best beaches

The popular beach at Fig Tree Bay got third place in the Top 50 Best Beaches In The World 2019 in a recent Big Seven Travel survey...

224. Lifeline as Parliament accepts President's referral

The House of Representatives has heeded warnings voting to accept the President's referral of legislation that would have made it difficult for banks to recover mortgaged non-performing exposures...

225. Foreclosures: Parliament rejects President's referral

The House of Representatives today rejected a presidential referral regarding a number of foreclosure legislation amendments. ...

226. Early signs of civility and consensus

Despite some natural degree of skirmishing and isolated criticism, rays of civility, consensus and cooperation are breaking out across the Greek political landscape. ...

227. Boris Johnson named British PM

Boris Johnson has been elected as a leader of Britain’s governing Conservative Party and the next prime minister, tasked with following through on his “do or die” pledge to deliver Brexit in just over three months time....

228. Golden Dawn voters, women and Mitsotakis

Some foreign journalists have in recent days made two negative observations regarding New Democracy’s victory in the July 7 snap election and the makeup of the new cabinet...

229. Anastasiades congratulates new EU boss

President Nicos Anastasiades congratulated Ursula von der Leyen on becoming the European Commission’s next president, narrowly winning election in the European Parliament...

230. David Harris: US closer to Greece, Cyprus, Israel

Washington recognizes Greece’s strategic value and reliability as an ally, attributes that only grow stronger as doubts deepen over Turkey’s stance, American Jewish Committee (AJC) CEO David Harris tells Kathimerini in an interview...

231. Recovering lost ground

The government that has just taken power in Greece is different to what we are accustomed to and close to what a big chunk of the population is eager to see. The center-right administration appears well-prepared. The comparison is not only being made with SYRIZA, which was completely unprepared when it took over at a crucial period in 2015, but also with other supposedly experienced administrations before them. That said, in politics plans can be undone by unforeseen events. ...

232. ND surges to power, promising change

233. Far-right soundly defeated in Greek elections

234. US Senate votes to lift Cyprus arms embargo

The US Senate on Thursday voted to lift a decades-old arms embargo against Cyprus and to cut Turkey off the American F-35 fighter jet program if it proceeds with the acquisition of the Russian S-400 missile defense system...

235. Erdogan suffers defeat in Istanbul rerun

Turkey’s opposition has dealt President Tayyip Erdogan a stinging blow by winning control of Istanbul in a re-run mayoral election, breaking his aura of invincibility and delivering a message from voters unhappy over his policies...

236. Johnson and Hunt fight for British PM job

237. What’s with all the horrifying details?

The most shocking aspect was not so much the discovery of the little girl’s body as it was actually the way we take part and become a part one way or another in this sensationalism of human pain...

238. Ahrweiler: History that teaches only one solution is a dangerous thing

239. Israel to hold new elections after Netanyahu fails to form coalition

240. The election results and ND’s next challenge