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03 July, 2024


Displaying results 661-690 of 692 matches for query Institutions.

661. Court ruling stirs Turkey tension

Greek-Turkish relations took a turn for the worse on Wednesday, with the Turkish Foreign Ministry and other senior officials accusing Athens of violating the Geneva Convention and of protecting terrorists....

662. US-Turkish tensions add to regional risk

US-Turkish relations have never been easy to manage. But the current standoff between Washington and Ankara is striking, even by the standards of an historically difficult relationship....

663. Regling says Greece will remain linked to ESM

Greece will be monitored more closely by the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and the other institutions after its bailout ends six days from now compared to other countries that emerged from rescue programs, according to ESM chief Klaus Regling....

664. 2021, a landmark year

It won’t be long before 2021 is upon us. In three years’ time Greece will be celebrating the bicentennial of its war of independence against Ottoman rule. It will be a landmark anniversary and should be commemorated as such. All sorts of institutions, foundations and associations will host events which, combined with the state ceremonies, will lend a celebratory character to the occasion....

665. Reporter fights back against hate speech

Journalists are calling on the state to curtail hate speech, following a death threat on social media against a local reporter...

666. Holding referendums in FYROM and Greece

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is moving ahead with preparations for its referendum on the name deal reached with Athens, which will pave the way for its induction to NATO and remove a major obstacle to the process for it to join the European Union....

667. Investing in knowledge

A growth rate of 1.9 percent is way too small for a country like Greece, especially as the rest of Europe’s performance is so much more robust. This is, after all, a country that shed 25 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) in the course of a decade. What we should be seeing, therefore, is the effect of a tightly wound spring, whereby a virtuous cycle of growth begins and only gets faster with time. Instead, we’re hobbling along at 1.9 percent, the slowest rate an economy can achieve after hitting rock bottom....

668. The positions of SYRIZA, New Democracy and our allies

Diplomats, analysts and officials from international institutions visiting Greece have a hard time understanding and assessing what in their eyes appears to be a bizarre political reality....

669. Erdogan says 'will never forget those who embraced coup-plotters'

In a speech to a large crowd marking the second anniversary of a foiled military coup, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that he would "never forget those who embraced the coup-plotters" in an apparent dig at Greece where eight Turkish servicemen have sought asylum....

670. Cyprus to crackdown on shell companies

The Central Bank of Cyprus has just made it harder for brokers to set up front companies on the island, following pressure from US officials who say more needs to be done to combat money laundering...

671. Catholic archbishop convicted in Australia of concealing child sex abuse

An Australian archbishop was found guilty on Tuesday of concealing child sex abuse by a priest, which Australian media said it made him the most senior Catholic in the world to be convicted on such a charge...

672. Russian 'dirty money' flowing through London damages UK

Russian money hidden in British assets and laundered through City of London financial institutions damages the government’s efforts to take a tough stance against Moscow’s aggressive foreign policy, a committee of lawmakers said...

673. Harry and Meghan seal it with a kiss

Britain’s Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle were pronounced husband and wife on Saturday by the Archbishop of Canterbury in a glittering union that brought a measure of modern Hollywood glamour into the 1,000-year-old monarchy...

674. Co-op receives two bids in good bank, bad bank scenarios

The Cooperative Central Bank (CCB) announced on Monday it has received two bids as part of its privatisation process launched in March, with one bidder going after the ‘good bank’ scenario just as the European Commission approved the acquisition of Altamira Cyprus by a joint platform with CCB and one of the bidders...

675. Chemical attack accusations ‘a farce’ Assad tells Kathimerini‘a-farce-assad-tells-kathimerini

In an exclusive interview with Kathimerini, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad denied that the Syrian Army used chemical weapons against civilians while taking aim at both Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Donald Trump...

676. Breast cancer screening failure may have shortened 270 lives in England

As many as 270 women’s lives may have been shortened after an IT failure in England’s breast cancer screening programme meant 450,000 patients were not invited for appointments...

677. Don’t get caught up in the East Med energy hype

It is tempting for resource-poor countries to overestimate the promise of newly discovered hydrocarbon resources, particularly in times of need...

678. Crunch year as Cyprus bids to become regional energy player

Cyprus is ramping up efforts to become a regional energy player with 2018 seen as a critical year in deciding where it stands, Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides said in an exclusive interview with Kathimerini...

679. Two Cypriot universities among top 10 in New Europe

Two universities in Cyprus have been ranked second and third among best institutions from new EU member states, with institutions from 12 out of 13 countries making the list. ...

680. One in five financial institutions consider cryptocurrency trading

Banks are examining client interest and several hedge funds have tried their hand trading virtual currencies...

681. Kammenos to be summoned over botched Saudi arms sale

Leftist deputies on Thursday blocked another request from New Democracy and other opposition parties for government ministers and other officials to appear before Parliament’s Institutions and Transparency Committee to respond to questions about the botched sale of ammunition to Saudi Arabia....

682. Co-op suffered 'nightmare' bank run

A top official at the Cooperative Bank says more money was lost in bank deposits first quarter this year, just shy of 2 billion, than the outflow during the 2013 crisis....

683. FinMin: Revenue from NPLs management will repay cost of support to Co-op

Government moves include establishing an asset – management company, based on conditions that the competent European institutions will set and depending on the finalisation of investment interest in the Co-op...

684. Celebrating Israel’s 70th Independence Day in Cyprus

The significant natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean offer much potential for joint ventures and commercial growth...

685. Scholz seen to pick up where Schaeuble left off

Despite the cordial meeting on Friday between Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and his new German counterpart Olaf Scholz, Berlin made it clear that the key Greek demand of debt relief will only be discussed after Greece’s bailout program ends....

686. Adrift in dangerous storms

Now that things are becoming more difficult, many government officials stick to believing what they want to believe rather than trying to manage reality...

687. Migrant caravan heading to US puts Mexico in tough spot

So far the Mexican federal government has provided little guidance on how to handle the migrants...

688. Food, buses, and cash - Getting out the vote the Egyptian way

Some women in working class Cairo neighbourhoods told Reuters they were promised bags of food in exchange for voting...

689. University of Cyprus among world's best

US News examines the 1250 best schools and colleges of higher education using a wide range of criteria...

690. Cooperative Bank looking to attract investors

The investor can acquire some or all of the share capital...