12° Nicosia,
06 July, 2024


Displaying results 751-780 of 833 matches for query cabin.

751. UK Brexit Minister Dominic Raab Resigns

752. After cabinet backing, May girds for Brexit battle in parliament

753. The name deal and Kammenos’s endgame

754. May's opponents vow to thwart Brexit deal as Britain agrees on divorce terms with EU

755. Cabinet approves patient choice of doctor

The Cabinet has approved the regulations pertaining to choosing primary doctors under the looming healthcare plan in Cyprus...

756. EU Commission to recommend exempting Britons from visas after Brexit

757. Akinci: It is not clear what Anastasiades wants

758. Analysis: The President’s speech

759. In setback for Trump Democrats seize US House control

760. Food for Thought

761. Governance as important as security and guarantees

762. Surveillance bill heads to the House

Two controversial phone tapping bills are heading to the House next month, giving law enforcement officials better tools to carry out covert surveillance but also providing more checks and balances...

763. More agencies sign up under new golden visa rules

Over four hundred agents in Cyprus are seeking a permit to be golden visa providers as criticism from the EU and stricter terms introduced by the government point to fierce competition among them...

764. Persuasion and force

765. Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias resigns

766. Greece and the many changes in the Trump administration

767. Cyprus opens bids for offshore energy exploration at block 7

768. Bridging proposal puts an end to education crisis

Union teachers and government officials are closer than ever to restarting dialogue, following the adoption of a bridging proposal that appears to have ended the long dispute...

769. From reality TV to the UN, Trump to wield Security Council gavel

770. Government seeks lawful ways to counter strike

State public schools remain empty during a 48-hour strike that started Tuesday morning, with teachers threatening to take legal action and the government seeking ways to defuse the situation...

771. EU’s migration Commissioner in Nicosia for talks

The European Union’s top migration official is on a visit to the Republic of Cyprus, where he will hold discussions with a cabinet subcommittee on dealing with the influx of migrants and refugees...

772. Government scrambles to counter teacher strike

The government is putting together measures to minimise the impact of next week’s teacher strike, with the education minister saying he is willing to pick things up with the unions from where they were left off at the last handshake...

773. State budget goes to Cabinet

The President’s Cabinet is taking on the budget during a meeting on Thursday, expected to approve a whole host of new construction projects for the upcoming fiscal year...

774. Teachers and government clash over strike

Union teachers decided Wednesday to go on a rolling strike, starting with a 48-hour industrial action next week while warning the government this is only the beginning...

775. Cyprus to take initiative on EU migration policy

Cyprus will be stepping up measures to address a recent increase in the flow of refugees and undocumented migrants to the island nation, including putting heads together with other Mediterranean countries...

776. Trump warns Syria, Russia and Iran not to attack Idlib

777. Cabinet meets to address teacher crisis

The Cabinet is holding an emergency session Tuesday at noon to discuss the teacher crisis, with a whole host of problems in the backdrop including a slowdown by the unions...

778. Latest boatload of refugees prompts Cabinet meeting

Twenty presumptive refugees, mainly women and children, arrived in the Republic of Cyprus on Monday, prompting a partial Cabinet meeting on Tuesday in the wake of recent undocumented arrivals...

779. Teachers 'go slow' to show dissent

State teachers in public schools will take industrial action by ‘going slow’ in the first few days back to school, as unions seek a stronger mandate from members by asking them to approve a general strike...

780. Teacher demo forces eleventh hour debate

The government is contemplating a suggestion that would allow proposed education measures to take hold but only through the end of the calendar year, in exchange of labour peace and talks with the teachers unions...