12° Nicosia,
14 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 663 matches for query Summit.

211. EC bids farewell to President Anastasiades

The leaders of the European Council bid farewell to President Anastasiades as well as Irish Taoiseach (Prime minister) Micheál Martin with a gift that is traditionally given to departing leaders, during yesterday evening's summit in Brussels....

212. Qatargate: Kaili's partner confesses and names names

Eva Kaili's husband, Francesco Giorgi, admitted his involvement in the Qatargate scandal, according to Le Soir and La Repubblica....

213. The Louvre, the British Museum, and now the New Cyprus Museum (photos - video)

Work on the New Cyprus Museum will begin in January 2023, and the project is expected to take 42 months to complete, with completion scheduled for mid-2026. ...

214. Turkic States Org opposed pseudo-state membership despite Turkey's push

Turkey's intention to promote the membership of the Turkish Cypriot pseudostate to the Organization of Turkic States under the "state-observer" status was strongly resisted by member states and so Ankara had to backtrack, Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Demetris Demetriou has told CNA....

215. President and political parties condemn 'Grivas' protests

President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades has strongly condemned Thursday’s protests outside the House of Representatives over its decision to end funding to activities commemorating EOKA leader Georgios Grivas....

216. Elections: President touts Averof's role in government's success

The dilemma in view of the February 2023 elections is the continuation of stability or experimentation, President Anastasiades said on Saturday, as the presidential campaign continues....

217. Hawaii: World's largest active volcano erupts

Hawaii’s Mauna Loa, the world’s largest active volcano, has started to erupt, prompting volcanic ash and debris to fall nearby, authorities said Monday....

218. The effects of Global warming on banks and insurance companies

One of the last print editions of the Economist had the title ‘Say goodbye to 1.5° C’ which refers to the goal of limiting the increase in the average temperature of the planet to 1.5 degrees Celsius...

219. Kasoulides negotiates migrant repatriations with Congo and Cameroon

Cyprus’ Foreign Minister, Ioannis Kasoulides, discussed with his counterparts from the Congo and Cameroon the start of bilateral negotiations with the aim of reaching agreements for the readmission of migrants, the Ministry said on Tuesday in a written statement....

220. Petrides: 'The casino will attract hundreds of thousands of tourists'

The government is handing over a modern, more dynamic tourism product that has the capacity to further develop, said on Tuesday Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides in addressing the 44th Cyprus Hotel Summit and Exhibition organized by the Hoteliers’ Association....

221. Chinese Ambassador: UN turns down agreement with pseudo-state for UNFICYP

Chinese Ambassador: The UN rejected an agreement with the pseudo-state for UNFICYP ...

222. Resumption of Cyprus peace talks bleak

Ioannis Kasoulides offered a bleak outlook Thursday for resuming stalled peace talks any time soon even though a senior United Nations official affirmed the commitment of the world body’s chief to remain engaged in resolving one of Europe’s most intractable conflicts....

223. NATO response convoluted in missile aftermath

Puzzled world leaders breathed a sigh of relief on Wednesday after it was revealed that Ukrainian forces, not Russian, had fired missiles into Poland, but the incident had already disrupted G20 diplomacy meetings in Bali and further revealed hidden divisions within NATO...

224. Republicans move towards a majority in the House

Republicans edged closer on Thursday to securing a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives while control of the Senate hinged on a few tight races, two days after Democrats staved off an anticipated "red wave" of Republican gains in midterm elections....

225. Anastasiades urges world leaders to go climate neutral

President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades asked world leaders to walk the road towards climate neutrality and a future of green, sustainable, resilient economies and societies, during his intervention at the COP27, in Sharm el Sheikh on Tuesday....

226. Anastasiades reveals Cypriot initiative on climate change at COP 27

The Cypriot initiative on climate change will be presented by the President of the Republic, Nicos Anastasiades, at the UN Climate Summit, COP27, which began on Sunday in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, amid growing calls for rich countries to compensate poorer ones and states most vulnerable to climate change....

227. Archbishop Chrysostomos II passed away this morning at age 81

Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus died on Monday morning at the age of 81, following a long battle with cancer. ...

228. Turkey intends to drill south of the island of Crete

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday announced Turkey’s plans to drill for hydrocarbons – oil and natural gas – in its maritime zone, as well as on land and sea in third countries....

229. Crimea platform ‘Cyprioted’ during odd exchange‘cyprioted-during-odd-exchange

An odd exchange took place on Tuesday during a parliamentary summit on Crimea, when Cypriot House Speaker Annita Demetriou took issue with a point of order raised by a Turkish delegation member who criticized invasion references to the Cyprus Problem...

230. Boris Johnson or Rishi Sunak expected to be UK's next prime minister

Boris Johnson and his former finance minister Rishi Sunak were leading potential contenders to replace British Prime Minister Liz Truss on Friday, with candidates canvassing support to become Conservative Party leader in a fast-tracked contest....

231. EU leaders burn midnight oil on gas prices

European Union leaders ended another debate on the bloc's response to the energy crunch without agreement on whether to cap gas prices, deciding in the early hours of Friday morning to keep examining options to put a ceiling on costs...

232. British business travelers being turned back from EU countries

British business travelers are being turned back from European countries for going against post-Brexit movement restrictions that will be applied more rigorously once the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) is introduced in November next year....

233. 1091 attendees at the Digital Agenda Cyprus Summit 2022

The fifth Digital Agenda Cyprus Summit was a resounding success. On Monday, October 17, 1091 delegates attended the conference, filling the Nicosia Municipal Theatre to capacity despite the continuous rain. ...

234. Why is simple so complex? Will robots take over my job?

This year's Digital Agenda Summit did not disappoint. Speakers from all parts descended on Nicosia to present their views on technology, AI, generation 'Z', our future work environment, the changes to our health management and where we are heading in the future....

235. Cyprus on ‘very good track’ to innovation‘very-good-track-to-innovation

The high scores of Cyprus in the field of innovation were stressed in the Digital Agenda Cyprus Summit 2022, which was held at Nicosia Municipal Theatre on Monday. Keynote speakers from various fields attended the conference and talked about issues pertaining to a world which is in the digitisation process...

236. Who is analog and who is digital?

At the Digital Agenda Cyprus Summit, the presidential candidates talk about the nation's future and the next generation....

237. Tatar: Moving towards recognition

The pseudo-state (TRNC) will attend the historic Turkic States Summit in Uzbekistan on November 11 as an observing member, Ersin Tatar claimed in a meeting with a delegation of the AKP's Foreign Relations Committee in the occupied territories led by former MP Mehmet Jeyhan....

238. Lavrov: Moscow 'is open to talks' with the West

Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, said his country is willing to hold discussions with the West about the conflict in Ukraine but has not yet received a serious proposal for talks....

239. The EU's accession talks with Turkey are at a standstill

According to the European Commission's draft enlargement report, the EU has a strategic interest in a stable and secure environment in the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as in developing cooperation and a mutually beneficial relationship with Turkey....

240. Nouris: EU should sanction countries that instrumentalize migration

The EU should have concrete sanctions in place when there is proof that migrants are being instrumentalized, as in the case of Cyprus, Interior Minister Nicos Nouris said....