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27 July, 2024


Displaying results 61-82 of 82 matches for query priest.

61. Archbishop tells believers to shelter in place

Archbishop Chrysostomos has called on believers to stay home during Orthodox Easter, saying “if we truly love God, then our mission should be to put an end to this pandemic...

62. Greek Government to proceed with new island camps, despite reactions

The Greek government is determined to move ahead with its plan to build new holding facilities for migrants and refugees as part of a plan to accelerate asylum procedures and deportations on the five islands hosting camps, its spokesman said on Tuesday, amid reactions to the scheme from island residents....

63. Cypriot priest yells at wedding guest

A video of a church wedding in Cyprus has gone viral, showing a male guest getting yelled at by the priest during the Dance of Isaiah portion of the ceremony...

64. House looks at state salaries for clergy

State salaries for the clergy are back in the news as a House finance committee is looking for ways to amend an outdated agreement with the Church dating back to 1971...

65. Russian church in the north under criticism

A Russian Orthodox Church in the north has come under criticism with the Archbishop accusing the local priest of recusancy and embassy officials reiterating Moscow’s respect to the autocephalous Church of Cyprus...

66. Trump hits China with more tariffs, sharply escalating trade dispute

U.S. President Donald Trump vowed to impose a 10% tariff on $300 billion of Chinese imports from Sept. 1, sharply escalating a bruising trade war between the world’s largest economies and jolting financial markets. ...

67. Ombudswoman weighs in on Bishop controversy

Criticism towards Bishop Neophytos is picking up steam, following his comments about homosexuality and abortion that stirred debate and prompted all sorts of reactions...

68. Cypriots celebrate Easter

Easter may be a thing from last week in some parts of the world, but it is almost the end of Holy Week in the Republic Cyprus where people get ready for Saturday midnight mass and Easter Sunday celebrations...

69. Greek Cypriots mark epiphany with rare vigil to ghost town fringe

70. Farmers turned away from buffer zone again

Turkish Cypriot officials are dismissing reports in the south that said Greek Cypriot farmers were harassed by armed soldiers in the buffer zone last week...

71. Greek Cypriot priest detained briefly in the north

Four people detained Tuesday afternoon by Turkish Cypriot authorities in connection with an alleged theft of a piece of church stone with archeological value...

72. Tsipras’s last card

73. Cypriot says British officers raped her in 1956

More allegations are piling up in an ongoing case in the UK against British forces, who are accused of torture and even rape during the Greek Cypriot insurgency between 1955 and 1959...

74. Catholic archbishop convicted in Australia of concealing child sex abuse

An Australian archbishop was found guilty on Tuesday of concealing child sex abuse by a priest, which Australian media said it made him the most senior Catholic in the world to be convicted on such a charge...

75. Cannabis and opium were part of ancient Cypriot culture

The distinction between medicine and the mind-altering drug may have been lost on ancient peoples...

76. Church defrocks priest convicted of sexual assault

The Holy Synod decided unanimously on Wednesday to defrock the priest who was convicted in 2015 for sexually assaulting Elena Frantzi, the 29-year-old woman whose recent death shocked the public and left church and state scramble for answers....

77. Cypriots celebrate Easter

It may be spring recess in some parts of the world, but it is almost the end of Holy Week in Cyprus where people get ready for Saturday midnight mass and Easter Sunday celebrations. Tradition mixed with good food and some dangerous customs blend together to make what Cypriots call Easter holidays....

78. New information about Elena emerges

New information has emerged about Elena Frantzi, whose recent death shocked Cypriot society, just one day after her family warned it may take legal action against anyone who spreads misinformation or violates the privacy of their departed loved one....

79. Elena’s family calls for privacy

The family of Elena Frantzi, whose recent death shocked Cypriot society, is warning it may take legal action against anyone who spreads misinformation about their loved one....

80. Commissioner says State has failed Elena

The commissioner issued a statement on Thursday saying the state has failed to protect Elena, while also calling on officials to work harder in order to improve and modernise the Social Welfare Services....

81. Authorities scramble after Elena's death

The death of 29-year-old Elena Frantzi has distressed Cyprus society, with authorities and the media scrambling to respond to public outrage over her stepfather priest who went to prison for sexually molesting her. ...

82. Paphos burglary takes bizarre turn

A rather bizarre incident took place in Paphos, where a Russian orthodox priest reported a burglary with holy relics being among the stolen goods....