12° Nicosia,
06 October, 2024


Displaying results 2551-2580 of 4474 matches for query member.

2551. British concern about medical treatments in Cyprus

A British medical examiner has expressed concern about the level of care that members of British military families receive from doctors in Cyprus....

2552. Debt sustainability in all Member States

ESM Managing Director Klaus Regling strongly believes that public debt is currently sustainable in all Member States of the monetary union. ...

2553. 35,000 protesters demonstrated against COVID measures in Austria

Tens of thousands of protesters, many from far-right groups, marched through Vienna on Saturday after the Austrian government announced a nationwide lockdown beginning Monday to contain the country’s skyrocketing coronavirus infections....

2554. Divided Cyprus clears band for 5G across divide

A low frequency band that can deliver a better 5G experience to home users will be freed up on both sides of divided Cyprus, but the milestone agreement reached by the two communities could be overshadowed by ongoing 5G wars overseas...

2555. Vaccinated will need rapid test at checkpoints

Vaccinated persons crossing north and south through checkpoints in Cyprus will be required to show a negative rapid test result, following a decision by a bicommunal committee that cited worsening pandemic conditions on the island...

2556. Inflation in Cyprus and the EU rose to 4.4% in October

The annual inflation rate in Cyprus was 4.4% in October, slightly above the eurozone average (4.1%) and the EU average,...

2557. Monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID expected in Cyprus any day now

The arrival of monoclonal antibody therapies in Cyprus is just a matter of time, according to the Deputy Director of Pharmaceutical Services of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Elena Panagiotopoulou....

2558. 'Three Approaches to Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity: Theory and Application to Groundwater'

Professor Phoebe Koundouri's thesis, "Three Approaches to Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity: Theory and Application to Groundwater" which was published by Peterhouse of the University of Cambridge, is now available for free on Read Library....

2559. Vaccine Safe Pass in doubt over waning immunity

The health ministry in the Republic of Cyprus is scrambling to contain a possible spike in COVID cases this winter, with officials reportedly favoring a required third dose for individuals who want to use their vaccination status as a Safe Pass...

2560. The sins of the EU and Nouris' obligation

The numbers are buzzing about the huge problem Cyprus faces with irregular immigration and asylum seekers....

2561. Self rapid tests enter debate again in Cyprus

At-home Covid rapid tests could soon be widely available to consumers in the Republic of Cyprus, but a local expert says self-swabbing should only be offered to people who are vaccinated...

2562. Cyprus hopes for Turkey’s dress down in December

Nicosia says it is displeased over delays in reprimanding Turkey over actions in Varosha, while also expressing readiness to support punishing Ankara over its stance on migration...

2563. 38 years since the illegal proclamation of the pseudo-state

Today marks 38 years since the illegal proclamation of the pseudo-state in the occupied territories of the Republic of Cyprus....

2564. The association of retail companies requests exemptions to CovScan

Following the ruckus in retail businesses during the first days of the CovScan check, companies continue to document problematic issues arising from the verification requirement. ...

2565. Anastasiadis intervenes in the conference on Libya with messages to Turkey

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nikos Anastasiadis participated today in the Paris International Conference on Libya, following an invitation from the President of the French Republic, Mr. Emanuel Macron....

2566. Former South African President F.W. de Klerk dead at 85

South Africa's last white president F.W. de Klerk, who died on Thursday aged 85, stunned the world when he scrapped apartheid and negotiated a peaceful transfer of power to a Black-led government under Nelson Mandela....

2567. Vaccination: Cracks are forming in the EU travel policy

National decisions in France and Austria risks fragmentation of pan-European policy...

2568. Rift ignites over access to pandemic data in Cyprus

A great rift has been taking place within the government’s scientific advisory team in the Republic of Cyprus, with some members demanding more data and a bigger say on policy and others ready to offer their opinions whenever officials need expert advice...

2569. Children with cancer experience mild symptoms and fully recover from COVID-19

Most children and adolescents with cancer experience mild symptoms and fully recover after being infected with COVID-19, according to a small international study....

2570. Einstein’s scary secret: bizarre stories

Eleven bizarre tales that will blow your mind. ‘Einstein’s scary secret: bizarre stories’ by Andreas Kapandreou is definitely a page turner. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat while you delve into stories of the occult, metaphysics, parapsychology and the uncanny. ...

2571. Europe’s chief prosecutor drops by to check on Cyprus

Europe’s newly-appointed chief prosecutor paid a visit to the Republic of Cyprus on Monday, where she held talks with the island’s Law Office in an effort to iron out Nicosia’s administrative challenges and concerns in the EU’s fight against corruption...

2572. Retailers furious over CovScan’s glitchy start

A controversial android app pushed by the government to help businesses authenticate Safe Pass holders had a rough first day on Monday, with retailers upset over reported failures ranging from vaccinated documents being flagged as invalid to two different devices scanning the same QR code but giving different results...

2573. Discussions with ILO to set Cyprus minimum wage to 55%-66% of national median

Although still being discussed, and will continue until year's end, the national minimum wage in Cyprus is likely to range from 865.1 euros to 1,038.1 euros....

2574. Cyprus: France to help migration talks with African nations

France has agreed to help initiate talks between Cyprus and French-speaking African countries for a deal to take back their citizens whose asylum applications have been rejected, the Cypriot interior minister said Saturday....

2575. As ban lifts, visitors to US await long-delayed hugs, kisses

The U.S. lifted restrictions Monday on travel from a long list of countries including Mexico, Canada and most of Europe...

2576. Cyprus is expected to be more affected by climate change in the coming decades

Cyprus is expected to be much more affected by climate change in the coming decades, said today the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Costas Kadis,...

2577. Cyprus awaits Brussels decision on golden passports

The President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus has approved at least 390 golden passport applications despite European warnings after the program was scrapped last year, with Interior Minister Nicos Nouris saying he has already explained the logic to the European Commission but hasn’t heard back yet...

2578. Brutal poacher attack case heads to House committee

A reported attack in rural Famagusta against a conservation activist, who told police he was assaulted by suspected illegal poachers in the dead of night, caught the attention of a House member who says she will raise the issue before the internal affairs committee...

2579. 21% of Cypriots found it difficult to heat their homes in 2020

21% of Cypriots found it difficult to heat their homes in 2020, compared to 8% on average in the European Union...

2580. Man of the year awards tonight at 830pm

The annual Man of the Year Awards Ceremony is being held today, November 8, for the 20th year in a row....