12° Nicosia,
01 October, 2024


Displaying results 3481-3510 of 3592 matches for query Greece.

3481. Buying Greek property makes sense

Investor confidence in the real estate market’s prospects and the notion that prices have completed their downward cycle has prompted more property acquisitions...

3482. New Turkey's hasty birth

The way in which the snap elections were called is not normal, nor is the unsettled situation in the country and on its borders...

3483. Far-right extremists attack migrants on Greek island

Police forced dozens of migrants onto buses and transported them to the Moria camp in the early hours after Mytilini was turned into a battleground...

3484. French arch stretching from the Aegean to Cyprus

There is growing evidence of a broader French plan to support Cyprus in the region but also to strengthen Greece as it tries to manage the geopolitical challenges that have accumulated in the East Med and will intensify...

3485. Turkey says enemies see Greece as 'safe haven'

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement accusing Athens of “protecting the coup plotters”...

3486. Kammenos to be summoned over botched Saudi arms sale

Leftist deputies on Thursday blocked another request from New Democracy and other opposition parties for government ministers and other officials to appear before Parliament’s Institutions and Transparency Committee to respond to questions about the botched sale of ammunition to Saudi Arabia....

3487. Early elections in Turkey give Greece the jitters

Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s decision to call for snap elections on June 24 is of direct consequence to Greece, more than at any other time, as the Turkish president increasingly espouses a nationalist stance and invests in the political gains this brings him....

3488. Britain hotter than Cyprus as temperatures soar

Britain was warmer than popular holiday hotspots including the Costa Del Sol, parts of Cyprus and Greece as the mercury reached 27C - making it the hottest day so far...

3489. Greek court releases Turkish officer under tight security

The serviceman, who piloted the military helicopter which brought the eight officers to Greece a day after the botched coup, had been granted protection by an asylum appeals committee in December...

3490. London believes Cyprus peace process should start sooner than later

British High Commissioner says "whatever is going to happen should start to happen quickly because after such a long delay since last summer and with other things that are happening, the world is not waiting"...

3491. A need to upgrade Greece’s F-16 fighter jets

Lawmakers are awaiting a joint report by the State and Defense departments on how the country can help Greece upgrade its existing F-16 fleet...

3492. Turkish fighter jets harass Tsipras's helicopter

Two Turkish fighter aircraft reportedly harassed the Chinook helicopter carrying Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the Greek Armed Forces Chief Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis as they were flying from the islet of Ro to Rhodes on Tuesday afternoon....

3493. Athens will not bow to Turkish bully-boy tactics

Greek PM says Greece will not back down from protecting its sovereign rights ...

3494. Flag claim sparks fresh tension between Greece and Turkey

Ankara’s dispute of Greek sovereignty brought the two countries to the brink of war in 1996 over the islet of Imia...

3495. Leaders ponder next steps after dinner date failure

There was no breakthrough apart from the leaders not excluding any new moves from the UN...

3496. Five arrested in Attica drug gang bust

According to reports, the five suspects – Albanian nationals aged between 29 and 48 – are charged, among other felonies, with running a criminal gang, drugs distribution and illegal gun possession....

3497.  Two out of ten babies in Cyprus born outside of marriage

Cyprus has seen a huge rise in babies born outside of wedlock since the turn of the century with an eight-fold increase from 2.3% in 2000 to 19.1%...

3498. Cobalt offers new business class fares

Business class travellers between Cyprus and Athens can now enjoy a lower airline fare along with great comfort thanks to Cobalt Air, which has dropped its one-way Business Class down to €149 for the summer season. ...

3499. Greek banks seen passing ECB's stress tests

Fragiadakis also said the bank was looking to approach two Chinese investors for the sale of a majority stake in its insurance unit National Insurance...

3500. Cypriot leaders to sound each other out

The two Cypriot leaders are set to meet Monday evening in the buffer zone, with the two men being nowhere near a common agenda and the UN hoping at best for more meetings to follow....

3501. Celebrating Israel’s 70th Independence Day in Cyprus

The significant natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean offer much potential for joint ventures and commercial growth...

3502. Scholz seen to pick up where Schaeuble left off

Despite the cordial meeting on Friday between Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and his new German counterpart Olaf Scholz, Berlin made it clear that the key Greek demand of debt relief will only be discussed after Greece’s bailout program ends....

3503. Banks in Cyprus, Greece and Portugal may need further reserve build-up

Fitch also notes that average NPL/total loan ratios at the EU`s largest banks had declined to 4% by end-2017 from 6.5% at end-2014...

3504. Turkey and Greece ratchet up tension in the Mediterranean

With help from rabble-rousers on both sides, disputes over airspace and maritime borders, which have poisoned relations between Greece and Turkey for decades...

3505. In Cyprus cash is king

Cyprus and Greece top the list of eurozone countries where people still prefer to pay with cash, casting doubt over the claim that plastic is replacing paper in money transactions....

3506. Greece in mourning after death of fighter pilot

The jet piloted by 34-year-old Captain Giorgos Baltadoros was one of two Mirages sent to intercept a pair of Turkish F-16s...

3507. Pilot dead in Greek Air Force jet crash off Skyros

The Mirage had been one of two jets on a mission to intercept Turkish jets in the Aegean earlier in the day...

3508. Knowing exactly what we’re doing

International experience has shown that some of the greatest tragedies were the result of bad or vague communication...

3509. European Parliament to discuss detention of Greek soldiers

The European Parliament will discuss the prolonged detention of two Greek soldiers who have been in a Turkish prison since early March in a series of plenary session meetings from April 16 to 19, SYRIZA announced on Wednesday....

3510. Commission extends Greece's visa-at-the-gate scheme for Turks

The European Commission on Wednesday approved a one-year extension to a special visa agreement between Greece and Turkey that allows Turks who want to visit seven Greek islands to apply for a visa directly at their destination....