by Andreas Kokkinos
With the epidemiological picture showing a small but steady improvement, the road to normalcy is wide open, with the agenda including the lifting of more restrictions and ultimately the introduction of new significant relaxations.
The new relaxation model may even include the complete lifting of restrictive measures
According to Kathimerini's sources, the further reduction of restrictive measures is expected to act as a catalyst toward the smooth operation of the Economy, with the government "pushing" for the removal of several restrictions during the Easter holidays.
However, skepticism remains on the part of the Ministry of Health and some scientists regarding a sharp transition to normalcy.
According to information from "Kathimerini", possible relaxations may include the complete lifting of restrictive measures. As we were told, in the next phase, the abolition of Safepass is expected, followed by the lifting of restrictions with regard to arrivals regardless of vaccination status and without the need for a rapid antigen detection test or PCR.
This in itself marks a new era since the beginning of the pandemic when the movement of citizens was regulated by safe passes and other restrictions. However, these are not the only changes that will come with the adoption of the new model.
The 2-meter distance requirement observed in restaurants and entertainment areas will no longer be in place while capacities at public venues return to 100%. The use of a protective mask indoors is expected to be abolished as well, however, it will still be recommended by officials.
The above plan is expected to be discussed at noon on Holy Monday (April 18) at the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee with the Minister of Health Michael Hadjipantela. The suggestions will consequently be presented to the Council of Ministers for approval.
Despite public pressure to lift restrictions more quickly, there is skepticism and some epidemiologists are saying that it would be best to continue the existing measures during the Easter holidays and lift restrictions on May 1st instead.
[This article was translated from its Greek original]