The Auditor-General hinted at the President's earnings during his tenure as Government Spokesperson, prompting Victor Papadopoulos to respond that everything was known and legal. He compared his effort to an attempt to invent the lovable – and for some, irresistible – dish of tahini pie. Odysseus, cunning like Penelope's Odysseus but without the Trojan horse, replied that he felt shame, and shame it was.
Personally, I don't want to take sides in the impending battle, but I confess to feeling embarrassed every time I return home from the bakery, hiding the crumbs of the tahini pie I devoured on the way from my spouse. My doctor has strictly forbidden it. Otherwise, I would like to shout with all my might, "Tahini pie is not a shame," and "Hands off my tahini pie."
In a well-governed country, poverty is shameful. In a poorly governed country, wealth is shameful. -Confucius.
There seems to be a colossal aversion of voters to the party system, as Mr. Papadakis rightly points out. Therefore, he creates another party – or if you prefer, a splinter, taking pieces from EDEK and more – and names it the Movement so that the aversion is smaller. We eagerly await if there will be any high-profile transfers and joinings in the new Movement to "stir up" our political scene.
After the desperate cries of consumers – and despite the cunning tricks of certain MPs – the e-basket bill seems to be entering the final stretch. Can it halt the runaway gallop of prices? Especially in Cyprus, with its porous control institutions, I highly doubt it. Nevertheless, it is certainly a step in the right direction.
We had a significant reduction compared to last year in asylum seekers this summer. It seems we have finally become an "unattractive destination" for immigration. Once we achieve that no one wants to come to Cyprus, I suggest finding a way to prevent Cypriots from becoming asylum seekers in other countries.
26 days left until Christmas. This year, don't make melomakarona. Be creative and make small, adorable tahini pies.