12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2641-2670 of 3104 matches for query decision.

2641. President's response to Akinci's proposal being drafted

Cyprus President, Nicos Anastasiades` response to the proposal of Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci on the co-management of the natural resources is already being drafted, a government source has told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA). Anastasiades` response will be sent to Akinci as well as to the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres and the EU officials to which Akinci`s proposal was also delivered....

2642. National Council dismisses Turkish natural gas proposal

The national council unanimously rejected a proposal by Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci to co-manage the islands’ natural gas resources...

2643. Turkey rejects EU sanctions, vows to continue drilling

EU Foreign affairs ministers who met in Brussels on Monday endorsed a decision to curb diplomatic contacts and funding for Turkey. In response the Turkish MFA issued a statement signalling that the conclusions adopted by the EU Foreign Affairs Council ‘’will in no way affect Turkey's determination to continue its hydrocarbon activities in the Eastern Mediterranean’’...

2644. The EU28 adopted measures against Turkey's illegal drilling in Cyprus

The EU Foreign Ministers endorsed, without any changes the conclusions prepared by the permanent representatives, concerning Turkey’s illegal drilling in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Cyprus, cutting the EU pre-accession assitance for 2020, suspending EU- Turkey high political dialogues and stopping European Investment Bank’ lending activities in the country....

2645. Cyprus parliament suspends foreclosures

The House of Representatives voted in its last plenary before summer recess an amendment to the foreclosure law that foresees a freeze in foreclosures and suspension for loans eligible for the ESTIA loan relief plan...

2646. Which way will SYRIZA go?

It will take a couple of months before we see what kind of style SYRIZA plans to adopt in its reprised role as the country’s main opposition party. For the time being at least, it appears willing to cut some slack to the new government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. ...

2647. Cyprus rejects extradition of Kurdish activist

A Kurdish man wanted by German authorities on terrorism-related charges won’t be extradited, following a decision by a Larnaca court that found political beliefs were behind the persecution...

2648. Christodoulides: Nicosia completely satisfied with EU measures

Speaking on state radio Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides said the the government is completely satisfied with the final proposal on EU measures against Turkey. ...

2649. EU signals sanctions on Turkey over Cyprus drilling

The European Union will put on hold high-level talks with Ankara and negotiations on an air transport agreement, as well as freeze funding for Turkey next year, over “illegal” drilling for gas and oil off Cyprus, according to a draft statement seen by Reuters...

2650. Syrians trapped at Ercan head to Turkey

Turkish Cypriot officials say Ankara has decided to host 50 Syrians who have been trapped in Ercan airport due to visa issues...

2651. Eurogroup rules out any talk of primary surplus target reduction for Greece

Discussion on Greece was brief at Monday’s Eurogroup, but the council of eurozone finance minsters sent a clear message to Athens that creditors are ready to cooperate with the new government while warning that the handouts announced in May by the previous administration are putting growth and fiscal targets at risk...

2652. ND surges to power, promising change

2653. The letter to Guterres

Following criticism by opposition AKEL calling for President Anastasiades to share with the public a letter the President had sent to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Kathimerini has obtained the text in question...

2654. Custody issue raised in Marie abduction trial

Five defendants have pleaded not guilty to kidnapping charges in Marie’s abduction in 2017, while prosecution is facing mounting pressure to clarify whether or not the Norwegian father of the little girl had legal custody...

2655. Two women at the top of EU decision making

Under the deal, Ursula von der Leyen, a close ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will replace Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm...

2656. Bloomberg: Turkey stockpiles weapon parts in anticipation of US sanctions

Turkey has been stockpiling parts for F-16 fighter jets and other military hardware in anticipation of American sanctions, Bloomberg has reported, citing two Turkish officials familiar with their country’s defense strategy. ...

2657. Nicosia expects UN to maintain position on Varosha based on Security Council decisions

The government said on Friday that it expected from the UN to maintain their long-standing position with regard to the ghost-town of Famagusta, that is consistent with the UN Security Council decisions which are explicit and are now blatantly violated through the announcement made in the Turkish occupied areas of Cyprus...

2658. US Senate votes to lift Cyprus arms embargo

The US Senate on Thursday voted to lift a decades-old arms embargo against Cyprus and to cut Turkey off the American F-35 fighter jet program if it proceeds with the acquisition of the Russian S-400 missile defense system...

2659. Genius or joker?

Loose cannon or influential statesman - what kind of British prime minister would Boris Johnson make on the world stage? Judging by his time as foreign secretary, possibly both...

2660. Taxi drivers go on strike

City taxi drivers went on strike Thursday morning to protest a number of issues including city permits, social security, and the traffic code...

2661. Cabinet approves 25,000 free dog chips

The Cabinet approved a plan on Wednesday through which up to 25,000 dogs would get microchipped for free...

2662. Banks in Britain revive preparations for no-deal Brexit

Banks in Britain are showing signs of restarting preparations for a no-deal Brexit after a lull in the shift of financial services jobs and capital from Britain to the European Union in the past few months, consultants EY said on Wednesday...

2663. When necessity becomes history

2664. UK Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt in Cyprus for talks

2665. Winds of War

2666. Erdogan suffers defeat in Istanbul rerun

Turkey’s opposition has dealt President Tayyip Erdogan a stinging blow by winning control of Istanbul in a re-run mayoral election, breaking his aura of invincibility and delivering a message from voters unhappy over his policies...

2667. Trump calls off Iran strikes at the last minute

2668. The Trump factor

2669. Nicosia, Athens seek specific measures at EU summit

2670. Anastasiades meets Ozersay