After the release of an audio recording featuring a discussion between the EDEK party president, Marinos Sizopoulos, and MEP Dimitris Papadakis, EDEK issued an official statement. The audio clip was leaked on the website TVXS, revealing a heated conversation between the two about the party's financial requests from the MEP and their internal disagreements.
In the statement, EDEK emphasized that the private conversation between Marinos Sizopoulos and former MEP Dimitris Papadakis was recorded illegally, as Marinos Sizopoulos was unaware of the recording. It's clear that since this was a conversation between two individuals, one being unaware, the other must have been aware.
The unauthorized release of this recorded conversation exposes the contrasting priorities of EDEK's interests and personal interests. EDEK firmly asserts that it's unlawful to broadcast or publish private conversations that were illicitly recorded.
Regarding the substance of the conversation, EDEK clarified its stance:
1. Despite President Marinos Sizopoulos' earnest efforts to resolve the issue of Dimitris Papadakis' failure to meet his party obligations and to unify the party for the 2021 parliamentary elections, the urgings of Sizopoulos and other party leaders who met with Papadakis were met with a negative response.
2. It's noted that Papadakis did not fulfill his financial contribution to the party, a decision that was established by the Central Committee in June 2014, and one he himself had voted in favor of.
The timing of the leaked conversation is viewed as non-coincidental. It occurred at a moment when efforts were being made to undermine the EPP in anticipation of upcoming elections, such as European and local government elections. Some attempts to establish a political party or platform to challenge the EPP appear to be unsuccessful.
EDEK expresses concerns about the party's electoral processes but maintains that they are progressing positively.
Lastly, the leak may be connected to information about the Financial Crime Sub-Directorate of the Police Headquarters investigating possible illegal use of European Parliament funds by Papadakis, acting upon instructions from the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).