12° Nicosia,
16 September, 2024


Displaying results 121-145 of 145 matches for query bans.

121. Bill sparks kosher debate in Cyprus

Animal rights advocates are up in arms over a new government bill that would allow slaughterhouses in the Republic of Cyprus to incorporate kosher rituals, a procedure described by animal rights activists as inhumane...

122. Decree bans export of medicine

A decree issued by the Health Minister on Friday banned the export of all medicine from Cyprus to any other country, including EU Member States....

123. Cypriots hunker down to beat virus

Cyprus is going all out to beat the coronavirus after restrictive measures taken gradually north and south against the pandemic proved to be no match for the spread of the infectious disease...

124. Cyprus braces for student exodus from Greece

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades outlined the government's plan on Friday to manage the coronavirus pandemic, announcing travel restrictions which some critics said did not go far enough...

125. EU bans two Turks over drilling off Cyprus

The European Union has imposed sanctions on two Turkish nationals in connection with their company’s drilling activities off Cyprus...

126. Cavusoglu: Turkey is prepared to cooperate with all apart from G/C

Turkey is prepared to cooperate with everyone apart from the Republic of Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean, including Greece, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said....

127. Flagship of French navy off the coast of Limassol

The Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier, the flagship of the French navy, sailed through Block 8 of Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone on Thursday, passing alongside the Turkish Yavuz drillship bringing rising tensions to the region....

128. EU diplomats to impose sanctions on two Turks over Cyprus EEZ drilling

Cyprus, Turkey, EU, drilling, EEZ, sanctions...

129. Cyprus pleased with sanctions against Turkey

The Republic of Cyprus is pleased with a framework regime for sanctions against Turkey, adopted formally by the Foreign Affairs Ministers council, making it possible for countries to place sanctions through asset freezes and travel bans...

130. EU okays framework on Turkey over Cyprus

European Union foreign ministers agreed on Monday economic sanctions over Turkey's drilling off the coast of Cyprus, setting up the legal framework for travel bans and asset freezes but leaving names until a later date...

131. EU lawmakers reject Turkey's 'safe zone' in Syria, eye sanctions steps

European Union lawmakers on Wednesday condemned Turkey’s offensive to carve out a “safe zone” in northeast Syria and prepared the way for new EU financial sanctions against Ankara....

132. Erdogan says it's unacceptable that Turkey can't have nuclear weapons

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday it was unacceptable for nuclear-armed states to forbid Ankara from obtaining its own nuclear weapons, but did not say whether Turkey had plans to obtain them...

133. Lady’s Mile mired in controversy again

Lady’s Mile Beach finds itself once again at the centre of controversy, with an upcoming concert in the balance due to environmental concerns and a businessman who is trying to get beach coolers banned...

134. Cyprus bans Boeing 737 Max flights

Aviation officials in Cyprus have banned all flights on the Boeing 737 Max following a European directive issued after an Ethiopia Airlines plane crashed on Sunday...

135. Ukraine bans Russian men aged 16 to 60 from entering the country

136. Shell companies ''This is over, its finished''

137. Limassol shows the red card in street parade

Limassol officials say they would not accept revelers inspired by the biggest heist on television to participate in the annual street parade, citing security concerns...

138. New bicycle law goes into effect

A new bicycle law on rights and responsibilities puts restrictions on where and how cyclists can legally ride their bikes while also targeting discourteous drivers who put cyclists in danger...

139. US senate delays F-35 transfer to Turkey

The US senate passed a huge defence bill granting President Donald Trump waiver authority on certain sanctions against Russian-buying countries but also forcing him to wait 90 days before deciding to allow the transfer of F-35 jets to Turkey...

140. Ireland votes in 'once-in-a-generation' abortion referendum

Ireland began voting on Friday in an abortion referendum that could be a milestone on a path of change in a country that, only two decades ago, was one of Europe’s most socially conservative...

141. Austria will bar Turkish politicians from campaigning on its soil

Several hundred thousand people in Austria are Turkish or of Turkish origiin...

142. Uber to suspend service in Greece after new legislation

The new regulations require each trip to start and end in the fleet partner’s designated headquarters or parking area, something Uber does not do...

143. UK diesel car sales slump by more than a third

Sales of diesel cars have slumped in many European countries as regulators and politicians crack down on the segment with plans for bans...

144. Australia slaps 12-month bans on Smith and Warner

Each player must also complete 100 hours of community service before being considered for future selection...

145. Saudi women get behind the wheel

Saudi King Salman is ending a conservative tradition banning female drivers, a change coming June 2018 seen as a step towards personal freedom for women in the kingdom. ...