12° Nicosia,
07 October, 2024


Displaying results 2671-2700 of 3947 matches for query high-risk.

2671. World hears how Mars sounds like

NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover has sent back the first audio clip from the Red Planet, capturing a faint Martian breeze, with a longer video showing the remarkable moment the rover touched down on the surface...

2672. R&I ecosystems of Cyprus and Israel exchange expertise

Stakeholders of the Cyprus Research and Innovation ecosystem had the opportunity to gain a comprehensive view of Israel’s experience and expertise in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, through a series of digital lectures that took place in January – February....

2673. Cyprus begins to thaw as temps rise

A high pressure has moved into the area over Cyprus this week, with strong winds remaining over local areas and temperatures gradually on the rise...

2674. Activists say lead pellets threaten flamingos

Conservationists in Cyprus are urging authorities to expand a hunting ban throughout a coastal salt lake network amid concerns that migrating flamingos could potentially swallow lethal quantities of lead shotgun pellets...

2675. Police back off as peaceful marchers defy ban

Thousands took to the streets in Nicosia over the weekend to protest against a controversial ban on peaceful assembly, with marchers and officers on their best behavior after an earlier anti-corruption demonstration was put down by use of force...

2676. Cyprus to push for help from Brussels on migration issue

The Republic of Cyprus will make its case to Brussels and other international fora, both at the political and technocratic level, over migratory pressure and the need for assistance. ...

2677. Cold continues through the weekend

A cold front affecting Cyprus this week is expected to last through the weekend, despite a gradual rise in temperature, with rain chances not going away before Monday...

2678. High school student says she was gang-raped

Three male teens are in custody after a high school student in Limassol told police she was raped last year, with the boys denying the allegations and saying sexual intercourse was consensual...

2679. Cold spell lowers snow line in Cyprus

Images and videos of snow in Cyprus emerged Wednesday morning as a cold front sweeping across the island brought snow not only high up in the mountains but also outside foothill boundaries below the typical snow line...

2680. Father and son arrested in grenade attack

A loud explosion shook an entire neighborhood in downtown Paphos on Tuesday evening after an offensive hand grenade was tossed from a motorcycle, with police issuing arrest warrants for two suspects...

2681. Cyprus, India FMs discuss enhancing bilateral relations

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus and the Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of India held extended political consultations at the highest level this afternoon, under Ministers Nikos Christodoulides and Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, respectively, during which views were exchanged on the further enhancement of the two countries` bilateral relations with particular focus on specific areas, including entrepreneurship, innovation, and tackling the pandemic. ...

2682. Cold spell from west sweeps across Cyprus

A yellow warning continued on Tuesday in Cyprus, as chances of heavy rain during a cold spell prompted officials to issue flood watches through the early afternoon...

2683. Cold snap coming as air pressure drops

A low pressure system from the west is moving back into to the area, bringing cold weather and showers along with strong winds later in the day, while a yellow warning is in effect for 24 hours...

2684. Cyprus and Israel agree on green passports

Cyprus and Israel reached an agreement on Sunday which would allow vaccinated Israelis to travel to the island without quarantine or other testing restrictions...

2685. Mixed skies as temps drop late weekend

A high pressure system is affecting the area over Cyprus, with periods of sunshine but also low chances of rain, while temperatures are expected to drop noticeably towards the end of the weekend as chances of stormy weather increase...

2686. NY dad flies in after son’s return put on hold

The father of a US-born child abducted by the mother over three years ago flew to Cyprus Wednesday night, after the country’s Supreme Court issued a temporary hold on a return order following a motion from the mother to delay her son’s departure...

2687. Calm weather brings misty mornings

Fair skies are expected in the coming days, featuring non-menacing clouds and a slight temperature drop mid-week, but no sign of rain before the weekend...

2688. Cyprus takes another bold step mid-pandemic

The Republic of Cyprus entered on Monday a second phase of relaxing lockdown measures for COVID-19, including the reopening of retail stores, shopping malls, and schools...

2689. Cyprus ranks second in EU for population testing

Cyprus maintained its high ranking among EU member states in terms of coronavirus population testing, with the island counting 1.5 million tests conducted since the outbreak of the pandemic last March....

2690. Emails from Cyprus connect dots on Jho Low

New information published by OCCRP suggests that Henley & Partners identified Jho Low as a high-risk client but worked with him anyway through a Cypriot company to get him a golden passport...

2691. Cinemas, theatres to reopen Monday

The Cabinet on Wednesday agreed to allow theatres and cinemas to reopen their doors next Monday....

2692. Cyprob mobility ramps up as UK, Greek officials to visit Cyprus

With the UK Foreign Secretary expected in Cyprus on Thursday, the visit of the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis was also confirmed on Wednesday for February 8. Mitsotakis is expected to discuss recent developments on the Cyprus issue with the country’s president, Nicos Anastasiades....

2693. Police open to reexamine warrant procedures

The Chief of Police wants a special team to go over warrants that were rendered unlawful recently, following a high profile defeat before the Supreme Court in connection with a home search over a Twitter parody account about the justice minister...

2694. Explosion shocks Latchia health centre

Police are searching for motives following an explosion in Latchia on Monday outside the town’s public health centre, where vaccinations against COVID-19 continue to take place...

2695. Cyprus fires up engines as lockdown eases

The Republic of Cyprus launched on Monday a gradual unlock of a three-week lockdown, citing signs of improvement with fewer hospitalizations and a major ramp up in the state’s rapid testing strategy...

2696. Ferry link hopes end with a whimper

Shipping transport companies remained unconvinced over Cyprus’ effort to revive and subsidize a ferry link with Greece, with the government going back to the drawing board after no bidders came forward by Friday’s deadline...

2697. Cyprus marks decrease in daily new cases, hospitalisations

A new national surveillance report issued Friday detailing the data behind coronavirus developments over the two-week period between January 13 and 26 showed a significant decrease in the number of daily cases and hospital admissions....

2698. Mayor defends pushing for vaccinations

The leadership of a trade union has accused Larnaca Mayor Andreas Vyras of threatening a group of staff at a senior home over their refusal to get vaccinated for COVID-19, with the official saying he only pleaded with them to reconsider...

2699. Policy priorities unaffected by pandemic, FinMin says

Despite the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic Cyprus’ economic policies remain the same, targeting macroeconomic and financial stability, prudent fiscal policies, and establishing a competitive, business-friendly regulatory environment of high standards, Minister of Finance Constantinos Petrides said on Thursday....

2700. Speed limits drop for city centre streets

Drivers on major roads in Cypriot cities may soon need to slow down further, if a new effort by the Road Safety Council takes hold reducing speed limits further from 50 down to just 30 kilometres per hour...