12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2281-2310 of 3816 matches for query Ministry.

2281. Self rapid tests enter debate again in Cyprus

At-home Covid rapid tests could soon be widely available to consumers in the Republic of Cyprus, but a local expert says self-swabbing should only be offered to people who are vaccinated...

2282. Cabbies want no politics in pumping gas north

Taxi drivers in the Republic of Cyprus went on strike Tuesday to air their grievances against customs officials who allegedly have been threatening cabbies to have their vehicles confiscated if they filled up in the north...

2283. The association of retail companies requests exemptions to CovScan

Following the ruckus in retail businesses during the first days of the CovScan check, companies continue to document problematic issues arising from the verification requirement. ...

2284. Israel: Children aged 5-11 can be vaccinated against COVID-19

Israel has announced that children aged five to 11 can be vaccinated against COVID-19 and that the start date of the vaccination campaign will be announced in a few days....

2285. Ministry gives green light to booster shots for 18 and older

The proposal of the Minister of Health, Mr. Michalis Hadjipandelas, was approved at today's meeting by the Council of Ministers...

2286. Changes in scooter legislation

During its session yesterday, the Council of Ministers approved two bills for the regulation of Personal Mobility Devices, also known as scooters or e-scooters....

2287. Cyprus receives financial support from Brussels for border management

In a letter, the European Commission Delegation to Cyprus clarified the amounts of the subsidies allocated to Cyprus from the EU during 2 program periods. ...

2288. Rift ignites over access to pandemic data in Cyprus

A great rift has been taking place within the government’s scientific advisory team in the Republic of Cyprus, with some members demanding more data and a bigger say on policy and others ready to offer their opinions whenever officials need expert advice...

2289. Cypriot experts dissent from government decisions

A frustrated local epidemiologist in Cyprus is calling on the government to reevaluate its latest response to the pandemic, saying politicians are ignoring local data on how vaccinated persons continue to spread the coronavirus...

2290. Retailers furious over CovScan’s glitchy start

A controversial android app pushed by the government to help businesses authenticate Safe Pass holders had a rough first day on Monday, with retailers upset over reported failures ranging from vaccinated documents being flagged as invalid to two different devices scanning the same QR code but giving different results...

2291. Nouris: 60-100 immigrants pass through the green line every day

According to the Minister of Interior, Nikos Nouris, 60 to 100 illegal immigrants and asylum seekers cross the green line every day....

2292. Cyprus is expected to be more affected by climate change in the coming decades

Cyprus is expected to be much more affected by climate change in the coming decades, said today the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Costas Kadis,...

2293. Cyprus awaits Brussels decision on golden passports

The President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus has approved at least 390 golden passport applications despite European warnings after the program was scrapped last year, with Interior Minister Nicos Nouris saying he has already explained the logic to the European Commission but hasn’t heard back yet...

2294. CovScan Cyprus starts running on trial basis

Door greeters at supermarkets started using the android app CovScan on Monday to verify the authenticity of their customers’ Safe Pass documents, but the program will run on a trial basis for two weeks following criticism that consumers and businesses had little time to prepare...

2295. Booster shots begin for people 50 and over

Following the decision of the Council of Ministers yesterday regarding COVID-19 booster shots for vulnerable citizens and those aged 50 and over, the Health Ministry announces the following:...

2296. Berlin: Dead Russian diplomat outside his country's embassy

A 35-year-old Russian diplomat was found dead in front of his country's embassy in Berlin under unclear circumstances. ...

2297. CovScan Cyprus mandatory but questions remain

Door greeters at supermarkets and other businesses will have to use an android app when checking Safe Pass, according to a Cabinet decision, but the policy going into effect on Monday has left many questions unanswered with citizens calling even pharmacies to get the latest scoop...

2298. Cabinet extends COVID measures to December 2

Cabinet Ministers met today and decided to extend the existing measures preventing the spread of COVID-19, following a proposal from Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantelas. The current measures will now be extended until the 2nd of December and will be evaluated accordingly....

2299. Cyprus’ top expert goes public over measures

The head of Cyprus’ government team for pandemic response says it is time for measures to evolve, calling for frequent rapid tests to apply to vaccinated people as well amid reports that many who get the jab tend to play down symptoms and carry on normally due to a false sense of security...

2300. Cyprus’ civil service secret out in the open

Thousands of civil servants have been found to run private businesses or direct companies without permission from the state, with officials calling on violators to comply with the law and some politicians calling for an investigation into possible conflicts of interest...

2301. Bicycle subsidy website suspended indefinitely

The government portal for bike subsidy applications was temporarily shut down due to "excessive interest" in the scheme....

2302. Cypriot ‘superminister’ accused of obstructing sea rescues‘superminister-accused-of-obstructing-sea-rescues

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris has slammed a report about him calling the shots to hinder sea rescues of refugees, accusing a journalist of pushing an 'extremely dangerous' open doors agenda while the local newspaper is hitting back with a little-known 'embarrassing' incident...

2303. Council of Europe: Government in Cyprus ‘too centralized’

Cyprus remains a “very centralized country”, according to a report from the Associated Press. ...

2304. Cabinet ends citizenship ordeal for mixed couple’s kids

The President’s Cabinet has granted citizenship to two siblings from a bicommunal mixed family, following criticism that their applications for identification cards were caught in a political stalemate for having a Turkish grandfather...

2305. Cabinet approves booster jab for those vaccinated with J&J

The Cabinet today announced the extension of existing COVID preventive measures until November 9 and the initiation of booster shots for people vaccinated with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine....

2306. Government subsidies to replace electrical appliances in homes

The Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry is in the process of preparing a Sponsorship Plan for the replacement of electrical appliances in the homes of vulnerable electricity consumers, following and announcement made by Minister Natasa Pilides. ...

2307. Less red tape for asylum seekers but no new options

Labor minister Zeta Emilianidou says her office has simplified paperwork for the hiring of asylum seekers, but the country's chamber of commerce says cutting red tape and shuffling less paper does not solve staff shortages in fields that are still inaccessible to those applicants...

2308. Investigation into toxic substance found in nasal swabs

The Minister of Health is in contact with the Attorney General and the Chief of Police to investigate reports that a toxic substance was found in the swabs used to perform rapid tests....

2309. Bicycle subsidies for Cyprus

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works announces that on November 1, 2021 it will launch the first electronic platform through which citizens can apply for a subsidy to purchase a new non-electric bicycle....

2310. Calls to end uncontrolled garbage disposal

Cypriot citizens will once again be burdened with financial sanctions imposed by the EU if regulations against uncontrolled garbage disposal are not implemented....