12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 61-90 of 313 matches for query akel.

61. In the face of unions and GESY, where are our politicians?

The conflict between OKYpY and guilds is an undeniably political matter. It should be addressed as such if we wish to identify the political figures involved. ...

62. Bar meeting turns into ''starvation wages'' circus

The Parliamentary Committee of Lawyers, in conjunction with the new Council of the Cyprus Bar Association, addressed several critical issues during their meeting today....

63. Parliamentary debate stirs as Cyprus considers abortion statistics

In a recent parliamentary development, the decision to register a subject entitled "abortion statistics from the date of decriminalization and correlation with the demographic problem" in the Parliamentary Committee for the study of the demographic has sparked intense controversy. ...

64. High-ranking officer's connection to organized crime exposed

Nikos Loizidis, the president of the Police Force branch of the Equality Guild, has raised serious concerns about a member of the authority responsible for investigating complaints and allegations against the police....

65. Cyprus' solar ambitions face off against shadowy bureaucratic interests

As I had unfortunately predicted, complications have emerged in the "Solar Panels for All" plan. ...

66. 241,695 in speeding and multitasking violations behind the wheel

Traffic Police cameras have logged a staggering 241,695 offenses since the implementation of the photo-recording system, spanning from January 1, 2022, to August 30, 2023....

67. Could Kasselakis be the catalyst for resolving the Cyprus problem?

Stefanos Kasselakis, the newly elected President of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, is currently on a two-day visit to Cyprus, marking his first international trip since assuming office as the President of SYRIZA-PS....

68. President's silent pension raises eyebrows

Both the President of the Republic and members of Parliament have emphasized the necessity of legislative regulation to put an end to the simultaneous receipt of public employee pensions and salaries by political officials. ...

69. President's alleged undeclared pension sparks controversy

The political party AKEL has called for a response from the President of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulides, amid reports suggesting that he has received a pension for eight years, beginning at the age of 45, without proper declaration in his financial affairs....

70. New law protects consumers against unlawful practices

In a unanimous decision, the plenary session of the Parliament has approved a groundbreaking harmonizing law aimed at empowering consumers to protect their collective interests effectively....

71. UN meeting and unity across the aisle

In a session lasting about two hours, the National Council convened to discuss the latest developments in Cyprus's diplomatic efforts....

72. School escorts back on track to aid hundreds of disabled students

The perennial issue of meeting the needs of students requiring school assistants has resurfaced as the new school year begins. ...

73. First Lady's assistant denied extra pay

A majority of the members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee approved the release of funds requested by the Presidency for salary payments, but the Committee unanimously rejected a separate request concerning overtime compensation for an employee temporarily assigned to the Presidency....

74. Presidency in prolonged crisis

The United Nations General Assembly in New York proved to be a critical test for Nikos Christodoulides during his first year in office, as well as a highly significant personal and political endeavor. On one hand, he aimed to use the platform of these meetings to communicate a positive message regarding the Cyprus problem. ...

75. E-kalathi bill sparks debate in Parliament

During yesterday's session of the Parliamentary Committee on energy and trade, the debate shed light on a crucial aspect of the E-kalathi bill. It became evident that there are lingering disagreements among stakeholders and the majority of MPs on this issue. ...

76. Could diagnostic tests help kids learn better?

The Parliamentary Committee on Education explored the need for diagnostic examinations in all primary and secondary education classes at the start of the academic year to identify and address student weaknesses effectively....

77. Controversy deepens over overtime pay to deputy spokesperson

The controversy surrounding overtime payments for Deputy Government Spokesperson Doxa Komodromou has escalated, with revelations and calls for reimbursement by the Auditor General, Odysseas Michaelides....

78. AKEL blasts government amid rising bank profits

The political party AKEL has voiced its discontent with the government's handling of economic issues, particularly in light of the recent decision to raise interest rates for the tenth time....

79. Request for 200,000 euros in overtime pay for state officials withdrawn

Irene Piki, the Deputy Minister to the President, has announced the withdrawal of a request for more than 200 thousand euros in funds to cover overtime pay for state officials working at the Presidential Office. She revealed this on state radio's Morning Routes program, specifying that the request was related to one specific person....

80. Will Justice Minister and Chief of Police lose jobs over viral video?

When the video of Nikos Christodoulides' meeting at the Presidential Palace went viral the day after Limassol riots, many people thought that the Minister of Justice and the Chief of police might lose their jobs soon....

81. AKEL leads protest against far-right extremism in Limassol

Following the recent events in Limassol on September 1st, AKEL organized a protest in the city center with the theme "No Tolerance for the Far Right." ...

82. AKEL's bold demand: Tax bank profits to power people's pockets

The AKEL political party is urging the government to take immediate action to alleviate the financial strain on Cypriot households by taxing banks' surplus profits and redirecting the funds towards fuel and electricity subsidies....

83. From 'Yes' to 'No' in the Annan plan saga

When we talk about the Annan Plan, we're not just referring to another proposal that was presented to us and rejected....

84. Andros Kyprianou discusses AKEL's surprising 'no' to the Annan Plan

"The looming threat of Tassos' resignation if the 'yes' vote was adopted for the Annan Plan," states Andros Kyprianou, former Secretary General of AKEL's Central Committee, in an interview with "K."...

85. Cyprus nationals arrested for money laundering in Singapore

The Singaporean Police arrested 10 foreigners on suspicion of money laundering and forgery offenses in connection with a case involving 1 billion Singapore dollars (737 million dollars) in cash, luxury cars, and other assets. ...

86. Cyprus corruption figures return to court

On September 12, 2023, the four accused individuals will once again appear before the Nicosia District Court in Cyprus....

87. Alive and kicking! Cyprus' political system under the spotlight

The recent public debate in Famagusta Municipality has become a vital reality check on the state of Cyprus' political system over time. The decision to invite Suleiman Ulutsai, the so-called mayor of Famagusta and a Turkish Cypriot vocal about Turkish actions in Varosha...

88. The devastating impact of revenge pornography

Twelve women in Cyprus recently fell victim to revenge pornography, where a 40-year-old man from Larnaca posted explicit videos and photos of them on erotic websites. ...

89. Cyprus Parliament rejects bills on borrowers' rights

The Cyprus Parliament voted against two non-government bills regarding borrowers' rights on Thursday, disregarding warnings from the government and the Central Bank about potential threats to the stability of the financial sector....

90. Cyprus approves €361M supplementary budget for 2023€361m-supplementary-budget-for-2023

With criticism against the government's agreement for the purchase of the Metropolitan building, which will house the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance, the Plenary of the House of Representatives approved the supplementary state budget amounting to €361 million....