12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 2401-2430 of 3104 matches for query decision.

2401. Man gets jail for breaking curfew to visit girlfriend

The Famagusta district court on Tuesday sentenced a 35-year-old man to 45 days in prison after he was caught on the streets after curfew, with the man claiming he was visiting his girlfriend....

2402. Schools in the north sit out rest of the year

Officials in the north say schools will remain closed through the end of the academic year, as debate in the south rages on over the government’s decision to gradually open public schools...

2403. Cyprus adds another coronavirus death

Another coronavirus-linked death was recorded in the Republic of Cyprus on Sunday, raising the Covid-19 death toll to 26 across the divided island with new infections continuing to pop up in the south...

2404. Joint working group established for resumption of Cyprus-Israel flight connection

Cyprus and Israel established a working group this week to prepare all necessary conditions for the resumption of the aviation connection between the two countries, Ambassador of Israel in Nicosia, Shmuel Revel told the Cyprus News Agency on Friday....

2405. Need for transparency on COVID-19 public spending

The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe Parliamentary Assmebly’s (OSCE PA) Special Representative on Fighting Corruption Irene Charalambides, has called for the highest levels of transparency and good governance on COVID-19 related public expenditures....

2406. President and Education Minister brush off mounting concerns

As concern mounts over the Cyprus government’s decision to send children back to school on May 21, Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou issued a press conference Friday morning to clarify how the return of students to classrooms will play out....

2407. Officers in serial killer probe lawyer up

A local report hints at legal wars brewing within prosecution agencies in the Republic of Cyprus, following the attorney general’s decision to prosecute fifteen police officers in the serial killer case...

2408. Migrant camp near boiling point

Police said three people were arrested at Pournara migrant centre during a protest on Wednesday, one day after a hunger strike, as camp residents demand better living conditions and the right to leave camp...

2409. Schools to open doors on May 21

With students of graduating classes set to return to school on Monday, the government agreed on a plan for the safe return of the remaining classes on May 21....

2410. Zero new cases 'a utopia', Health Minister says

There’s no perfect recipe that’s been implemented across the world to get out of the lockdown successfully, the Health Minister said Tuesday, noting that we shouldn’t be concerned that we haven’t seen days with zero new cases, as that would be “utopian”....

2411. Cyprus announces 'timid first steps' in easing restrictions

In a televised national address on Wednesday night, President Nicos Anastasiades presented the detailed plan of the first two phases of Cyprus’ lockdown exit plan, with the first phase, which will see a timid resumption of the economy and a small loosening of restrictions on individual freedoms, set to begin on May 4....

2412. New round of 20,000 tests on employees

The Cabinet on Wednesday agreed to launch a new round of testing for employees of businesses that are set to resume operations as part of government plans to steadily ease restriction measures....

2413. President to announce Cyprus lockdown exit strategy

The eagerly-awaited government decisions on Cyprus’ lockdown exit strategy will be announced by President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, in a national address on Wednesday night....

2414. Cabinet maps out how to ease measures

The Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus convenes Wednesday morning in order finalize plans for easing restrictions and restarting the economy as signs show COVID-19 infections winding down...

2415. Cyprus and Greece join to tackle tourism

The Hellenic Association of Travel & Tourist Agencies and the Association of Cyprus Travel Agents have agreed to submit a joint proposal to the governments of both countries for Cyprus and Greece to be considered a single area for tourism purposes...

2416. President summons health team to Palace

President Nicos Anastasiades has called the government's team of health experts back to the Presidential Palace for face-to--face consultations, amid reports that the government is a day away from taking crucial decisions on easing Covid-19 restrictions...

2417. Coronavirus death toll and confirmed cases record small rise

The death of a 75-year-old man on Monday raised the coronavirus death toll to 15, while the confirmation of five new cases brought total known cases in the Republic of Cyprus to 822....

2418. Conditions at migrant camps improving, but arbitrary detention issues remain

The UNHCR office in Cyprus said on Monday that it was pleased with the steps being taken to improve the living conditions of asylum seekers on the island, but expressed hope that additional measures will follow to tackle the multifaceted issues that emerged amid the coronavirus outbreak....

2419. Weekend violations spike as curve flattens

Police reported 125 pedestrians and motorists in the last 12 hours as part of the campaign to combat the spread of the COVID-19 disease, amid news of a gradual lift of restrictive measures...

2420. Police take good news with grain of salt

Police in the Republic of Cyprus say they remain vigilant during the pandemic lockdown, concerned that signals for a possible lift of restrictive measures could make people feel less obligated to comply...

2421. Latest data pave way to ease virus curbs

The government of the Republic of Cyprus got thumbs up from local health experts, paving the way for administration officials to take decisions as early as next week to start loosening restriction measures...

2422. First easing of restriction measures probably on May 4, Health Minister says

If the situation continues down its current course, we can expect the first loosening of restriction measures to take place on May 4, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said Friday....

2423. Cyprus extends flight ban again

Cyprus’ Cabinet has decided to extend a flight ban, which has been in place as part of measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic....

2424. Report draws attention to migrant centres

A report published this week by Ombudswoman Maria Stylianou-Lottides takes stock of current conditions in migrant facilities in the Republic of Cyprus, pointing out medical challenges, problems associated with weather, and asylum issues...

2425. Health Minister hopes restrictions scrapped within three months

2426. Lagarde draws line on how far ECB largesse can go

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde drew the line on how far the ECB could go in helping virus-stricken eurozone countries on Wednesday, saying lending to governments directly would be illegal and handing out cash to citizens difficult....

2427. Plan for first phase of exit strategy to be tabled before the Cabinet next week

A comprehensive proposal on the first phase of the island’s coronavirus lockdown exit strategy is expected to be tabled before the Cyprus President next Tuesday....

2428. Health Minister: Gradual easing of measures every two weeks

Restriction measures will be gradually loosened every two weeks, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou told state broadcaster CyBC on Wednesday morning....

2429. WHO: Coronavirus likely of bat origin, no sign of lab production

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday that all available evidence suggests the novel coronavirus originated in animals in China late last year and was not manipulated or produced in a laboratory....

2430. Government launches COVID-19 website

The Cyprus government on Friday launched a new website where the public can keep up to date on all government decisions issued to contain the coronavirus outbreak....