12° Nicosia,
18 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-239 of 239 matches for query consent.

211. Mourning Larnaca father speaks from the heart

The father of the two Larnaca siblings, the little girl who was stabbed to death by her brother, has posted a video accusing state officials of wanting to “wash their hands” of any responsibility in his family tragedy...

212. Grexit plan was no bluff, French ex-president tells Kathimerini

213. Others ready to host kids, if Zygi won’t

Two communities have stepped up to the plate to signal their readiness to welcome refugee unaccompanied minors following recent protests in Zygi, but state officials insist on original location due to approved funding...

214. Charlie Riddington awaiting flight to UK

Charles ‘Charlie’ Riddington, the UK murder suspect who was arrested in Cyprus in August, is awaiting extradition to the United Kingdom to face justice...

215. Turkey ups ante in Eastern Med over oil and gas

216. Nicosia pleads with Athens over energy linkup

217. Knife-wielding Larnaca robber shows remorse

The man who attempted to rob a convenience store in Larnaca and was chased into school yard told the court he had a lot of gambling debts...

218. 'Imagine' project brings together G/C and T/C schoolchildren

219. Teachers and government clash over strike

Union teachers decided Wednesday to go on a rolling strike, starting with a 48-hour industrial action next week while warning the government this is only the beginning...

220. Cyprus Airbnb bill gives neighbors a say

A nearly-complete Airbnb bill is heading back to the House committee, where a number of issues including tax exemptions and apartment rentals will need further clarification...

221. Cabinet meets to address teacher crisis

The Cabinet is holding an emergency session Tuesday at noon to discuss the teacher crisis, with a whole host of problems in the backdrop including a slowdown by the unions...

222. Teachers 'go slow' to show dissent

State teachers in public schools will take industrial action by ‘going slow’ in the first few days back to school, as unions seek a stronger mandate from members by asking them to approve a general strike...

223. Report vindicates medics in young girl’s death

An internal report was urgently submitted to the health ministry, giving full account of events in an 8-year-old girl’s death after her mother declined specialised medical treatment...

224. UNFICYP draft ready for a vote

Members of the UN Security Council finally agreed on a draft for extending UNFICYP for another six months, with the US showing it could more easily get the attention of its peers next time if there is little progress in peace talks...

225. White smoke over Metochi land transfer dispute

There is white smoke over the Metochi land transfer dispute between Kykkos and the Greek government, following a bitter battle that even brought the foreign minister to Nicosia to testify in court...

226. Nicosia detains ELDYK soldier on Greek warrant

A Greek solider serving in Cyprus was arrested in connection with funding a terrorist group, following a deposit he made last year to the Revolutionary Fund...

227. Turkey: Even birds need our consent to fly in the Aegean

With Greece featuring prominently in Turkey’s election campaigning, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu raised the tension a notch again Thursday, warning that not even a bird will fly over the Aegean without Ankara’s permission....

228. Committee on Cyprus missing has more work to do

The Committee on Missing Persons says they need to start opening graves to obtain DNA, just days after media reports said CMP was slowing down, but the task ahead is difficult and in need of cash...

229. President downplays reports on UN envoy July visit

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades dismissed reports in the Greek Cypriot press regarding a possible UN envoy visit in July, clarifying the UN Secretariat has only asked whether he would consent to a new UN special envoy...

230. Achna votes again on crocodile park

The Achna local council will take a vote Tuesday evening on whether or not to give consent to the construction of a controversial crocodile park, following loud objections from local residents...

231. US committed to preserving Cyprus peacekeeping

Jonathan Cohen, the nominated Deputy Representative of the United States to the UN, vowed to preserve the UN Peace Keeping Force in Cyprus...

232. Village leaders push for Cyprus’ first crocodile park

The Achna local council agreed this week to the construction of a controversial crocodile park, despite admitting that local residents did not have a chance to raise any objection. A hearing scheduled for April 27 could be the only chance residents have to raise any concerns....

233. Cypriot protesters tell NATO to go home

About 250 peace activists gathered outside the American Embassy in Nicosia Monday evening to demonstrate against NATO and the latest military airstrikes against Syria. ...

234. Zuckerberg resists effort by US senators to commit him to regulation

Senators were often at a disadvantage because each had only five minutes to pin down the billionaire...

235. Medical error destroys man's sex life

A medical malpractice case was settled in court after a man with a simple urinating problem ended up without a prostate gland and is now suffering from sexual dysfunction. The judge in the case ruled that the doctor and clinic had failed to perform necessary tests before their incorrect diagnosis....

236. Organ donation in Cyprus among lowest in EU

According to a survey, only 32% knew that relatives of the deceased need to give their consent for an organ to be transplanted...

237. ExxonMobil’s Ocean Investigator arrives in block 10 of Cyprus' EEZ

Test drilling in Block 10 by ExxonMobil and its partner Qatar Petroleum is scheduled to take place in October...

238. First ExxonMobil research vessel sails into Limassol

Test drilling in Block 10 is scheduled to take place in October...

239. ExxonMobil ship to set anchor off Limassol

Cyprus energy minister says ExxonMobil is sending two ships, one arriving Tuesday night, to locate targets for October drilling in Cypriot EEZ...