12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 301-330 of 403 matches for query checks.

301. Twelve businesses booked for failing to test employees

Widespread inspections between May 18 and May 22 at businesses that resumed operation with the steady relaxation of lockdown found that 12 businesses had not made sure that their employees got tested for coronavirus before allowing them to return to work....

302. President to announce new support package on Wednesday

President Nicos Anastasiades will address the Cyprus nation on Wednesday to announce a new package of measures to support the economy and workers....

303. Demonstration outside refugee camp sparks Government reaction

A demonstration staged outside the Pournara camp in Kokkinotrimithia on Sunday calling for an end to the arbitrary detention of hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers stirred reaction from the Government on Tuesday, with an Interior Ministry announcement claiming it won’t be allowing any further ghettoization of the island....

304. Police to step up checks at food and drink spots

Police will be stepping up checks at targeted food and drink spots in the coming days to ensure that health and safety decrees are being adhered to, Police Chief Christos Andreou told the Cyprus News Agency on Monday....

305. Empty middle seat? Depends on which country you are flying in

In Thailand, you cannot have food or water in flight and must wear a mask. In Malaysia and Indonesia, the plane needs to be half-empty. In the United States and Europe, it’s not mandatory for airlines to leave the middle seat open....

306. Migrant camp declared ‘local infected area’‘local-infected-area

Human rights advocates in the Republic of Cyprus are crying foul over the government's handling of asylum seekers at Pournara camp, after the health ministry declared the migrant centre a “local infected area” citing public health laws due to an infestation...

307. EU unveils guidelines for travel, tourism

The European Commission unveiled a series of measures aimed at ensuring people can start traveling safely across the continent again as governments try to revive tourism and airline industries brought to a halt by the coronavirus....

308. Data shows Cyprus can move ahead with phase two of exit plan

Data collected so far on the island’s unfolding coronavirus pandemic indicate that the Cyprus government can move into the second phase of the gradual relaxation of restriction measures, member of the scientific group advising the government, Constantinos Tsioutis said Wednesday....

309. Cyprus police continue to issue citations

Cyprus Police reported 128 people in the last 24 hours for violating restrictive measures designed to stop the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak...

310. 26 construction sites shut down for non-compliance with health protocols

Since the construction sector was permitted to resume operation on Monday, 26 construction sites have so far been forced to shut down after inspections revealed they completely failed to adhere to health and safety protocols in place as the island is still grappling with the pandemic....

311. Need for transparency on COVID-19 public spending

The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe Parliamentary Assmebly’s (OSCE PA) Special Representative on Fighting Corruption Irene Charalambides, has called for the highest levels of transparency and good governance on COVID-19 related public expenditures....

312. Migrant camp near boiling point

Police said three people were arrested at Pournara migrant centre during a protest on Wednesday, one day after a hunger strike, as camp residents demand better living conditions and the right to leave camp...

313. Police checks to be stepped up as restrictions loosen

Cyprus police won’t be easing up on checks as the island gradually begins to loosen restriction measures, on the contrary, patrols will be stepped up, the Chief of Police stressed....

314. Conditions at migrant camps improving, but arbitrary detention issues remain

The UNHCR office in Cyprus said on Monday that it was pleased with the steps being taken to improve the living conditions of asylum seekers on the island, but expressed hope that additional measures will follow to tackle the multifaceted issues that emerged amid the coronavirus outbreak....

315. Weekend violations spike as curve flattens

Police reported 125 pedestrians and motorists in the last 12 hours as part of the campaign to combat the spread of the COVID-19 disease, amid news of a gradual lift of restrictive measures...

316. Police take good news with grain of salt

Police in the Republic of Cyprus say they remain vigilant during the pandemic lockdown, concerned that signals for a possible lift of restrictive measures could make people feel less obligated to comply...

317. Seventy lockdown violations in 12 hours

Seventy people were fined in the last 12 hours for violating lockdown rules currently in place to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic...

318. Police enlist drones in Easter gatherings clamp down (VIDEO)

Police conducted 3,269 checks and booked 119 pedestrians and drivers in violation of restriction measures in just 12 hours, between 6pm on Sunday and 6am on Monday....

319. Future for rescued refugees in north unknown

The fate of 175 Syrian refugees, trapped in the north of the island amid the coronavirus pandemic, remains unknown while a human rights group is calling on Greek Cypriot authorities to take them in...

320. Government revising price cap on antiseptics, masks

The government announced on Monday that it was revising the price cap it placed last month on antiseptics and surgical masks, as growing international demand is constantly bringing price fluctuations resulting in local shortages....

321. Over 200 reported in 24h for violating Covid-19 decrees

Police booked 217 drivers and pedestrians who were found to be in violation of Covid-19 restriction measures between the early morning of Sunday and Monday....

322. Cyprus stays put beyond Easter

Church and state got behind scientists this week in the Republic of Cyprus, with the government extending measures beyond Easter to stop the spread of Covid-19 despite partial data suggesting a flattening of the curve...

323. Police chief warns against complacency

Cyprus Police remain fully operational and on a state of high alert to ensure that all citizens comply with the government measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus in the country...

324. PHOTO GALLERY: Athens streets deserted during lockdown

Deserted squares, padlocked parks, empty avenues where lines of cars once idled bumper-to-bumper in traffic as motorbikes and scooters zoomed through the narrow gaps between. The Greek capital, Athens, like so many cities across the world, has seen its streets empty under a lockdown designed to stem the spread of the new coronavirus....

325. Cyprus gets tougher with stricter bundle of measures

Stricter measures to contain the spread of coronavirus were announced by the Health Minister on Monday as the island scrambles to curb the steadily rising deaths and infections....

326. Minister lashes out at decree violators

Cypriot Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou called on members of the public to “drastically limit their contacts in order for the effort against coronavirus to work” as police fined a record number of violations on Sunday...

327. Cyprus court issues first penalties for decree violations

The first two penalties were issued by a Cyprus court on Friday to violators of the decree restricting movement to the bare minimum....

328. Police clamp down on unjustified movements

Police in the Republic of Cyprus have been checking motorists and pedestrians for possible curfew violations, with 123 individuals found to be in violation of a decree on movement restrictions on Wednesday...

329. New decree enforces ban on car sales, exempts certain groups from movement ban

330. Police file 15 more reports against crowd ban violations

Over the last two days police have filed 15 reports against violations of the crowd ban decree forbidding outdoor gatherings of over 75 people, in place since early March in a bid to contain the spread of coronavirus....