12° Nicosia,
23 September, 2024


Displaying results 4351-4380 of 4821 matches for query show.

4351. An increasing French presence in the East Med

4352. Two drunk drivers plough into cars in Paphos

Two men have been arrested in Paphos suspected of driving under the influence and crashing into other vehicles, while one of them drove away...

4353. Sunshine is back, but not all the way

A northeastern wind front is affecting the area over Cyprus, with fair skies and sunshine expected Monday and Tuesday with increasing chances of rain around Thanksgiving...

4354. Turkish fighter jets fly over Nicosia

Nicosia skies were pierced by the thunder of two Turkish fighter jets at noon Thursday, marking celebrations in the north while drawing condemnation in the south...

4355. Court drama in Ayia Napa highway murder

Four men in custody denied any involvement in the Ayia Napa highway murder during their remand hearing on Thursday, where things got tense following an argument between the defence and prosecution...

4356. Fair skies with low chances of rain

A wind front from the north and northeast is affecting Cyprus, with low chances of rain Thursday and Friday possibly in the north and out west...

4357. Limassol shows the red card in street parade

Limassol officials say they would not accept revelers inspired by the biggest heist on television to participate in the annual street parade, citing security concerns...

4358. Prince Charles celebrates his 70th birthday

4359. Interview with Isfandyar Zaman Khan, lead specialist for finance and innovation at the World Bank

4360. Cyprus gobbled 37 million litres of beer this year

4361. Akinci: It is not clear what Anastasiades wants

4362. Dijsselbloem: Cyprus is still in search of a new economic paradigm

4363. Defence minister rolls out reforms

Exam grades will no longer be a factor in promoting military commissioned officers, while reservists will have more flexibility to show up for training according to upcoming changes...

4364. Grexit plan was no bluff, French ex-president tells Kathimerini

4365. Turkish defense minister accuses Greece of violating Libyan continental shelf

4366. Cold, wet weekend ahead

A few brief periods of clear weather won’t hold through the entire day on Friday, as chances of rain will increase giving way to a colder and wet weekend...

4367. Larnaca official to stand trial

A Larnaca city official will stand trial on corruption charges, a criminal court ruled on Thursday, in the case of a nightclub owner who paid cash to clear his business citations but the money was never deposited...

4368. In setback for Trump Democrats seize US House control

4369. Murder suspect wanted in the north faces deportation

A Pakistani male, who is wanted in the north for killing a Turkish Cypriot artist, remains locked up in the south on illegal entry violations, while previous reports of a possible murder investigation by CID Limassol have been retracted...

4370. Zygi divided over refugee facility

A recent protest in Zygi by local residents, who object to having a refugee centre for unaccompanied minors in the area, has deeply divided the community and sparked debate beyond village boundaries...

4371. Britons would back 'remain' in new Brexit vote - Channel 4 poll

4372. Chances of rain looming over clear horizon

Mostly clear weather conditions are set to continue this week, while afternoon clouds could bring local showers and even thunderstorms...

4373. Nicosia plays down Russian tourist airport incident

Nicosia is playing down reports over detentions of Russian nationals at the airport who say they plan to visit the northern part of the island, vowing to look into a specific airport incident while giving assurances that the overall crossing experiences are positive...

4374. The end of political totems

4375. Cypriot and Israeli commandos train in Troodos

Israeli special commandos trained on Cypriot soil for a third time since an agreement was signed between the two countries, allowing troops from both countries to gain new insights and training for combat...

4376. Hope remains for a Cyprus settlement, but actions needed, Spehar tells Economist conference

4377. Wanted - Scientist to feature on Britain's new 50 pound note

4378. Weekend weather to take a turn

Although the weekend is off to an uneventful start with mostly clear weather on Saturday, officials say it will get wet starting Sunday with air quality index at moderate levels...

4379. Driver runs over Lithuanian woman in Paphos

A female tourist is in critical condition following an accident at a light controlled pedestrian crossing outside a shopping mall in Paphos...

4380. New bicycle law goes into effect

A new bicycle law on rights and responsibilities puts restrictions on where and how cyclists can legally ride their bikes while also targeting discourteous drivers who put cyclists in danger...