12° Nicosia,
28 September, 2024


Displaying results 271-300 of 300 matches for query votes.

271. British PM to face confidence vote tonight

272. Brexit: Speculation on number of no confidence letters grows

273. After cabinet backing, May girds for Brexit battle in parliament

274. The name deal and Kammenos’s endgame

275. May's opponents vow to thwart Brexit deal as Britain agrees on divorce terms with EU

276. 29 year old Alexandria Ocasio Cortez the youngest woman ever elected to US Congress

277. EU Parliament cancels €70 million earmarked for Turkey over rule of law conditions€70-million-earmarked-for-turkey-over-the-rule-of-law-conditons

278. President thanks parliamentary caucus for Sunday votes

President Nicos Anastasiades praised the ruling and opposition parties for approving state guarantees for Hellenic Bank as well as passing new foreclosure and bankruptcy laws, adding he would not respond to criticism...

279. House approves state guarantees in co-op deal

The House passed legislation Sunday night in favour of providing state guarantees to Hellenic Bank in its acquisition of Cyprus Cooperative Bank’s healthy portfolio...

280. FYROM parliament approves name deal for second time

The Parliament of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) approved for the second time the deal signed with Greece on the country’s name, which had been returned to the House after the country’s President Gjorge Ivanov refused to rubber-stamp the first decree....

281. House shifts into gear with Sunday bad loans session

It will be a long weekend for the House finance committee, which will hold emergency sessions ahead of a crucial Sunday vote on bad loans and state guarantees for Hellenic Bank...

282. Cabinet okays homeowner plan ahead of crucial House session

The Cabinet approved on Tuesday the “Estia” scheme aimed at addressing the high volume of non-performing loans in the Cypriot banking sector, but time is running out as a crucial legislation package on bad loans is also up for a vote on Friday...

283. House prepares to define good and bad borrowers

The distinction between responsible and irresponsible borrowers is at the forefront of heated debate this week, with Presidential Palace and Parliament scrambling to strike balance ahead of a crucial vote...

284. Government welcomes Diko support on bad loans

The Cyprus government says it can work with opposition centrist party Diko to pass much needed comprehensive legislation on bad loans that would also pave the way for a co-op deal to go forward...

285. Senators add more roadblocks to Turkey’s F35 deal

US senators are turning up the pressure over the F35 fighter jet sale to Turkey, with new restriction proposals that could possibly make the delivery of the stealth warplanes more difficult...

286. Nicosia unmoved by Erdogan win

Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides does not expect big changes in Cyprus peace talks following Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s re-election on Sunday, without ruling out small steps as long as nationalists take a back seat...

287. Kammenos says will call on PM to seek supermajority for name deal

The head of Greece's junior coalition partner and Defense Minister Panos Kammenos said on Wednesday he will ask Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to seek a supermajority of 180 MPs in the country's 300-seat House for the ratification of the name deal with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), instead of a regular majority of 151, given the importance of the issue....

288. US Senate votes to block F-35 deal to Turkey

US senators voted overwhelmingly to block the sale of F-35 jet fighters to Turkey on Monday, while Lockheed Martin says it expects to deliver planes before the bill could become law...

289. Unmarried paternity leave not signed into law

President Nicos Anastasiades has not signed a newly-passed law on paid paternity leave for unmarried fathers, sending it back to the House primarily on constitutional grounds while opposition sees more reasons behind it....

290. Achna votes again on crocodile park

The Achna local council will take a vote Tuesday evening on whether or not to give consent to the construction of a controversial crocodile park, following loud objections from local residents...

291. There is still hope for Cyprus to host Eurovision 2019

Despite being the first runner-up in this year’s Eurovision song contest, there appears to be a small chance that Cyprus could still be the host next year due to political and security concerns in Israel...

292. Ireland votes in 'once-in-a-generation' abortion referendum

Ireland began voting on Friday in an abortion referendum that could be a milestone on a path of change in a country that, only two decades ago, was one of Europe’s most socially conservative...

293. With eye on re-election Tsipras rolls dice on Macedonia

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is taking a big gamble in trying to settle a decades-old name dispute with neighbouring Macedonia which could backfire in a pre-election year among voters already jaded by his economic austerity policies...

294. Venezuela's re-elected Maduro faces overseas censure

Venezuela’s socialist leader Nicolas Maduro faced fresh international censure on Monday after re-election in a vote foes denounced as a farce cementing autocracy in the crisis-stricken OPEC nation...

295. Unmarried fathers can now get paid paternity leave

Members of the House passed a new law extending paternity leave to unmarried fathers, essentially amending legislation from last year that gave paid leave to married dads...

296. Poll puts conservatives ahead of ruling SYRIZA by 9.5 points

Greece’s conservative opposition maintains a strong lead over the ruling leftist party, according to a new opinion poll published Thursday....

297. Austria will bar Turkish politicians from campaigning on its soil

Several hundred thousand people in Austria are Turkish or of Turkish origiin...

298. ECHR rules against Cyprus

The European Court of Human Rights upheld a complaint against Cyprus with four votes in favour and three against, where a Polish inmate accused the state of inhumane treatment....

299. A year away from Brexit views remain as entrenched as ever

17.4 million Britons who voted to quit the EU in a 2016 referendum, giving the Brexit campaign victory over the 16.1 million voters who wanted to stay...

300. EU agrees Brexit transition

May has described as unacceptable any possible deal that cuts Northern Ireland off from the rest of the UK...