12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 391-420 of 536 matches for query REACTION.

391. Cypriot FM to visit Israel in a hurry

Cypriot Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides will pay a last minute visit to Israel on Tuesday, days after President Nicos Anastasiades called off his trip citing coronavirus concerns and just before debate in the neighbouring country is expected to peak over annexation plans in West Bank...

392. Borell to visit Cyprus, says island rightly complains about Turkey's activities

Greece and Cyprus have been rightly complaining about Turkey`s drilling activities near their coastlines, the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borell said Monday, noting the EU27 are increasingly concerned about the increasing escalations from Turkey....

393. North uneasy as coronavirus cases spiral in Turkey

After easing restriction measures on June 1, Turkey appears to be once again faced with the nightmare of soaring numbers of new coronavirus cases....

394. Drug suspect bites cop during traffic stop

Police officers have arrested two suspects on drug possession, with one of them also facing assault charges after he bit a drug squad agent on the hand...

395. The growing complications of the reopening of checkpoints

The discussion for the reopening of checkpoints will be anything but an easy feat, as in addition to the role played by the epidemiological situation, the matter is inevitably being politicized in view of ‘elections’ set to take place in the north, but also in light of the UNSG’s report expected around the end of June....

396. Demonstration outside refugee camp sparks Government reaction

A demonstration staged outside the Pournara camp in Kokkinotrimithia on Sunday calling for an end to the arbitrary detention of hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers stirred reaction from the Government on Tuesday, with an Interior Ministry announcement claiming it won’t be allowing any further ghettoization of the island....

397. Health services dealing with positive case at high school

The Ayiou Charalambous high school in the Paphos district Emba village, where a teacher had tested positive for coronavirus, remained closed on Tuesday while the premises were disinfected, and the state health services identified his possible contacts....

398. Second phase of relaxation of measures kicks off on Thursday

Cyprus will be making an important step toward resuming daily life as normal on Thursday, when the second phase of the gradual lifting of restriction measures is set to kick off....

399. Sunbathing pair arrested after causing scene with police

Limassol police patrolling the beaches on Sunday arrested four people in what a video that has gone viral locally showed to be a heated altercation as the beachgoers initially resisted arrest....

400. Cyprus inching towards zero cases

Only one person tested positive for the coronavirus in Cyprus on Saturday, with both sides of the divided island flattening the curve of the pandemic and easing lockdown measures...

401. President and Education Minister brush off mounting concerns

As concern mounts over the Cyprus government’s decision to send children back to school on May 21, Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou issued a press conference Friday morning to clarify how the return of students to classrooms will play out....

402. 'We've learnt nothing' from euro crisis, ex EC president Juncker says

In an interview with Politico's Brussels Playbook, former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has expressed his disappointment over the discord that emerged between euro zone countries in their attempts to come up with a joint response to the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. ...

403. EU procures medical equipment worth €2.5m for Turkish Cypriot community€2-5m-for-turkish-cypriot-community

The EU has stepped up to assist the Turkish Cypriot community in its battle against coronavirus, procuring €2.5m worth of medical equipment and mobilizing 25 medical specialists who will be sent to the north for three months....

404. President: stricter measures necessary, but undergoes 'severe crisis of conscience'

In a Facebook post on Tuesday President Nicos Anastasiades said he undergoes “a severe crisis of conscience” every time the Government is required to enforce stricter measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic, but said that current circumstances necessitate that tougher measures are taken....

405. Cooperation and Transparency Needed to Fight COVID-19

In today’s age of social media, it has unfortunately become normal to see false information reach a broad audience instantaneously through the Interne...

406. Limassol bishop pushes back mass time before lockdown enforcement

Limassol Bishop Athanasios called on the faithful to participate in church services which he said would take place earlier on Tuesday afternoon in order to avoid violating the partial curfew to be enforced at 6pm, sparking an uproar on social media....

407. Daughter of north Cyprus civil aviation chief attempts to escape quarantine in Turkey

Reactions mounted in Turkey after the daughter of the chief of civil aviation in north Cyprus attempted with the help of Turkish police to escape from a bus transferring arrivals from abroad to quarantine premises....

408. Cyprus to ban flights from 28 countries

As of Saturday, flights to the Larnaca and Paphos airports from 28 countries will be banned, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou announced on Tuesday night, noting that this stricter measure does not affect cargo....

409. Elections in the north postponed for six months

Elections in the north that were set to take place in April have been postponed for six months amid mounting chain reactions of the coronavirus outbreak, Turkish Cypriot media reported on Tuesday....

410. UN ask T/C leadership to close Ledra checkpoint

A UN proposal issued to the Turkish Cypriot leadership on Monday suggested the closure of the Ledra checkpoint from the north, as has been done by Greek Cypriot authorities, effectively forbidding the movement of civilians into the Ledra Buffer Zone....

411. Police hold the line at Ledra checkpoint

Greek Cypriot police at Nicosia's Ledra crossing thwarted a barricade breach by Turkish Cypriot protesters on Saturday, as demonstrations against the checkpoint shutdown continued on both sides of the divided island...

412. EU Commission notified of checkpoint closures

The European Commission has been informed of the temporary closing of four checkpoints, and said it would continue monitoring the situation closely in order to ensure that each closure and health checks remain in accordance with the Green Line Regulation....

413. Man in custody over Ledra protest

A local resident was remanded in custody on Sunday over a Saturday incident at Nicosia's Ledra crossing, when protesters broke through barriers that had been set up in response to the coronavirus threat...

414. Shutting checkpoints not part of the deal, Akinci says

Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci said that unilateral actions by either community for coronavirus protection, such as the closing of checkpoints, had not been agreed upon by the two leaders during the Bicommunal Technical Committee on Health meeting they co-chaired earlier in February, but stressed there is no need for panic....

415. Position on Varosha 'very clear' and unchanged, Security Council President says

The position of the Security Council on Varosha is very clear and has not changed, said Ambassador Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve, the Permanent Representative of Belgium presiding over the UN body this month....

416. Greek Government to proceed with new island camps, despite reactions

The Greek government is determined to move ahead with its plan to build new holding facilities for migrants and refugees as part of a plan to accelerate asylum procedures and deportations on the five islands hosting camps, its spokesman said on Tuesday, amid reactions to the scheme from island residents....

417. Opposition builds against planned quarry zone as thousands of trees may be axed

Intense reaction has been building up in recent days in opposition to plans to create a gravel quarry in the Delikipos forest, an extensive green patch in the Larnaca district, part of the network of Natura 2000 nature protection areas....

418. Tsipras versus the US and Trump's intervention

Opposition leader Alexis Tsipras’ critical stance toward the extension of the defense cooperation agreement between Greece and the United States is a sign of inconsistency, as he is refusing to vote in favor of an agreement that he is effectively responsible for after negotiating its parameters when he was prime minister....

419. Athens says Ankara 'playing with fire'

Athens says Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is “playing with fire” as he seeks parliament approval to send military troops into Libya, following a formal request from Tripoli...

420. Diplomatic hype over eastern Mediterranean

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias attended Christmas Mass in Istanbul amid diplomatic tensions and power play between Athens and Ankara over gas exploration in the eastern Mediterranean...