12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 1411-1440 of 3497 matches for query Politic.

1411. Turkish daily Hurriyet's front page: 'Efharisto poli file'

Kathimerini and SKAI correspondent, Manolis Kostidis, reports that the earthquake victims are grateful to the Greeks for the assistance provided through the EMAK, while anger at the Turkish government is at an all-time high....

1412. Rescuers work through night as hopes fade for survivors

Rescuers worked through the night to rescue people clinging to life beneath the rubble eight days after Turkey's worst earthquake in modern history but hopes of finding many more survivors were fading on Tuesday...

1413. Cypriot president-elect wants to prop EU role in peace talks

Cypriot President-elect Nikos Christodoulides says he will push for a more active and greater EU involvement in the Cyprus Problem, with calls on Brussels next month to stick to a UN framework on the divided island...

1414. Nuland and Blinken congratulated Christodoulides on Twitter

US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, known for her handling of the Cyprus issue on behalf of the State Department, congratulated the new President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Christodoulides, in a tweet quoting the corresponding congratulatory message from US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken....

1415. Five foreign policy challenges for the new President

The eighth President of the Republic of Cyprus takes over, as of March 1, exactly where his predecessor, Nicos Anastasiades, left off: That is, at a critical international juncture, due to the war in Ukraine, and just before the crucial elections in Turkey and Greece ...

1416. The ten-day stretch that ended DISY's crisis

When Averof Neophytou's disqualification from the second round was locked in on Sunday night, he made sure to call his two rival candidates in time to congratulate them on their victory. ...

1417. International reaction to Christodoulides' election

Reports on the results of the presidential election in Cyprus are dominated by what will happen the following day in Cyprus and the surrounding area. ...

1418. New brand of politics day after election in Cyprus

Former Anastasiades-cabinet member Nikos Christodoulides won the runoff presidential election on Sunday in the Republic of Cyprus, sporting a new brand of politics and vowing to form a government with 'broad social acceptance'...

1419. What factors played a role in Christodoulides' election?

Nikos Christodoulidis is the eighth President of the Republic of Cyprus and the first in history to not only be the first to cut the thread in the first round of presidential elections without the support of one of the two major parties but also to be elected President while facing AKEL and the leadership of DISY....

1420. Nikos Christodoulides is now the 8th President of the Republic of Cyprus

After all the campaigning, the name-calling, an unprecedented split in one of the nation’s oldest parties and even the bitterness emanating from certain candidates who lost in the first round, it’s finally over. ...

1421. 75% of DISY voted for Christodoulides

According to an exit poll conducted for Omega TV by Pulse Market Research on the rallies - movements of Democratic Alarm voters, 75% voted for Nikos Christodoulidis and 25% voted for Andreas Mavroyiannis....

1422. Turkey-Armenia gate opens to allow aid

A border gate between long-feuding Turkey and Armenia has been opened for the first time in 35 years to allow aid for victims of the devastating earthquakes in southern Turkey, state-owned Anadolu news agency and a diplomat said...

1423. Cypriot president weighs in with ciphered message

Cypriot outgoing president and Democratic Rally honorary president Nicos Anastasiades called on Friday for an end to the disputes between high-ranking party officials to allow DISY members to exercise their free vote during the presidential runoff election this coming Sunday, noting that he will not state his preferred candidate...

1424. Become a High Commissioner for a week

This spring, for the first time, the British and Australian High Commissioners will open their doors and their diaries to select Cypriot school students who will join a range of the High Commissioners’ meetings and events from 6th – 10th March 2023....

1425. Nicosia on weapon-buying spree before runoff election

The outgoing President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus has approved the purchase of lethal weaponry from the United States just days before a highly contested runoff election on the island, which is also expected to receive attack helicopters this year after a controversial decision in Berlin...

1426. Australian government removes Chinese-made surveillance cameras

Australia's defense department will strip its buildings of Chinese-made security cameras to ensure they are "completely secure", the government said on Thursday....

1427. Greek Cypriot rescue team still not ready

A Greek Cypriot light rescue team is looking for a way to assist in the aftermath of a deadly earthquake in Turkey, where people were racing against the clock to find survivors, but there was still little information provided by officials who rushed to clarify reasons for the delay...

1428. 'Greek fan' Menendez boasts F35 okay for Athens

US Senator Bob Menendez, who has been blocking fighter jets for Turkey over the years, told an audience in Washington this week that he was 'a fan of the Greek people' and further had no qualms about okaying the F35 stealth for Athens...

1429. DISY to vote conscience in runoff election

The Political Office of the Democratic Rally is calling on party supporters to vote their conscience in the runoff election on Sunday, after their candidate’s third place drew mixed reactions that signaled a rift among some conservatives...

1430. Turkey refuses Cyprus' offer for assistance and aid

Turkey has refused the offer by the Republic of Cyprus to send a rescue team to help with post-earthquake efforts, according to the Director General of the Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kornelios S. Korneliou....

1431. Poland: Underage rape victims denied abortion

Two Polish hospitals refused to terminate the pregnancy of an underage rape victim. The case has sparked controversy over the country's restrictive legislation, with women's rights activists insisting it must be eased....

1432. US looking for wreckage of a possible Chinese spy balloon

US Navy divers are working to recover the wreckage of the Chinese surveillance balloon that was shot down off the coast of South Carolina....

1433. Christodoulides certain he will be the next president of Cyprus

Presidential candidate, Nikos Christodoulides, has expressed certainty that he will be the winner of the elections, noting that he will seek to have meetings with Cyprus President, Nicos Anastasiades, and Democratic Party leader, Averof Neofytou, in view of the second round of the presidential elections that will take place on February 12....

1434. The candidate who engineered a 'coup' in the election campaign

Independent candidate Andreas Mavroyiannis, backed by AKEL, the Ecologists' Movement, and non-affiliated Cypriots, can be considered the big winner of the first round of elections for the 8th President of the Republic of Cyprus. ...

1435. DISY will now face difficult decisions

The embarrassed expressions on the faces of government and DISY executives who had rallied around Averof Neophytou after his defeat were indicative of the difficult dilemmas DISY will face in the coming day. ...

1436. Cyprus' conservatives in tight spot after first round

The conservative ruling party in the Republic of Cyprus is facing a “serious dilemma” this week ahead of a runoff presidential election on Sunday, with statements by DISY members already signaling a tight spot for the Right...

1437. The favorable ones

The brightest minds and talents ought to be drawn to politics. People who participate in politics for the country's benefit rather than to gain an advantage and cling to power while siphoning off what they can....

1438. Cyprus at the crossroads

South African citizens/voters had two choices in deciding their country's future in 1990. The first option was to maintain the status quo, which would have resulted in a major civil war that would have destroyed the country and resulted in many deaths....

1439. They know Europe, do we?

All three leading candidates made several references to the role of the European Union in many issues during the RIK televised debate on Wednesday, as well as in interviews on television, radio, and online shows....

1440. 'If Glafkos Clerides were still alive, he would support Averof'

DISY party members who will vote for Christodoulides are just those who are dissatisfied with the party for personal reasons. ...