12° Nicosia,
21 September, 2024


Displaying results 1081-1110 of 1345 matches for query status.

1081. British High Commission replies to British expats FAQ

The British High Commission in Cyprus compiled and replied to some of the most frequently asked questions by UK nationals in Cyprus, providing further clarity on what British expats living on the island can expect post-Brexit. ...

1082. Greece seeking EU alliances to boost migrant returns

As tensions at migrant camps on the Aegean islands simmer amid continuing arrivals, the Greek government is looking at ways of accelerating the return of those whose asylum applications are rejected....

1083. British High Commissioner talks trade, free movement after Brexit

In an interview with the Cyprus News Agency, British High Commissioner in Cyprus, Stephen Lillie, talks about what tomorrow will look like, and what applies for Cypriot and British nationals living in both countries, which he said share a deep historical relationship....

1084. UN says its plan for military contacts not recognition

The UN intend to enquire both sides in Cyprus about their ideas concerning the establishment of an effective mechanism for direct military contacts, after a relevant reference in the UNFICYP resolution the Security Council passed Thursday. ...

1085. WHO declares a global health emergency

The World Health Organization has declared coronavirus a global health emergency, saying the fast-spreading virus has infected more than 8200 people across the world...

1086. EU tells UK it will 'never, never, never' compromise on single market

The European Union will “never, never, never” compromise on the integrity of its single market, its chief Brexit negotiator warned Britain on Monday, saying London must now face reality after underestimating the costs of leaving....

1087. Nicosia ups efforts ahead of UNFICYP vote

Nicosia is intensifying efforts over the final makeup of an UNFICYP draft resolution in New York, as the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus is expected to be renewed ahead of its expiry at the end of the month...

1088. Cypriot president joins leaders in Jerusalem

World leaders and royalty from around the world gathered in Israel on Wednesday to attend a Holocaust forum in Jerusalem, marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp...

1089. Iran says military shot down plane in error

Iran said on Saturday it had mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian plane killing all 176 people aboard and voiced its deep regret, after initially denying it brought down the aircraft in the tense aftermath of Iranian missile strikes on US targets in Iraq...

1090. Video shows plane going down in Tehran

A Ukrainian airliner crashed soon after taking off from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini airport on Wednesday, killing all 176 people aboard, Iran’s state television and Ukraine’s leaders said...

1091. Greece, Cyprus and Israel sign EastMed deal

Greece, Israel and Cyprus have signed a deal for an undersea pipeline designed to carry gas from offshore deposits in the southeastern Mediterranean to continental Europe...

1092. Cabinet adopts IHRA definition of antisemitism

The President’s Cabinet has approved a decision by which the Cypriot Government adopts the definition of anti-Semitism as it has been spelled out by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance...

1093. EastMed bill squeezed through federal budget

US Senator Bob Menendez on Monday applauded a bipartisan deal on federal government spending that is comprised of 12 appropriations bills, including legislation shaping American strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean...

1094. Turkish military drone lands in Cyprus

A military armed drone landed in the northern part of Cyprus on Monday after flying a five-hour mission from its naval base in Turkey...

1095. Senate approves Armenian resolution

The US Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution that recognizes as a genocide the mass killings of Armenians a century ago, a historic move that infuriated Turkey and dealt a blow to the already problematic ties between Ankara and Washington...

1096. New EU health commissioner readies plan

Cyprus’ new Commissioner to the European Commission Stella Kyriakides has outlined the goals and priorities for the Health and Food Safety portfolio at a meeting held on Wednesday with Cypriot journalists...

1097. Guterres committed to explore possibility to convene five-party meeting on Cyprus

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday that he committed to explore with the President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades, the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci and the guarantor powers the possibility to convene an informal five party meeting on Cyprus “at an appropriate stage”, following an informal dinner in Berlin attended by both leaders. ...

1098. ‘Parallel Parliament’ marred by handicap‘parallel-parliament-marred-by-handicap

The head of the Cyprus Paraplegic Association drew a round of applause in a “parallel parliament” session on Thursday after exiting the House to protest the lack of handicap accessibility...

1099. Jho Low movie gaining popularity

A film about Malaysian financier and Cypriot passport holder Jho Low has been steadily gaining popularity, despite legal challenges over copyright infringement and potential defamation lawsuits...

1100. Slovakia’s premier cuts Cyprus visit short

Slovakia’s Premier Peter Pellegrini cut his official visit in Cyprus short due to a tragic accident in his country which resulted in the death of at least 13 people...

1101. Speed boat intercepted in latest refugee arrival

Coast guard officials arrested two suspects after giving chase to a fleeing speedboat on Monday, in connection with the arrival of another boat that carried 131 undocumented migrants to northwestern Cyprus...

1102. Sassoli says EP calmly waiting on UK

The European Parliament will vote on Brexit only after the agreement’s ratification by the UK Parliament, the Conference of the President of the political groups decided on Monday...

1103. Tell-all interview with Christopher Pincher

Brexit would not change the relationship between the United Kingdom and Cyprus, according to British Minister Christopher Pincher, who gave a tell-all interview to Kathimerini Cyprus...

1104. Akinci stands ground in Facebook fallout

Political parties in the north are scrambling to pass a mutual statement through the assembly following controversial comments made by the Turkish Cypriot leader regarding Ankara’s offensive in Syria...

1105. Trump hopes to mediate between Turkey and Kurds

US President Donald Trump has put three options on the table for US action following heavy criticism and worldwide condemnation of Turkey’s military offensive in Syria...

1106. Maritime Cyprus kicks off in Limassol

Maritime Cyprus 2019 Conference kicks off Monday in Limassol with the participation of more than 800 shipping executives from around the globe...

1107. Turkish ships disturb Cypriot waters

Nicosia and Athens are calling on Turkey to back off following Ankara’s decision to send more ships off the southern coast of Cyprus...

1108. Yavuz on its way to a new well

Turkey is sending an oil and gas drilling ship to waters off southern Cyprus where Greek Cypriot authorities have already awarded exploration rights to Italian and French companies, according to Turkish statements on Thursday....

1109. Woman slams Cyprus after mom’s death

A petition online is calling on insurance companies to recognize the north as a legal entity, following a British woman’s death in Cyprus and her daughter’s ordeal trying to cut through red tape between the two divided communities...

1110. UNFICYP makes case for more women peacekeepers

A female lieutenant with UNFICYP says local concerns are consistently heard and addressed with more women peacekeepers on the ground...