12° Nicosia,
06 October, 2024


Displaying results 811-840 of 1378 matches for query personal.

811. Four-day workweek being piloted in Cyprus

A four-day workweek is being piloted in the Republic of Cyprus, with a big accounting firm on the island testing the waters of better work-life balance this summer...

812. Op-ed: The handmaidens of the right

It was the decade of the 70s when my friend Katerina and I were students at Pierce College in Athens. With our group of friends we spent happy, carefree days exploring the old city, its galleries and parks, its nightspots and museums....

813. Cyprus to investigate billionaire’s missing millions

A lawyer for a Jewish billionaire says he is confident Cypriot authorities will investigate a complaint into whether a former Israeli army officer embezzled his client’s money on the island...

814. The next three days are crucial for Emilianidou

815. China Eastern Airlines crash intentional

The China Eastern Airlines plane crash that killed 132 people is believed to have been caused by an intentional act, according to U.S. officials who spoke to ABC News....

816. Cacophony emerges as Cyprus stalls foreclosure bills

The finance ministry in the Republic of Cyprus is scrambling for new ways to overcome an awkward impasse on two crucial foreclosure bills, after opposition parties blamed the administration for not doing enough to have the European Commission go along with amendments to protect bad loan guarantors...

817. Thousands of Britain's 'fish and chip' shops could close within a year

The United Kingdom's fish-and-chip shops are under severe strain as the prices of key ingredients — including cod and cooking oil — soar as a result of the Russian assault on Ukraine....

818. British Forces saddened by 'hostile response' towards Platinum Jubilee concert

The British Forces Cyprus have expressed sorrow for the "hostile response of a very small minority towards our charity concert planned for 2 June, which had always been intended as an opportunity to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee with friends and to raise funds for some very worthy causes."...

819. 27 year old sentenced to two years in prison for starting fire

A 27-year-old man was sentenced today to two years in prison in connection with the fire that broke out near a state forest in eastern Limassol, on July 3, 2021, the same day as the catastrophic fire that followed in the mountainous Limassol - Larnaca....

820. How meritocracy reinforces inequality

We normally have unexamined certainties to guide us through daily life. But few people are so gifted at shaking those certainties than Michael Sandel....

821. Op-ed: The cat and the tip of the iceberg

Who knows how long he’d been standing in the middle of that Kythera field, with little food and water, in unbearable pain as the small halter bit into his flesh....

822. Man with schizophrenia convicted of premeditated murders

A man with schizophrenia has been convicted on premeditated murder charges for killing his wife and son in rural Nicosia last year, with the bench dismissing his insanity defense after finding there was no provocation...

823. Furious US Chief Justice confirms leaked draft on abortion rights is authentic

A furious Chief Justice John Roberts has confirmed that the bombshell draft opinion leaked to Politico, in which the Supreme Court’s conservative majority moves to overturn Roe v. Wade, is indeed authentic....

824. Op-ed: Turkey antagonizing Greece at every opportunity

Turkey is trying to reach out to most countries in the region in a quest for a new, smoother and ultimately more beneficial – to Ankara itself – modus vivendi....

825. Protests erupt after potential US Supreme Court move to overturn abortion rights ruling

Anti-abortion activists and pro-abortion rights supporters took to the streets of Washington on Tuesday after news that the U.S. Supreme Court may overturn the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling that legalized abortion....

826. ‘I will visit Athens when we win the war,’ Ukraine’s President tells Kathimerini‘i-will-visit-athens-when-we-win-the-war-ukraine-s-president-tells-kathimerini

Volodymyr Zelenskyy looked worn, he was probably sleepless, but he spoke passionately in his signature husky, nasal voice, stopping often to take a sip of coffee from the cup next to him....

827. Boris Becker faces jail term for failing to declare his millions

Three-time Wimbledon champion Boris Becker could be sent to jail today as he faces a sentence for flouting the terms of his 2017 bankruptcy....

828. Census takers face hostility in Cyprus

Census workers in Cyprus are facing hostile residents during the ongoing campaign, as many citizens say they are worried about their personal information also being collected for sinister purposes...

829. Op-ed: Inflation welcomes 'Generation Z'

Inflation is the rate at which prices rise, which means that we need more money to buy the same product or service. Consequently, if your salary stays the same, then your purchasing power will decrease, as you will be able to buy fewer goods and services....

830. A deal ‘everybody will hate’ to end the war in Ukraine‘everybody-will-hate-to-end-the-war-in-ukraine

The most likely solution that will bring an end to the war in Ukraine is an agreement that “everybody will hate,” James Stavridis, NATO’s Greek-American former commander for Europe tells Kathimerini....

831. EY and Hult International Business School announce new Masters in Business Analytics, free for all EY people

EY, in association with Hult International Business School, today announces a brand new, fully accredited Masters in Business Analytics, available to all 312,000 EY people free of charge and regardless of rank, tenure or location....

832. Ukrainian soldiers adopt freezing puppy (video)

It’s not all doom and gloom in the trenches in Ukraine—sometimes it’s head pats and belly rubs of gratitude....

833. Second batch of humanitarian aid to Ukraine leaves today from Limassol

The second batch of humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine departs today from the port of Limassol....

834. Russia imposes visa restrictions on citizens of 'unfriendly countries'

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Monday introducing visa restrictions for citizens of countries that Moscow deems "unfriendly" in response to sanctions over Ukraine....

835. UN official gets ‘donkeyed’ Cyprus-style‘donkeyed-cyprus-style

UN official Colin Stewart was amused over two gag gifts he received at a bicommunal gathering in north Nicosia, with one elder of the group presenting him with a donkey ornament to remind him he would 'need a lot of patience' on the island...

836. The act of a balanced work life and its yin yang: ECOMMBX

Life is a delicate yin yang, or merely one more reason to celebrate each day we all share on this planet we call home!...

837. More humanitarian aid will be sent to Ukraine on the 5th of April

The second batch of humanitarian aid for Ukraine is expected to be shipped from Cyprus on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, via the EU Civil Protection Agency, Commissioner for the Citizen Panayiotis Sentonas has said....

838. 8 feel good stories from the conflict in Ukraine that will inspire and give you hope in humanity

From charities and governments to celebrities and everyday people, millions are pitching in to ease the burden for fleeing or sheltering Ukrainians. In turn, they’re inspiring the world with their generosity and strength....

839. Everything You Need to Know About Crypto Today (at least for the next 8 hours!)

Don’t be intimidated by my headline if you know nothing about Bitcoin or the Bored Ape Yacht Club. You are in the majority....

840. Op-ed: 'Only a leap in consciousness will end human slavery'

With the number of women and children fleeing the war in Ukraine, experts say that many of them may become victims of trafficking given their vulnerability. This article is even more relevant today and attempts to present the attitudes that have enabled human slavery throughout history, and the solution to eradicate this crime across the globe....