12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2431-2460 of 3816 matches for query Ministry.

2431. Cyprus takes vaccine message to Facebook

Officials from the health ministry have partnered up with health experts and a patients advocate group in order to reach out to Facebook users who may be unsure about the pandemic or have concerns about getting vaccinated...

2432. Policing Safe Pass put to the test

An incident in broad daylight in Nicosia has raised questions over the latest use of Safe Pass, with police keeping quiet about reports of a downtown arrest and some business owners refusing to check documents at the door...

2433. Jewel sets sail fully vaccinated from Limassol

The Jewel of the Seas sets sail from Limassol on Saturday marking the beginning of Royal Caribbean’s return to the Mediterranean, a bold move mid-pandemic after Cypriot authorities jumped on board to offer a helping hand to an industry desperately looking for a welcoming port...

2434. Cyprus raises bar for sake of normality

The President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus has added a few finishing touches on its latest Safe Pass measures as daily COVID cases continue to rise, with the government allowing more flexibility for businesses willing to cater to people who are vaccinated...

2435. Virus expert says Cyprus is doing it wrong

Daily cases continue to rise in the Republic of Cyprus with officials pleading with the public to adhere to health protocols, but a local expert in the private sector says the government is doing it all wrong...

2436. Cyprus rolls out ‘jab discount’ for hotel stays‘jab-discount-for-hotel-stays

Lodging businesses in the Republic of Cyprus have until Friday to apply for a state subsidy that would partially fund hotel stays for vacationers who got the vaccine or the state has a record of their recovery from COVID...

2437. Questions emerge in Cyprus fire deaths

Pro-migrant group KISA is accusing authorities and farmland bosses of leaving foreign workers to fend for themselves in Saturday’s wildfire in Cyprus, as more questions are being raised following the death of four Egyptian workers who perished while trying to evacuate in an inferno with the odds overwhelmingly stacked against them...

2438. Cyprus readies gratitude gift bag for vaccinated

New measures to reward vaccinated citizens in the Republic of Cyprus are to be decided in a Cabinet meeting on Friday following a sevenfold increase in daily COVID cases, with the government seeking ways to punish those who refuse to get the jab...

2439. Cyprus under pressure to get it right

Tough measures amid a recent spike may be off the table for now in the Republic of Cyprus as a partial Cabinet meets to brainstorm on ways to boost vaccination, with a skeptical public remaining either unconvinced about the vaccine route or still in the dark over pandemic data...

2440. President tells youth unvaccinated ain’t cool

Daily COVID cases rose to 314 on Monday in the Republic of Cyprus, with President Nicos Anastasiades calling vaccinations 'patriotic duty' and reminding the youth is not invulnerable...

2441. Cyprus airports to accept EUDCC on July 1

The Cabinet that convened Wednesday, amended the Action Plan for the operation of airports to include the EU Digital COVID Certificate which will be issued by the EU Member States, as well as by the countries of the European Economic Area and by the Switzerland...

2442. Cyprus turned topsy-turvy after mutation news

Clusters amongst partygoers and highly contagious infections undetected for several weeks have emerged in the Republic of Cyprus, causing headaches for officials who are now going through guest lists line by line to track down hundreds of people before it is too late...

2443. Israel worried over cases linked to Cyprus

Cyprus and Israel are once again facing a sudden jump in daily COVID cases, with both countries dealing with unclear information about the latest spread and Tel Aviv imposing new measures over fears that travelers might have played a role in the infection spike...

2444. Daily cases back to triple digits in Cyprus

Authorities in the Republic of Cyprus reported on Tuesday 122 new cases of COVID-19, after a period when daily numbers remained in the lower double digits...

2445. Cyprus wants younger age groups jabbed

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou is calling on younger groups to get vaccinated, suggesting the vast majority of cases or hospitalizations were citizens who have not been jabbed, while a local expert points to lack of data on mutations as also worrisome...

2446. Yiolitis walks away with ‘clear conscience’‘clear-conscience

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades had no further comment but to thank outgoing Justice Minister Emily Yiolitis, who resigned Thursday following a barrage of bad publicity implicating her as the 'weakest link' in the administration ahead of an upcoming Cabinet reshuffle...

2447. Cyprus bans foreign travelers from India

The Republic of Cyprus has issued an emergency order banning entry of foreign nationals traveling to the island from India, except Cypriots, Europeans, and permanent residents who now must undergo additional screening, in an attempt to slow down further spread of the Indian variant of Covid-19...

2448. Cyprus to try hand at luxury camping

Cyprus’s tourism minister says there is great interest in Cyprus becoming a “glamping” destination, but laws need to be amended as luxury camping, a crossover between campgrounds and hotels, is not currently regulated in the Republic...

2449. Minister urges COVID survivors to get jabbed

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou is calling on COVID survivors in the Republic of Cyprus to get vaccinated, saying vaccines offer protection...

2450. Cyprus lifts curfew as nightclubs open

The government of the Republic of Cyprus lifted a night curfew on Thursday as further relaxations of pandemic measures kicked in, including the opening of nightclubs based on last-minute protocols...

2451. Cyprus tries to find footing in tourism chaos

Tourism deputy minister Savvas Perdios remained optimistic after a trip to Moscow, saying he hoped Russia would allow the resumption of chartered flights to destinations including Cyprus in a matter of weeks, but he also reiterated his position that all the efforts in Nicosia still depended largely on decisions in other capitals...

2452. Cyprus issues temporary vax docs for travel

The Republic of Cyprus began on Tuesday issuing a temporary COVID-19 vaccination certificate to citizens who wish to travel abroad in June, with the paper document valid until the new European Digital COVID Certificate is scheduled to be introduced on July 1...

2453. Cyprus’ passport committee issues final report

Over half of the golden passports approved by the President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus were illegal, a special committee has found, and it is now up to the attorney general to ascertain whether any ministers may have had fraudulent intent...

2454. Text blunder adds to vaccination confusion

Dozens of people showed up to get a vaccine in Limassol on Monday after thousands of appointments had been canceled or rescheduled due to a nurse strike, but some people insist they had received a text reminder in the morning asking them to proceed with the appointment...

2455. PASYNO nurses strike over ministry probe

Cyprus’ PASYNO Nurses Association went on strike Monday to protest against a disciplinary probe that examines whether five members who refused to work in Athalassa hospital during COVID had breached their contract...

2456. Cyprus enters new phase of relaxations

The Republic of Cyprus entered on Friday a new phase of easing of COVID restrictions, including people allowed to stay out during curfew if they are attending a wedding celebration...

2457. Cyprus reopens checkpoints in buffer zone

Barricades in downtown Nicosia’s checkpoint were removed Friday as Cyprus’ two communities north and south agreed to ease movement restrictions imposed during the COVID pandemic...

2458. Cyprus checks more items off relaxation list

Further easing of COVID restrictions went into effect Tuesday in the Republic of Cyprus, with daily cases remaining very low but a night curfew still remains in place until middle of next week...

2459. Athens irked over Cavusoglu’s minority tweet

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Sunday began his trip to Greece, with a tweet about an unofficial visit to the northeastern province of Thrace prompting angry reactions from Athens...

2460. Cyprus adopts restrictions for AstraZeneca

The Republic of Cyprus is adopting age restrictions for the AstraZeneca vaccine, following a fatal blood clot incident and intense debate amongst health experts, with the decision coming just hours after the health minister had warned he would seek answers abroad if the advisory team failed to deliver a solid recommendation...