12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2491-2520 of 4308 matches for query Republic.

2491. Defence ministry targeted by hackers

Reports suggest the defence ministry of the Republic of Cyprus thwarted a cyber attack last week, around the same time a major hacking incident was reported by British defence, with both countries pointing the finger to foreign hackers...

2492. Kids get less invasive nasal swab tests

Rapid tests for kids including high school students will be less uncomfortable starting Monday, following a decision by health ministry officials amid criticism over discomfort experienced by youngsters during nasopharyngeal testing...

2493. Halloumi cheese to get PDO stamp

The Commission’s Quality Committee on Friday put its eagerly-awaited stamp of approval on Cyprus’ request for registering halloumi/hellim as a product of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). ...

2494. Cyprus' climbing positivity rate trend stabilising

The upward trend in Cyprus’ weekly coronavirus positivity rate for appears to have come to a halt, but remains at relatively high levels, an updated national surveillance report covering the period up to March 23 showed....

2495. Officers off the hook in serial killer probe

Senior law enforcement officials and frontline police officers named in a serial killer probe in Cyprus could be subject to disciplinary action but not criminal charges because of broader systemic failures and lack of evidence...

2496. EU27 open up to Turkey but with a caveat

European Union leaders made good on Thursday on a 2016 promise to deepen trade ties with Turkey, but also warned Ankara to expect sanctions if it restarts exploration over disputed hydrocarbons in the eastern Mediterranean...

2497. Over half of Cyprus population to get jab by June

By June, over 60% of Cyprus’ adult population wishing to the coronavirus jab will be vaccinated, the deputy head of the state health services Dr Olga Kalakouta said....

2498. Cyprus, Greece mount pressure for revision of EUCO conclusions

Cyprus and Greece mounted pressure on Wednesday for a revision of the draft European Council conclusions on Turkey, arguing that they should better reflect the stance taken by the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in his recent report....

2499. Nicosia seeks revision on Turkey draft

The Republic of Cyprus has raised concerns over a joint statement to be issued by the EU27 on Turkey, with sources saying Nicosia was calling for a new draft to 'better reflect' statements by officials...

2500. Cyprus updates risk-based travel list

The Health Ministry’s epidemiological surveillance unit has re-evaluated the coronavirus risk-based classification of countries after the Cabinet agreed on an action plan last month for the resumption of flights and the reopening of Cyprus airports....

2501. Anastasiades stays focused on getting EU at Geneva table

President Nicos Anastasiades delved extensively into the substantive role the EU has to play at upcoming Cyprus peace processes during a teleconference convened Friday by the European Council President Charles Michel with EU leaders....

2502. EU frontline ministers talk migration in Athens

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris is in Athens this weekend where he is attending a MED5 meeting on immigration, with some of the bloc’s Mediterranean members tackling issues stemming from Brussels’ new migration proposals that divide the union...

2503. EU will be present in Cyprus issue negotiations, senior EU official says

The EU will be present at the conference on Cyprus to be convened by the UN in Geneva in late April and at the formal negotiations that may follow, a senior EU official said at a press conference in Brussels ahead of the forthcoming Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) of Monday....

2504. Cyprus scrambles to reduce asylum backlog

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris says the government is moving forward with rejections of asylum applications under new, faster procedures to clear a system backlog, with Europe seeking a comprehensive solution and a commissioner calling on Cypriot authorities to investigate illegal pushbacks...

2505. EU nips green pass debate in the bud

The EU's plan to get people traveling again with a Green Pass is expected to defer to member states on key decisions, such as whether to accept Russian and Chinese vaccines in the program...

2506. All political parties barring ELAM to follow President to Geneva

All political parties except one have accepted President Nicos Anastasiades’ invitation to accompany him to Geneva at the end of April, when the UN will be hosting an informal five-party meeting on Cyprus....

2507. Cyprus says no to COVID home test kits

The government in the Republic of Cyprus has approved access to home test kits for COVID-19, but the use of an antigen non-invasive test using saliva is not on the approved list per health ministry policy...

2508. Cypriots told to behave as eating joints open

A new relaxation of measures went into effect Tuesday in the Republic of Cyprus, with bars and restaurants including taverns opening up but under stricter rules, including no standing or rocking around the table...

2509. Cyprus puts AstraZeneca on the back burner

The Republic of Cyprus has temporarily suspended AstraZeneca shots for Covid-19 until an emergency meeting on Thursday by the European Medicines Agency, with reports saying Nicosia has already entered negotiations with Moscow to add another jab in the mix...

2510. Cyprus hopes for breather on Green Monday

People in Cyprus are hoping to catch a break on Green Monday, with the government easing restrictions on nature outings on the public holiday and forecasters unsure if weather will cooperate...

2511. Cyprus, Greece, Israel joint naval exercise wraps up

A joint naval exercise dubbed “Noble Dina” that prominently featured the Republic of Cyprus, Israel and Greece wrapped up successfully on Thursday, a Defence Ministry announcement said....

2512. Rapid test results under fire again

Auditor General Odysseas Michaelides says a second PCR test came back negative, giving rise to further debate over the reliability of rapid test results, with a health expert also raising questions over the use of the method in Cyprus...

2513. Major UK tour operator sees bookings to Cyprus triple

The UK’s second biggest tour operator Jet2holidays saw bookings for Cyprus and Greece skyrocket after the two countries announced they would be prepared to receive British tourists come May...

2514. Blinken says US fully engaged on Cyprus

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says American diplomacy will be “fully engaged” on the Cyprus issue, with Washington calling out aggressive actions in the eastern Mediterranean but also supporting positive developments...

2515. Power outage refuels reform debate

A technical failure in the Vasilikos power plant was quickly restored Thursday morning, after rendering areas all over the Republic of Cyprus without electricity at a time when unions are up in arms over reforms in the industry...

2516. Minister points finger at north over barbwire

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris has fired back at critics in the north over the south’s decision to install barbwire near the UN buffer zone to halt illegal crossings, blaming the need for a fence on lack of action on the part of Turkish Cypriot authorities...

2517. Cyprus to assume first Presidency term of EMGF

Cyprus will assume its first official Presidency term of the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF) starting on January 2022, participants at the fourth EMGF ministerial meeting decided on Tuesday....

2518. Athens sees Ankara games ahead of summit

Not only did Turkey continue to ignore Athens’ proposals for the next round of exploratory contacts between the two countries on Monday, its Defense Ministry once again revisited the issue of demilitarization of the Greek islands of the eastern Aegean, going as far as denouncing the presence of Greek warships at Kastellorizo....

2519. Florida giant denies Huawei in Cyprus

An American company has put words into action in the middle of global 5G wars, with Phoenix Tower International and Monaco Telecom announcing an agreement that includes acquiring newly constructed wireless towers across Malta and Cyprus...

2520. Anastasiades says determined to participate creatively in Cyprus conference

President Nicos Anastasiades received the UNSG’s special envoy Jane Holl Lute in Nicosia on Monday as preparatory work continues to unfold ahead of the informal conference on Cyprus to be held in Geneva on April 27-29....