12° Nicosia,
30 June, 2024


Displaying results 511-540 of 560 matches for query weapon.

511. Two more arrests in Strovolos double murder

Two more suspects were arrested Friday night in the Strovolos murder case, on the same night when police also found the murder weapon believed to have been used in the crime...

512. 'A new history starts now' as leaders of two Koreas make peace

The dramatic meeting, aimed at ending their decades-long conflict, comes weeks before Kim is due to meet Trump to discuss denuclearizing the Korean peninsula...

513. Macron tells it like it is

Capping a three-day visit, Macron repeatedly criticized Trump’s isolationist principles in a speech to a joint meeting of Congress, an honour given to a small number of visiting foreign leaders...

514. Understanding Kim: Madman or misunderstood

US intelligence experts are trying to build a profile of Kim Jong Un to give Trump a competitive edge in one of the most consequential summits since the Cold War...

515. Cyprus police defend actions in double murder case

Another foreign expert could be joining the investigative team in the Strovolos double murder, with police facing many unanswered questions and pushing back on criticism for the way they are handling the case....

516. Trump and Macron seek stronger measures on Iran

With a May 12 deadline looming for Trump to decide on restoring US economic sanctions on Tehran, Macron said he spoke to Trump about a “new deal”...

517. Motive behind Waffle House shooting eludes Nashville police

The gunman, who began shooting outside the restaurant and then moved inside, aborted his attack and fled when a customer wrestled the rifle from him...

518. Cops keep a tight lip in Strovolos double murder

Police are keeping a tight lip in the Strovolos double murder case, saying the investigation is going forward despite public and media criticism pointing to a series of errors. ...

519. Trump-Macron to face differences on Iran and trade as French visit begins

Trump and Macron began their improbable friendship a year ago in Belgium with a jaw-clenching handshake...

520. North Korea test freeze blunts its nuclear threat

North Korea said it no longer needed to conduct nuclear or intercontinental ballistic missile tests because it had reached its weapons development goals...

521. Police confident in solving brutal double murders

Crime investigators in Nicosia believe they are getting closer to cracking the Strovolos double murder case wide open, despite coming away empty handed during a search in the perimeter of the home and sharing little information with the media. ...

522. London believes Cyprus peace process should start sooner than later

British High Commissioner says "whatever is going to happen should start to happen quickly because after such a long delay since last summer and with other things that are happening, the world is not waiting"...

523. US believes Russia may tamper with chemical evidence

Syria and Russia deny unleashing poison gas on April 7 during their offensive on Douma...

524. Cypriot protesters tell NATO to go home

About 250 peace activists gathered outside the American Embassy in Nicosia Monday evening to demonstrate against NATO and the latest military airstrikes against Syria. ...

525. Cypriot activists to protest against strikes in Syria

An anti-war demonstration is scheduled to take place Monday evening outside the US Embassy in Nicosia, organised by the Cyprus Peace Council which is opposing military strikes against Syria....

526. Turkey not taking sides with anyone on Syria

While Turkey is cooperating with both Russia and Iran to wind down some of the violence in Syria, Ankara has long demanded that President Bashar al-Assad must go...

527. Fighter jets guarded RAF Akrotiri in case of Putin revenge attack

RAF chiefs had the warplanes at "high readiness" on the runway in case Vladimir Putin planned to launch his own jets...

528. Putin predicts global 'chaos' if West hits Syria again

The United States, France and Britain have said the missile strikes were limited to Syria’s chemical weapons capabilities and not aimed at toppling Assad...

529. Cypriots protest outside RAF Akrotiri over Syria strike

Protestors are demanding the closure of RAF Akrotiri, from where four British Tornado jets hit Syria targets...

530. US says air strikes cripple Syria chemical weapons programme

US President Donald Trump called the operation a success...

531. May assures Cyprus that use of RAF base was limited

532. British jets in Cyprus take part in Syria operation

Four British Tornado jets took off from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus on Saturday to join precision strikes against Syria, jointly taken on by the US, the UK and France. ...

533. May says UK had no choice but to conduct missile strikes against Syria

More than 100 missiles fired from ships and manned aircraft, the allies struck three of Syria’s main chemical weapons facilities...

534. US and allies launch air strikes in Syria

US, British and French forces pounded Syria with air strikes early on Saturday in response to a poison gas attack that killed dozens of people last week, in the biggest intervention by Western powers against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad....

535. Threat of US-Russia battle hangs over Syria

Two days ago U.S. President Donald Trump warned that missiles “will be coming” in response to that attack...

536. Russia spied on Skripal and daughter for at least 5 years

Russia’s ambassador to Britain said he was concerned the British government was trying to get rid of evidence related to the case...

537. May gets backing for action against Syria

She told her senior ministers the Douma events showed a “deeply concerning” erosion of international legal norms barring the use of chemical weapons...

538. UK seeks closure of Cyprus airspace around RAF Akrotiri

The Cyprus government has stressed it is not involved in any planned attack on Syria and no country has asked to use facilities on the island...

539. Strikes against Syria could make RAF Akrotiri a target

Eight cruise missile-armed tornado fighter-bombers based at RAF Akrotiri, outside Limassol, would likely take part in any military action ...

540. Syrian government raises flag in Douma

Russian military police were deployed in Douma in accordance with the rebel surrender deal...