12° Nicosia,
01 October, 2024


Displaying results 2791-2820 of 3503 matches for query Politic.

2791. Turkey likens Syria push to Cyprus intervention

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Turkey's military offensive into northeast Syria is as "vital" to Turkey as its 1974 military intervention in Cyprus, which split the island in two....

2792. Cyprus says frigate underlines French support

Cypriot Defence Minister Savvas Angelides says a French frigate within the Cypriot EEZ was not intended to militarize a situation but to show support from France towards the Republic’s sovereign rights...

2793. Tusk sides with Nicosia over Turkish actions

European Council President Donald Tusk has reiterated EU solidarity towards Nicosia, in light of new Turkish drilling activities off the coast of Cyprus...

2794. Trump hopes to mediate between Turkey and Kurds

US President Donald Trump has put three options on the table for US action following heavy criticism and worldwide condemnation of Turkey’s military offensive in Syria...

2795. Cypriot president: Turkish offensive ‘unjustified’‘unlawful-and-arbitrary

President Nicos Anastasiades has described the Turkish military offensive in Syria as “unlawful and arbitrary"...

2796. Egypt, Cyprus, Greece condemn gas exploration by Turkey

Egypt, Cyprus, and Greece are condemning an "unlawful and unacceptable" bid by Turkey to drill inside waters where Cyprus has exclusive economic rights....

2797. Pompeo opts for diplomacy over Cyprus EEZ

The new defense deal signed between Athens and Washington will contribute to Greece’s security, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Kathimerini in a recent interview, while staying firm on diplomatic efforts regarding Cyprus' EEZ...

2798. Turkish ships disturb Cypriot waters

Nicosia and Athens are calling on Turkey to back off following Ankara’s decision to send more ships off the southern coast of Cyprus...

2799. Nicosia uses all legal, political and diplomatic means at its disposal to face Turkey's new provocations, spokesman says

The Republic of Cyprus uses all the legal, political and diplomatic means at its disposal to address new Turkish provocations in Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone, Government Spokesman Prodromos Prodromou said on Friday, following the meeting of the National Council under Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades....

2800. Sharp increase in migrant arrivals in past 5 months, says minister

Greece's migration minister said Wednesday there was a 200 percent jump in the number of migrants and refugees who have reached Greek shores in the last five months....

2801. Woman slams Cyprus after mom’s death

A petition online is calling on insurance companies to recognize the north as a legal entity, following a British woman’s death in Cyprus and her daughter’s ordeal trying to cut through red tape between the two divided communities...

2802. Serb-made Nora unveiled in Cyprus parade

A military parade was held on Tuesday in Nicosia to commemorate the 59th anniversary of the Republic of Cyprus’ independence...

2803. UNFICYP makes case for more women peacekeepers

A female lieutenant with UNFICYP says local concerns are consistently heard and addressed with more women peacekeepers on the ground...

2804. Attracting investments, relations with Turkey: A new chapter?

On a diplomatic level, the main event was Mitsotakis’ meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The two leaders discussed all the major issues. Aside from the chronic Cyprus dispute, where the situation has become even more complicated following the discovery of gas deposits, one of the most pressing issues at the moment is migration. ...

2805. Cyprus resorts to UN Security Council over Varosha

In statements to the press late on Friday after having completed all his meetings on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, President Anastasiades expressed his satisfaction about the outcome of his “interesting and extremely important” meeting with the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the understanding with which Cyprus’ positions were received by the five Security Council permanent members. ...

2806. President flies back amid criticism

The president of the Republic of Cyprus flew back to Larnaca on Monday following a private plane incident in New York, while political opponents are seeking clarification over his travel arrangements...

2807. Impeachment inquiry hits close to home

Congresswoman Maxine Waters says there is “absolutely” enough evidence to draft articles of impeachment against Trump, adding that she and other committee chairs can finish their investigations “before the year is out"...

2808. Cyprus among Juncker’s big regrets

The failure to reunify Cyprus while in office has been one of Jean Claude Juncker’s big regrets, the European Commission President told the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper in an interview...

2809. Anastasiades: We accept political equality

In this context and following a call from the Secretary General for an agreed basis for the resumption of negotiations, there is an understanding by the leaders of the two communities that the relevant “Terms of Reference” should comprise the following elements: ...

2810. Johnson goads opponents to call election as tempers flare over Brexit

Waving his arms and yelling “come on, come on”, Johnson implored his opponents in a raucous House of Commons session to bring a vote of no-confidence in the government and trigger an election to finally break the Brexit impasse. ...

2811. Safeguards against climate change

Climate change has become the main concern of the younger generations, and it seems it is the main issue that can spur them into action. The great majority of young people used to be strangers to politics and protest. Now politics is entering their lives as they realize that the decisions of those who rule the world, whether it is politicians or corporations, will decide their own future. ...

2812. Niyazi against Turkish language holdup

Cypriot MEP Niyazi Kizilyurek is calling on the European Commission to clarify why the EU is slow-walking the process of making Turkish an official language of the EU...

2813. Trump impeachment inquiry begins

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday launched a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, accusing him of seeking foreign help to smear Democratic rival Joe Biden ahead of next year’s election...

2814. UK Supreme Court rules PM Johnson's suspension of parliament was unlawful

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to shut down the British parliament for five weeks in the run-up to Brexit was unlawful, the Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday in a humiliating rebuke to him. ...

2815. Mitsotakis in New York – opportunities, substance, results–-opportunities-substance-results

This week will see the first appearance of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the United Nations General Assembly. He will make the customary speech before the plenary and be received by the UN secretary-general. However, the substance will be in the meetings that are to take place on the sidelines of the proceedings. ...

2816. Cypriot FM crashes Turkish FM’s interview

The Foreign Minister of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Christodoulides, had a two-minute exchange with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in front of cameras, highlighting their different approaches to the current peace talks...

2817. Looking for true followers

Surely it is time for Greece’s most affluent citizens to step up, not out of self-interest, but in order to help the country through this critical time. As it starts to recover from bankruptcy, the country finds itself with scant resources and huge needs in key areas. Virtually all sectors – including defense, health, education and culture – have been seriously impacted by successive waves of budget cuts, a situation that has been aggravated by the failure of Greek politicians to implement bold measures. ...

2818. Guterres says Cyprus leaders need to agree on terms of reference

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres underlined on Wednesday the importance for the two sides in Cyprus to quickly reach an agreement on the terms of reference, in order to start settlement talks, adding that the political process needs to be restarted...

2819. Israel's Netanyahu fights for record fifth term

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a battle for political survival in a closely fought election on Tuesday that could end his 10-year domination of national politics. ...

2820. The next six months are crucial

Since July’s general election, there has been a sense of optimism regarding the country’s course, especially in business circles, inside and outside of Greece. As we learn in the first lessons in economics, climate is everything. At the moment, we have a winning combination of trust and euphoria...