12° Nicosia,
21 September, 2024


Displaying results 961-990 of 1154 matches for query February.

961. Trucker who drove with feet pleads guilty

A man who livestreamed a video showing him driving a truck with his feet on the steering wheel has changed his plea to guilty on Thursday...

962. Cyprus hopes to join US visa waiver

Cypriot officials say they are setting up a task force aimed at including the country in the US visa waiver programme the soonest possible...

963. UN clears suspected landmines in Cyprus

UNFICYP announced on Monday the clearance of nine suspected hazardous areas each on both sides of the divided island, amounting to a total area of 210,882 square meters...

964. Dog owner acquitted in Yeroskipou death

The defendant in the Yeroskipou trial known as the “dog mauling case” has been found not guilty of involuntary manslaughter after judges said there was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction...

965. New EU health commissioner readies plan

Cyprus’ new Commissioner to the European Commission Stella Kyriakides has outlined the goals and priorities for the Health and Food Safety portfolio at a meeting held on Wednesday with Cypriot journalists...

966. Guterres committed to explore possibility to convene five-party meeting on Cyprus

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday that he committed to explore with the President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades, the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci and the guarantor powers the possibility to convene an informal five party meeting on Cyprus “at an appropriate stage”, following an informal dinner in Berlin attended by both leaders. ...

967. Driver argues with officer over filming

A video showing a driver in Cyprus debating with a police officer has gone viral, raising once again questions over the rights of citizens to record video in public places...

968. Cyprus plans to revoke passports after uproar

Cyprus said on Wednesday that it had started a process to strip 26 individuals of citizenship they received under a secretive passports-for-investment scheme, admitting it had flaws...

969. Cypriot FM bets on economic diplomacy

Economic diplomacy is indispensable, Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Christodoulides said on Wednesday, adding the Foreign Ministry has elevated economic diplomacy to one of its top priorities...

970. Anastasiades: A tripartite meeting possible in October

Speaking to reporters after a very productive meeting, as he said, with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Friday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, the President of Cyprus said he presented the situation as it stands and developed the Greek Cypriot side’s positions. ...

971. Anastasiades: We accept political equality

In this context and following a call from the Secretary General for an agreed basis for the resumption of negotiations, there is an understanding by the leaders of the two communities that the relevant “Terms of Reference” should comprise the following elements: ...

972. Niyazi against Turkish language holdup

Cypriot MEP Niyazi Kizilyurek is calling on the European Commission to clarify why the EU is slow-walking the process of making Turkish an official language of the EU...

973. Trump files bimonthly report on Cyprus

US President Donald Trump has submitted to the Members of the Congress his Bi-monthly Congressional Report on progress toward a negotiated solution of the Cyprus question covering February through March 2019...

974. North and south repatriate artworks

Representatives from the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities exchanged art works and audiovisual recordings in the buffer zone on Tuesday...

975. Common interest for talks but disagreements remain

President Anastasiades said that there is a positive climate and a common basis on which the talks for a Cyprus settlement can take place, noting, at the same time, that disagreements on serious issues remain, but there is an agreement that differences cannot be bridged without dialogue. ...

976. New developments in 'dog mauling' trial

There are new developments in the Yeroskipou trial dubbed as the ‘dog mauling case’ with witness testimonies casting doubts over the cause or manner of Petrana’s death...

977. Officials spot loopholes in medical cannabis law

A number of provisions in the medical marijuana legislation were taken out prior to a vote, prompting officials to call for amendments to block doctors from prescribing cannabis without any limits...

978. Trump hits China with more tariffs, sharply escalating trade dispute

U.S. President Donald Trump vowed to impose a 10% tariff on $300 billion of Chinese imports from Sept. 1, sharply escalating a bruising trade war between the world’s largest economies and jolting financial markets. ...

979. Non-performing loans decline to €10.14 billion€10-14-billion

Non-performing loans as defined by the European Banking Authority declined to €10.14 billion in March 2019, marking a reduction of €151 million compared to previous month. ...

980. Man sentenced for stabbing unbegrudging friend

A man who stabbed his friend downtown Nicosia while being intoxicated has been sentenced to five years, with the victim reportedly saying he has forgiven his attacker...

981. Nicosia grants approval to ENI, Total to drill in Block 7

Nicosia has granted approval to the energy companies ENI and Total to explore block seven of Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and approved nine other drilling operations within the EEZ over the next two years...

982. North hands Rudolf over to south

Miroslav Balazovjech, also known as Rudolf who was wanted in connection with attempted murder, has been handed over to authorities in the Republic of Cyprus on Sunday...

983. Talent shortages costing European private businesses €414 billion each year€414-billion-each-year

European private businesses’ biggest challenge is the increasingly growing skills shortage that is preventing them from hiring the right talent for growth. A PwC survey across 31 European countries shines a spotlight on a wider, ongoing issue across the region. PwC estimates that the skills shortage is costing the region €414 billion annually in lost revenues - just from private businesses. That’s around 2.6%of European GDP and is more than the combined annual GDP of Greece and Portugal. ...

984. Cyprus’ borrowing cost continues downward trend

985. North and south exchange murder suspects

An exchange of murder suspects took place between north and south on Thursday, with officials on both sides of divided Cyprus sending a clear message against impunity for crimes...

986. Die-hard eurosceptic or opportunist?

987. Divers find third suitcase in red lake

Divers located the third suitcase in the red lake believed to contain the remains of an adult Filipina in the serial killer case...

988. Defence grills witness in Yeroskipou trial

The defence in the dog mauling trial has raised questions over bite marks on the victim, with a dog trainer admitting during cross-examination that his testimony was based on photographs alone and he never examined the defendant’s Rotties...

989. Number of Cypriots who want to send their names to Mars rises

990. Extradition flop cases back in the spotlight

A number of legal ‘faux pas’ in failed extraditions have reappeared in the local press, including that of an alleged mystery spy, following the failure of Cypriot authorities to extradite a Kurdish man wanted by Germany on terrorism-related charges...