12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2401-2430 of 3816 matches for query Ministry.

2401. Booster shot up in the air as Cyprus vaccinates

Cyprus is very close to having 70% of eligible adults fully vaccinated, but debate on what’s next such as a booster shot is far from over as Israel gets unexpected data and WHO warns against an 'ill-advised' third dose...

2402. Massive forest fire ravages Greek island

Firefighters and residents battled into the night Monday for a seventh day against a massive fire on Greece’s second-largest island as the nation endured what the prime minister described as 'a natural disaster of unprecedented proportions'...

2403. Hospital admissions and discharges even out

The latest trend in COVID hospitalizations in the Republic of Cyprus suggests admissions and discharges are evening out, with health officials still calling on the public to get vaccinated following a spike of cases in July...

2404. Thousands flee fires in Greece, Turkey

Thousands of people fled wildfires burning out of control in Greece and Turkey on Friday, including a major blaze just north of the Greek capital of Athens that claimed one life, as a protracted heat wave left forests tinder-dry and flames threatened populated areas and electricity installations...

2405. Vax message clear but data all over the place

Health officials have been trying to paint the big picture in Covid hospitalizations this week saying the virus was striking people under 50 who were unvaccinated, but by Friday morning meaningful information on hospital cases was still in short supply...

2406. Wildfires roar back to life near Athens

Wildfires north of Athens leapt back to life on Thursday as searing conditions persisted and emergency crews battled blazes across Greece for a third day running...

2407. Unvaxxed hospitalization data still sporadic

Most hospital admissions for COVID-19 in Cyprus concern unvaccinated cases according to health officials, but basic details on cases regarding infected patients remain sporadic...

2408. Isolation guidance eases but not for all contacts

New health ministry guidance in Cyprus has reduced the required period before infected persons can end their isolation regardless of vaccination history, but different criteria continue to apply for close contacts depending on whether they are vaccinated or not...

2409. President furious at critics of teen vaccinations

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades rushed to the defense of a local Pediatric Society on Monday, calling threats against its members a 'disgrace' after they were targeted for recommending summer vaccinations for young teens...

2410. Unvaccinated literally squeezed into a corner

People no longer eligible for free rapid tests in government-run facilities were literally squeezed into a corner under the hot sun in Paphos on Sunday, while it was a walk in the park for vaccinated individuals and others in that town who were still eligible for state-funded testing based on the latest decree...

2411. Minister says unvaccinated should pay up

Cypriot Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantela suggests vaccinated persons do not need to take rapid tests for Covid, adding those who choose to remain unvaccinated should now have to pay out of their own pocket to keep getting tested if they want to use Safe Pass...

2412. Cypriot government toughens Safe Pass rules

The Cabinet announced on Friday that new pandemic rules will apply on Monday, including a greater number of shops out of reach for people without a Safe Pass and follow up rapid or PCR tests checks for foreign visitors who are not vaccinated...

2413. Nicosia, Ankara worlds apart over resolution

Nicosia has welcomed a Security Council resolution that renewed the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus and also delved into other aspects of the Cyprus Problem, with Ankara crying foul and saying the UN violated its own rules...

2414. Cabinet flirts with Safe Pass across the board

The President's Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus meets Friday to consider tougher rules that could place even small bakeries and mini markets off limits to people not using a Safe Pass...

2415. Lack of data stymies booster shot debate

Discussion in Cyprus over the possibility of a COVID booster shot ahead of the flu season is still up in the air, with the debate prompting officials to break an embargo on vaccination data of hospitalized patients and reveal that half of the older adult and elderly were vaccinated...

2416. Cyprus to vaccinate aliens but details unclear

The health ministry in the Republic of Cyprus has announced a new program aimed at vaccinating foreign persons of alien status, but details remained unclear regarding specific groups including undocumented individuals...

2417. Data suggest things less bad with vaccinations

Daily detection of COVID infections continued to drop in the Republic of Cyprus but cases still remained in the upper hundreds, with experts suggesting a very bad epidemiological situation could have been a lot worse had it not been for vaccinations on the island...

2418. Brussels warns Ankara over Varosha

The European Union has warned Turkey it will “consider actions” if there is no reversal on a plan by Ankara-backed Turkish Cypriots to partially reopen the abandoned town of Varosha...

2419. Police investigate Safe Pass knife incident

Police are investigating an incident in Limassol where the owner of a restaurant says he sustained knife injuries after a customer refused to show a Safe Pass document...

2420. Limassol cites decree after Safe Pass mishmash

The City of Limassol has weighed in on a recent confusion over Safe Pass for cruise passengers ashore, with officials citing verbatim the latest emergency law following reports that guests had not been allowed into local shops and restaurants...

2421. Crunch time as hospital admissions reach high

Worst case scenarios and emergency staffing are once again the topic of discussion among health experts in Cyprus, with hospitalizations reaching new records for summer at a time when medics are taking vacation...

2422. Cypriot officials tackle data gap on vaccinated

Health officials in the Republic of Cyprus are trying to regroup this week following public criticism over lack of information on vaccinated persons, with plans underway said to include cross referencing vaccination data with close contacts of infected persons and more qualitative data...

2423. EY acted as lead advisor to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus for the re-development of the Larnaca Port and Marina area

The Strategy and Transactions team of EY Cyprus undertook a lead financial advisory role on behalf of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works (“MTCW”) of the Republic of Cyprus in the successful completion of the transaction for the re-development of the Larnaca Port and Marina area between the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and Kition Ocean Holdings Ltd. ...

2424. Turks set Varosha plan in motion

Greek Cypriots are preparing a response to Turkish Cypriot plans to reopen part of Varosha, a risky proposition made official following an announcement by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar on Tuesday in the northern part of the island...

2425. Safe Pass law lets door greeters inspect ID docs

Business establishments in the Republic of Cyprus are now inspecting Safe Pass documents presented at the entrance by customers, who are also required by emergency law to show proof of identity when the employee at the door doubts the veracity of a person’s identity...

2426. Safe Pass for supermarket made official

Grocery shoppers in the Republic of Cyprus may no longer shop at a supermarket if they do not have a Safe Pass, based on the latest decree published on Monday by the health ministry affecting all domains of social life in response to last week’s surge in daily infections...

2427. Marine patrol chased out of northern waters

A Greek Cypriot police vessel was chased out of an area north of Tylliria, with reports saying shots were fired before an encounter with a Turkish coast guard vessel came to an end, while a Turkish Cypriot statement denies such an incident ever took place...

2428. Cabinet mulls over Safe Pass across the board

Health experts in Cyprus are calling for Safe Pass requirements in indoor public spaces to apply across the board, including supermarkets and bakeries, with the Cabinet expected Friday to decide on new measures aimed at slowing down a recent spike but also boosting vaccinations...

2429. Cyprus tries to patch up worsening conditions

The Cabinet will have a lot on its plate during a meeting rescheduled for Friday amid deteriorating epidemiological conditions in Cyprus, with a number of loopholes in the government’s fight against the pandemic popping up one after the other...

2430. Delta wreaks havoc as Cyprus passes 1000 mark

The Republic of Cyprus reported 1081 new cases on Tuesday, as government officials confirmed that the Delta variant was the dominant bug ravaging the community and experts called on the public to be vigilant...