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17 June, 2024


Displaying results 61-90 of 207 matches for query Peacekeeping.

61. Locals near buffer zone puzzled over circling plane

Two Turkish airplane sightings flying over local areas were reported Thursday by Greek Cypriots near the buffer zone in rural locations outside the divided capital, with UN officials saying they are looking into the incident...

62. Pope reveals ongoing secret Vatican peace mission in Ukraine

During his flight back to Rome after concluding his visit to Hungary, Pope Francis informed reporters that there is a secret Vatican peacekeeping mission taking place in Ukraine....

63. UN report reveals 47 mine-contaminated areas in Cyprus

According to data from UNFICYP, 47 suspected hazardous areas in Cyprus could be contaminated with mines and/or explosive remnants of war (ERW), covering roughly 1.7 million square meters of land....

64. UNFICYP fails to stop illegal activities in buffer zone

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Cyprus has expressed serious concern over the United Nations Peacekeeping Force's (UNFICYP) failure to stop illegal activities taking place in a stadium located in the buffer zone in Nicosia, despite repeated representations by the ministry....

65. Cyprus joins EU arms buying push to help Ukraine

Cyprus will continue its full support and solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, Defence Minister Michael Georgallas said on Wednesday during an informal meeting of EU Defence Ministers in Stockholm...

66. Cypriot humanitarian aid en route to Turkey

Humanitarian aid donated by Greek Cypriots was loaded onto UN trucks in the buffer zone on Wednesday in cooperation with Turkish Cypriot relief efforts to earthquake victims...

67. Who will be the 8th president of the Republic of Cyprus?

Cyprus will know who the new President of the Republic is in a matter of hours. The two candidates, Nikos Christodoulidis and Andreas Mavroyiannis, will fight their final battle after an intense and lengthy pre-election campaign. Follow up to the minute counts below:...

68. Cyprus at the crossroads

South African citizens/voters had two choices in deciding their country's future in 1990. The first option was to maintain the status quo, which would have resulted in a major civil war that would have destroyed the country and resulted in many deaths....

69. PODCAST: Time for the US to put more energy into solving the Cyprus problem

The UN Security Council just renewed the mandate for UNFICYP – the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus – for another year instead of for six months. ...

70. UN peacekeeping force mandate to be renewed annually

The mandate for United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) is expected to get renewed annually, instead of every six months, from now on....

71. Nicosia scrambles to keep CyProb on UN agenda

Greek Cypriots want UN reports on the Cyprus Problem to continue every six months, but sources say the Security Council is leaning towards an annual extension at least for the peacekeeping force mandate following 'no meaningful progress' on the issue...

72. Stewart categorically denies alleged statements on 'Yeni Duzen'

The head of the peacekeeping force in Cyprus, Colin Stewart, has categorically rejected the references attributed to him following representations by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs....

73. UN chief sees no common ground in divided Cyprus

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' report on the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, released on Wednesday night as an official document of the Security Council, number S/2023/3, records the lack of common ground between the two sides for peace talks leading to a mutually agreeable solution...

74. Princess Anne arrives in Cyprus tomorrow for a 2-day visit

Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Princess Anne, will visit the Republic of Cyprus, the United Nations Buffer Zone and the Sovereign Base Area at Dhekelia on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th of January, the High Commission announced. The Princess will also be received by President Nicos Anastasiades at the Presidential Palace....

75. Leaked UN report on Cyprus raises eyebrows

A draft report by the UN Secretary General on the peacekeeping force in divided Cyprus has been leaked to Greek Cypriot media, prompting political pundits to point to bleak and candid references to a host of divisive issues including...

76. Stewart brings in Menelaou and Olgun for a chat

The top UN official and Head of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) Colin Stewart, hosted on Wednesday morning at the United Nations in Nicosia, the Greek Cypriot Negotiator, Menelaos Menelaou, and the Turkish Cypriot Special Representative, Ergun Olgun, to discuss ongoing matters that concern Cyprus...

77. Anastasiades to brief Slovakian president on Cyprus issue

Cyprus President, Nicos Anastasiades, will have a meeting today at 12:45 with the President of Slovakia, Zuzana Čaputová, with whom he is expected to discuss, among other things, the Cyprus issue...

78. UN invites divided Cyprus’ leaders to a social

The two community leaders of divided Cyprus will mark the end of 2022 next month during a social event hosted in the UN buffer zone, with the encounter taking place at a time when chances for new peace talks range from slim to none...

79. Chinese Ambassador: UN turns down agreement with pseudo-state for UNFICYP

Chinese Ambassador: The UN rejected an agreement with the pseudo-state for UNFICYP ...

80. Student demonstrators call for reunification (images)

Students marched on Tuesday in Nicosia and other government-controlled areas of Cyprus, in protest of the unilateral declaration of the illegal Turkish Cypriot regime. ...

81. State Department reiterates US position for federal Cyprus solution

The State Department says that it is vital that the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) is able to fulfill its mission throughout the island, as authorized by the UN Security Council while reiterating the US position in favor of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal settlement to the Cyprus problem....

82. UN intervenes when Turkish soldiers move towards farmer in buffer zone

Turkish soldiers were mobilized on Tuesday, in the Astromeritis area, west of the capital Nicosia, in the sight of a Greek Cypriot farmer who went to the Buffer Zone to do work, related to his agricultural activity in the area. ...

83. Crimea platform ‘Cyprioted’ during odd exchange‘cyprioted-during-odd-exchange

An odd exchange took place on Tuesday during a parliamentary summit on Crimea, when Cypriot House Speaker Annita Demetriou took issue with a point of order raised by a Turkish delegation member who criticized invasion references to the Cyprus Problem...

84. Greek Cypriots feel left out of UN buffer zone decision

A recent decision by UN Peacekeepers in Cyprus to okay the launch of renovation work on a Turkish Cypriot football pitch in the buffer zone has angered Greek Cypriots, who view the process as an effort by the north to score a point against the south...

85. Nouris: EU should sanction countries that instrumentalize migration

The EU should have concrete sanctions in place when there is proof that migrants are being instrumentalized, as in the case of Cyprus, Interior Minister Nicos Nouris said....

86. UN confirms letter from T/C side regarding 'status of forces'

"Matters relating to cooperation with UNFICYP forms part of our regular and ongoing dialogue with the Turkish Cypriot side," ...

87. UN forces told to recognize 'TRNC' or leave

According to today's front page of the Turkish daily Hurriyet, 'officials' in the occupied north of Cyprus are requesting that peacekeeping personnel leave their UN installations if they do not recognize the TRNC state....

88. Metsola has full plate as she flies to Cyprus

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola is flying for an official visit to Cyprus, where years ago she spent time as a college student, but this short trip is packed with hot button issues for Europe’s youngest-ever speaker...

89. UNFICYP urges caution after buffer zone reports

A couple of incidents that took place in the buffer zone are making headlines in Cyprus, including allegations that Turkish soldiers violated the green line, with UN peacekeepers saying they were investigating but also urging caution before drawing conclusions...

90. Twitter wars get ugly over Cyprus 1974

Cyprus’ UN ambassador has called on Turkey to step aside so that Cypriots could reunite after Ankara accused Nicosia and Athens of not wishing to reach a settlement, with sides giving their own account of events amid an emotionally charged weekend for Greek Cypriots...