12° Nicosia,
29 June, 2024


Displaying results 361-390 of 745 matches for query communities.

361. Kissinger urges West to make peace with Russia

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is calling on Kiev to concede territory to Moscow, while warning the West not to pursue a humiliating defeat of Russia...

362. Seven new bicommunal conservation projects underway

The bi-communal Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage is moving ahead with seven new conservation projects which are expected to be finished by the end of 2022 - beginning of 2023....

363. Monkeypox: Dozens of suspected and confirmed cases in Europe and North America

Dozens of suspected and confirmed cases of monkeypox have been identified since early May in Europe and North America, raising fears that the disease, which is endemic to West Africa, could spread....

364. Op-ed: ESG, DEI and other acronyms and why we need to know about them IMHO*

Quite a few times I found myself receiving messages and having to pause and google search an acronym to understand its meaning. I’m sure I’m not alone, and it’s surely not just a Gen X symptom....

365. 'A historic day': British bases lifts restrictions on civilian property development

Eight years after the signing of a bilateral Arrangement between Cyprus and the UK, the SBA is today lifting restrictions on property development on 200 square kilometers of non-military areas within the bases....

366. Turn seawater into drinking water with the push of a button

MIT researchers have developed a portable desalination unit, weighing less than 10 kilograms, that can remove particles and salts to generate drinking water....

367. Cyprus is the 1st country in the EU with 100% 5G coverage

Cyta has announced the completion of the pan-Cypriot 5G mobile network that offers state-of-the-art telecommunications services throughout the country, even in its most remote areas. This makes Cyprus the 1st country in the EU with 100% population coverage....

368. Cyprus doubles down on immigration policy

The government in the Republic of Cyprus has renewed its response to migration flows to the island, tasking authorities and lawmakers with tightening measures in a number of areas...

369. Clashes between locals and foreigners continue

A man has been arrested in the aftermath of a violent altercation between locals and foreigners in Emba, a quiet town in western Cyprus where residents have been up in arms over recent arrivals of Syrian and African refugees...

370. ‘Immediate solutions’ test Cyprus’ take on EastMed‘immediate-solutions-test-cyprus-take-on-eastmed

A US energy official urged Nicosia to seek 'other options' if the island wanted to get energy quickly into markets, with Italy doing just that earlier this week when Rome clinched a deal with Algeria to replace Russian gas imports through the Transmed pipeline...

371. US and Cyprus to continue cooperation on educational programs

Prodromos Prodromou, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, and Lee Satterfield, Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, met on Thursday to discuss ways to strengthen relations between Cyprus and the United States as regards education, culture and sports....

372. President: 'Deputy Ministry of Culture is an important step for a complete cultural policy'

The creation of a Deputy Ministry of Culture is an important step in the right direction for a complete, integrated cultural policy in Cyprus, said President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades....

373. 8 feel good stories from the conflict in Ukraine that will inspire and give you hope in humanity

From charities and governments to celebrities and everyday people, millions are pitching in to ease the burden for fleeing or sheltering Ukrainians. In turn, they’re inspiring the world with their generosity and strength....

374. Divided Cyprus vows protection for Ukrainians

People fleeing war in Ukraine have been promised protection in Cyprus, but questions remained as both sides on the divided island rushed to declare their support before finalizing all the details...

375. Ukrainians in Cyprus before cutoff date now in limbo

Dozens of Ukrainians in the Republic of Cyprus are running out of money and unable to benefit automatically from EU “temporary protection” measures because they visited the island as tourists before the cutoff date...

376. Thirty million people in 13 cities are put into Covid lockdown in China

Thirty million people in 13 cities across China have been put back into a Covid-19 lockdown with hazmat-wearing officials back on the streets on a scale not seen since the pandemic began....

377. Homes for Ukraine refugee scheme launches in UK

The government has launched its Homes for Ukraine site for those wanting to host a refugee, with 89,000 signing up within the first day....

378. Kasoulides: Confidence Building Measures postponed for now due to Ukraine crisis

The promotion of Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) between the two communities in Cyprus will continue at a later stage due to developments in Ukraine, Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides told CNA....

379. Coca-Cola, Starbucks and McDonald’s suspend operations in Russia

Coca-Cola, Starbucks, and McDonald’s have suspended operations in Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine....

380. Ukraine conflict spills into Cyprus school spats

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine rages, it risks spilling into an unlikely arena -– classrooms and playgrounds in Cyprus, home to a sizable Russian population and a smaller Ukrainian community...

381. First batch of Cyprus humanitarian aid to Ukraine to be shipped on Tuesday

The first batch of the humanitarian aid from Cyprus to the people of war-ravaged Ukraine will be shipped on Tuesday, Commissioner for the Citizen Panagiotis Sentonas said....

382. Op-ed: Our Strength is our Unity: Putin Chose War. We Stand with Ukraine

An op-ed by US Ambassador to Cyprus, Judith Garber...

383. Cyprus municipalities reduced to 20 following reform bill passed by Parliament

The Cypriot Parliament Plenary on Thursday voted in favor of three bills adopting the reform of Local Government reducing the number of Municipalities throughout the government-controlled areas to 20....

384. Cyprus sends humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The first batch of humanitarian aid from Cyprus for the people of Ukraine will be sent next Tuesday, March 8th, following arrangements made and in consultation with the European Union Civil Protection Agency....

385. Alexis Pantazis and Emilios Markou of Hellas Direct have been named EY Entrepreneurs Of The Year for 2022 in Cyprus

This prestigious award for entrepreneurs was presented for the first time in Cyprus. Winners will represent Cyprus at the EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Awards in Monte Carlo, in June 2022 ...

386. EU plans to grant Ukrainian refugees right to stay for up to 3 years

The European Union is preparing to grant Ukrainians who flee the war the right to stay and work in the 27-nation bloc for up to three years, senior EU and French officials said, thanking volunteers at the borders for helping those who arrive....

387. Cyprus walks back statement on Mariupol deaths

Nicosia has condemned the ‘tragic loss’ of unarmed ethnic Greeks in Ukraine over the weekend but an official statement by the foreign ministry on Monday stopped short of pointing the finger squarely at Russia...

388. CMP work on missing persons marks progress

The House Committee on Refugees learned about progress in the work of the Committee on Missing Persons (CMP), during a meeting on Tuesday, in Nicosia, with the CMP’s Greek Cypriot member, Leonidas Pantelides....

389. The Queen tests positive for Covid

The monarch is experiencing "mild cold-like symptoms" but expects to continue "light duties" at Windsor over the coming week, the palace said....

390. Schinas visits Green Line to witness migrant influx into Cyprus

Commissioner Margaritis Schinas on Sunday visited the Green Line in Athienou area and had the opportunity to see with his own eyes the situation with migrant influxes that Cyprus is faced with in the past months....