12° Nicosia,
16 June, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 207 matches for query Peacekeeping.

31. Pyla buffer zone free of military presence

An agreement reached on Monday morning in relation to the issue of the buffer zone in the area of Pyla would ensure the status of the buffer zone and the non-presence of military and “police” forces of the occupying authorities, diplomatic sources told CNA, describing the development as “a very big” confidence building measure (CBM)....

32. UN secures Pyla buffer zone agreement

In a recent statement, the United Nations has announced a breakthrough in Pyla. According to their announcement, they have reached arrangements that are poised to bring resolution to the ongoing situation....

33. Thousands of Armenians flee Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone

Tens of thousands of ethnic Armenians have fled from Nagorno-Karabakh since the territory surrendered to Azerbaijan on 20 September....

34. UN Peacekeeping Force asserts continued use of Ledra Palace

The UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) has reaffirmed its commitment to maintain control of Ledra Palace, a historic hotel located in the Nicosia buffer zone, dismissing speculations about its return to the Church of Cyprus....

35. Erdogan calls for global recognition of 'TRNC' in defiant UN speech

In his address to the UN General Assembly, the Turkish President expressed doubts about the feasibility of a solution on the island based on the federal model, despite the sincere efforts put forth by the Turkish Cypriot side....

36. Slovakia's UN peacekeeping efforts in Pyla earn global praise

FM Constantinos Kombos and Slovak Ambassador Martin Bezak praised the principled stance of the Slovak contingent of the UN peacekeeping force during the recent incidents in Pyla....

37. EVKAF director claims increasing attacks on mosques in free areas

The director general of the EVKAF, Ibrahim Bender, has raised concerns over the increasing number of attacks targeting mosques in the free areas. ...

38. Jenca's Cyprus mission explores UN's common ground

UN Secretary-General's Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said the Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas, Miroslav Jenča, visited Cyprus from 27 to 29 August, as part of the UN’ continued engagement with the parties to explore common ground on the way forward on the Cyprus issue....

39. UN diplomat visits Cyprus amidst buffer zone tensions

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nicos Christodoulides, held a meeting with the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia, and Africa, Mr. Miroslav Jenča, at the Presidential Palace today. ...

40. Buffer zone tensions and Cyprus problem scenarios

After the incident in the buffer zone at the Gate, the National Security Council in Turkey convened. This was its first meeting after Erdogan's reelection. ...

41. Controversy surrounds Pyla project and UN response

The leader of the Turkish Cypriot community, Ersin Tatar, welcomed the new head of the General Staff of Turkey, General Metin Gkiourakos, at the "presidential" office....

42. Newly released video reveals intense confrontation in Pyla buffer zone

A newly surfaced video sheds light on the events that transpired on Friday (18/8) in the Pyla buffer zone. The video depicts Turkish Cypriots launching an assault on UN peacekeepers who were preventing unauthorized construction activity....

43. Russia joins condemnation amidst UN buffer zone tensions

Swift condemnation has followed the recent attacks on United Nations peacekeepers and the resulting damage to UN vehicles by Turkish Cypriots. A draft statement addressing the incidents in the village of Pyla, including plans by Turkey, is currently being considered by the Security Council....

44. Media's impact in Cyprus crisis: Fanning flames or offering relief?

A series of events in recent days, from Chloraka to Apostolos Andreas and then to Pyla, along with the disputes on social media about what is happening or not, remind us more than ever of the need for serious media that don't simply adopt official statements and don't stay on the surface of things, in the emotional and political stereotypes. ...

45. UN monitors Pyla situation, ready to halt unauthorized construction

There is no change in the situation in Pyla on Monday, UNFICYP told CNA, adding the Force is monitoring the situation in the area and will take action to stop any unauthorized resumption of construction....

46. UN Peacekeepers hospitalized after assault in Pyla buffer zone

Three UN peacekeepers are being treated in hospital after an assault within the buffer zone near Pyla by personnel of the Turkish Cypriot side earlier in the day....

47. ''Foreign Minister'' vows to proceed with controversial road project

Amid escalating tensions, Tahsin Ertugrologlu, the "foreign minister" of the occupied territories, remains adamant that the proposed road breaching the buffer zone is a humanitarian endeavor devoid of ulterior motives. ...

48. New video shows Turkish Cypriot - UN Peacekeepers clash near Pyla buffer zone

Fresh video footage has come to light depicting the clashes that transpired on Friday morning within the buffer zone near Pyla, involving Turkish Cypriots and United Nations personnel....

49. Clashes erupt in Pyla buffer zone as UN prevent roadwork

Clashes erupted this morning within the buffer zone near Pyla, Cyprus, as Turkish Cypriots confronted United Nations personnel. The incident unfolded as UN peacekeepers intervened to block unauthorized road construction between occupied Arsus and Pyla, which violates the established status quo....

50. Tensions rise as peacekeepers confront construction dispute in buffer zone

Clashes erupted earlier today within the buffer zone near Pyla as tensions escalated between Turkish Cypriots and United Nations personnel....

51. UN raises alarm over unauthorized construction in buffer zone

The United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) has expressed concern about plans for unauthorized construction work by the Turkish Cypriot side inside the UN buffer zone, near Pyla and has warned against it....

52. MFA probes reports of RoC land sale for planned marina

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus is investigating reports about the transfer of plots of land belonging to the Republic of Cyprus to the so-called Ministry of Finance in the occupied areas, following a decision of the illegal regime's cabinet to construct a marina in Varosha....

53. Cyprus-Argentina relations strengthened at CELAC

Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides met with Argentine President Alberto Fernández during the second day of the EU-CELAC Summit in Brussels on Tuesday. The meeting focused on two key topics: the forthcoming opening of a Cypriot embassy in Buenos Aires and the celebration of Argentina's 60th anniversary of participation in UNFICYP....

54. High stakes for Cyprus at Vilnius and New York

All eyes are turned towards Vilnius, Lithuania, and the NATO Summit, as the negotiation deadlock between Turkey and the West, with Sweden's accession to the Alliance in the background, largely determines Erdogan's grid of relations with NATO and the EU in the coming months. ...

55. MFA to meet UN secretary-general in New York

Today, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Konstantinos Kompos, begins his contacts in New York, while on Tuesday he will meet with the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres. ...

56. UN chief spells out need for envoy deal on Cyprus

An important step forward would be an agreement with the sides on an appointment of a United Nations envoy, who could explore ways to reach common ground towards resuming negotiations for a lasting settlement in Cyprus, the UN Secretary General says, while urging the leaders to send a clear signal that 'this time things will be different'...

57. UN representative seeks solutions

The UN Secretary-General's Special Representative and head of the UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), Colin Stewart, departs for the US on Monday where he is expected to brief the UN Security Council on July 12 about the situation regarding the Cyprus problem and UNFICYP....

58. Cyprus appoints new ambassador to Denmark

On June 9, 2023, a significant event took place as Mr. James Kirakosian, the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Denmark, officially presented his credentials to Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark....

59. UN top diplomat in Cyprus tries to bring leaders together

UN Secretary General's Special Representative in Cyprus, Colin Stewart, has been trying to bring together Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides, and Turkish Cypriot leader, Ersin Tatar, however this has not been made possible for the moment...

60. UNFICYP responds to allegations of farmland transfer in UN buffer zone

The UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) has rejected allegations related to Greek Cypriot farmland inside the UN buffer zone in the Denia area as "false and misleading", its spokesperson, Aleem Siddique, has said....