12° Nicosia,
08 June, 2024


Displaying results 391-420 of 1661 matches for query Comment.

391. EU vague on US-UK latest Russian sanctions

The European Commission is in contact with member states regarding the implementation of sanctions, Commission spokesperson Arianna Podesta told the Cyprus News Agency responding to a question on whether the Cypriot authorities have briefed the European Commission on their intended next steps regarding sanctions imposed by the US and the UK on Cypriot individuals and entities...

392. Greece admits Predator sale to Sudan but denies implication

A private airplane that flew from Cyprus to Sudan last year had delivered the infamous Predator surveillance software, with the Greek government admitting the export but denying any involvement in the ongoing civil war there...

393. Nicosia resolute amid damage control over sanctions

There is clear political will on the part of the Government so that there is no shadow of a doubt, Cyprus’ President, Nikos Christodoulides, said on Tuesday evening, when asked to comment on media reports regarding the inclusion of Cypriot natural and legal persons on the list of the latest sanctions by the US...

394. Assets of US and UK sanctioned entities in Cyprus will be frozen

Cypriot individuals and entities included in UK and US sanctions list will see their assets in the Cypriot banking system frozen and will not be able to carry out any banking transaction in Cyprus, Marios Skandalis, Chief Compliance Officer of Bank of Cyprus, the island’s largest lender has said....

395. More Greek riddles as Ukraine seeks S300

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov says his recent trips abroad including a visit to Cyprus have been 'very important' as Kiev still negotiates for Soviet-made missiles ahead of the next Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Germany...

396. Washington okays baby deal for Turkish F16

US President Joe Biden's administration is set to move ahead with the sale of a modernization package for Turkey's existing F-16 aircraft, after leaders of US congressional committees gave informal approval, but Turkey's request to buy billions of dollars worth of F-16s remains in limbo...

397. BOC to pay dividends after 12 years

The Bank of Cyprus is the first bank in Cyprus and Greece to receive approval from the European Central Bank (ECB) to pay dividends. The lender is expected to resume paying dividends to its shareholders after 12 years....

398. From chocolate bunnies to souvla

As an American Roman Catholic, I thought I had the whole Easter celebration thing down pat. I mean, I grew up with the Easter bunny and chocolate eggs, and I knew all about the Stations of the Cross and Good Friday services. ...

399. US monitoring of UN Secretary-General Guterres revealed in leaked documents

Leaked Pentagon files indicate the United States was monitoring UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres because it believed he was too soft on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine....

400. Russian opposition leader Navalny grapples with severe stomach pain in jail

Alexei Navalny, Russia's most prominent opposition politician, is grappling with severe stomach pain in jail that could be some sort of slow-acting poison, his spokeswoman said on Thursday....

401. Energy Minister puts forth Cyprus' natural gas to cut costs for consumers

Cyprus' Energy Minister George Papanastasiou said that, during his discussions with consortiums operating in the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), he suggested the option of importing natural gas quantities from the EEZ for power generation, in combination with LNG exports via a small LNG plant....

402. Leaker identified as fit military leader with gun-worshipping gamer group

The Washington Post has traced the recent Pentagon intelligence leak to a man who shared hundreds of secret files with a small group of young gamers on a private Discord server....

403. Higher prices for Easter meat: Lamb sees a 25% increase, beef up by 15%

A year ago, reports described Easter dinner as the most expensive in four years. This year's prices are expected to surpass that record, according to the first data from the Easter Price Watch gathered by K and soon to be published by the Consumer Protection Agency....

404. EY report: Governments need new ways of working to seize digital opportunities

Governments around the world are at risk of failing citizens through lack of digitalization, according to EY research presented in a new report: “How can government workers and technology align to serve future citizens?”. ...

405. Bookings for Cyprus-Piraeus route opens tomorrow

The booking system for the Cyprus – Piraeus route will open on Tuesday for those passengers who wish to travel to Greece by sea, Shipping Deputy Minister Marina Hadjimanolis said Monday....

406. Leaked Pentagon docs prompt ally denials

A large cache of what appear to be classified Pentagon documents circulating on social media channels is becoming a growing source of anxiety for US intelligence agencies, as numerous allies have been forced into denials over the purported leaks....

407. Dalai Lama regrets asking boy to 'suck my tongue'

The Dalai Lama has apologized after a video emerged showing the spiritual leader kissing a child on the lips and then asking him to “suck my tongue” at an event in northern India....

408. North unhappy after US sub anchors in Limassol

Ankara and the Turkish Cypriot leadership repeated warnings over the weekend about Washington 'disrupting the balance' on the divided island, with their latest criticism targeting a deployed US attack submarine that anchored in Limassol...

409. Police seek middle ground in lambradjia madness

Officials in Cyprus appear to tolerate lambradjia bonfires even though they are illegal, with police and fire departments pushing for new legislation to tackle a long and dangerous Easter tradition on the island that is not easy to change...

410. Cyprus’ Armenian rep calls on more countries to recognize

The Armenian religious representative in the Cypriot parliament told lawmakers on Thursday that the island’s support to his people has been 'invaluable' over the years, with the House observing a moment of silence for victims of the persecuted group during WWI...

411. President says petty politics not behind IMO decision

Political criticism in Nicosia over not backing an ex-minister to lead a UN international shipping agency continues to dominate headlines this week, with President Nikos Christodoulides rejecting allegations that a lack of support was out of spite due to presidential election preferences...

412. Shocking arrest of Nicola Sturgeon's husband in SNP funding probe

Nicola Sturgeon's husband, Peter Murrell, has been arrested in connection with an investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party (SNP)....

413. Investors flock to 'green' bonds as a secure investment

414. Trump faces 34 felony charges but won't be handcuffed or have mug shot taken

Donald Trump will be placed under arrest today and informed that he has been charged with 34 felony counts for falsification of business records, according to a source who has been briefed on the procedures for the arraignment of the former president....

415. Ex minister worries Nicosia dropped IMO ball out of spite

A Cypriot former minister is calling on the new government to offer an explanation as to why the Republic of Cyprus failed to seek a nomination currently being sought by foe Turkey at a UN agency responsible for regulating shipping, hinting at revenge politics and calling on his party to seek answers...

416. Minister of Labor to submit CoLA mediation proposal

Minister of Labour and Social Insurance Yiannis Panayiotou said on Friday he would submit a mediation proposal to the social partners (trade unions and employers) to reach an agreement on the issue of the Cost of Living Allowance (CoLA)....

417. Woman gets half year in Russian knife attack

A Ukrainian woman in Cyprus who carried out a knife assault against a group of Russians last year has been sentenced to six months in prison on common assault after being acquitted on more serious charges of incitement to hatred and violence...

418. Yousaf's victory in Scotland underscores the changing face of UK politics

When Humza Yousaf took his oath of allegiance in the Scottish parliament in 2016, he wore a gold embroidered sherwani – a traditional South Asian jacket – and a kilt....

419. It's time for diplomacy, says Christodoulides

It is time for diplomacy to play its role as it has already started working to bring about what we have discussed during our meetings in Brussels, in view of the elections in Turkey, Cyprus President, Nikos Christodoulides said on Tuesday....

420. Saudi National Bank president resigns

The chairman of Saudi National Bank, which was the main shareholder of Credit Suisse before its takeover earlier this month, has resigned, according to a statement published on the Saudi stock exchange....