Source: CNA
Today marks the 40th anniversary of the declaration of the “pseudostate” in Cyprus’ Turkish-occupied northern area.
The illegal declaration was condemned by UN Security Council resolutions 541 (1983) and 550 (1984) which called it legally invalid and asked for its immediate withdrawal. Resolution 550, also called upon all States not to recognize the purported state of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” set up by secessionist acts nor to facilitate or in any way assist that secessionist entity.
The pseudostate is recognized only by Turkey, which occupies 37% of Cyprus' territory.
Nicosia once again condemns the unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) which took place on 15 November 1983.
President of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulides, will address the event "Memories of Occupied Land", which is organized by the Committee of Cyprus Occupied Municipalities and the Committee of Cyprus Occupied Communities –declaration day of the pseudostate– at the Cultural Foundation "Archangelos", at the Holy Metropolis of Kykkos, in Nicosia.
Anti-occupation events are taking place in the Republic organized by organized bodies, municipalities, political parties and many others.
Meanwhile, 'celebrations' will take place in the Turkish-occupied areas.
Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded and occupied the island`s northern third. Numerous rounds of talks under UN aegis to reunite the island under a federal roof failed to yield results.