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26 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 348 matches for query supreme.

211. Cyprus police face fresh accusations of mishandling rape claim

Cyprus police are faced with fresh accusations of mishandling a rape claim filed by a young UK national last May whilst on holiday in the Famagusta district’s resort town of Protaras....

212. ‘Wanted’ man takes police to Supreme Court‘wanted-man-takes-police-to-supreme-court

A foreign national who says he was living in Denmark with his family ended up being detained in Bulgaria on a Cypriot warrant, with his lawyer saying it was issued without due diligence...

213. Roxy’s 'Charo' takes Cyprus to ECHR

A Dominican woman, who was recognized as a sex trafficking victim after her ordeal in the capital’s Roxy strip club over a decade ago, is taking the Republic of Cyprus to the European Court of Human Rights, after the country’s Supreme Court sided with a lower court judge who threw out her lawsuit seeking damages...

214. Constitutional crisis unfolds over passports

An unprecedented constitutional crisis has been unfolding in the Republic of Cyprus, with the attorney general publicly scolding an inquisitive auditor general and asking him to back off from seeking access to files in connection with golden passports linked to a casino project...

215. Supreme Court says Daniela case closed

The Supreme Court has refused to reopen Daniela Rosca’s murder case, a woman who was killed by intruders in her own home in Larnaca, while the convicted mastermind insists he has new information that could exonerate him...

216. Police get to work on passport scandal

Cypriot police appear to have their plate full with three different probes into alleged corruption in the golden passport scheme, with investigators facing their biggest challenge by a shocking Al Jazeera video that dealt the fatal blow in the country’s Citizenship by Investment Programme...

217. Syllouris accepts waiving of his parliamentary immunity

President of the Cyprus Parliament Demetris Syllouris said Wednesday that he won’t stand in the way of his parliamentary immunity being waved to accommodate a probe launched by local police after a fresh batch of Al Jazeera allegations situated him at the epicentre of a massive corruption scandal involving the island’s golden passports scheme....

218. Judge in Cypriot passport probe resigns

Retired Supreme Court Judge Costas Pampallis has resigned from his position as a member of an indepednent investigative committee, a team that was tasked to sift through Cyprus’ golden passport scheme in the wake of corruption scandals and systemic failures...

219. Trump's medical status unclear

President Donald Trump could be discharged from the hospital where he is being treated for COVID-19 as soon as Monday, according to his doctors, although his condition remains unclear and outside experts warn that his case may be severe...

220. Bad blood continues over golden passports

A prolonged and bitter dispute between the interior minister and auditor general, over probing Cyprus’ golden passports scheme, was renewed this week following a mini report with details on a number of applications through citizenship by investment...

221. Police request for 'golden passports' documents from Parliament unconstitutional, lawyers say

Lawyers from whom Parliament requested advice after law enforcement officials said they would crack down on the Cyprus Papers whistleblower(s) said Parliament’s non-compliance with police requests for documents relating to the investment scheme is reasonable, as such a request is “not constitutionally legitimate”....

222. AG announces makeup of new committee to probe passports scheme

Attorney General George Savvides announced the members of the newly-established four-member committee tasked with probing the entire length of the Cyprus Investment Program, which was introduced in 2007....

223. Chief Justice scolds bench in Alexoui case

A dissenting opinion written by the Supreme Court president pointed to “errors of principle” on Thursday, after a new appeal to get Alexoui and Rudolf out of remanded custody based on new facts was struck down again...

224. Fierce battle over ‘Cyprus papers’‘cyprus-papers

A fierce battle over documents has began following Al Jazeera’s “Cyprus papers” on golden passports, with the audit office demanding to examine specific files and the interior ministry refusing to hand them over...

225. Church bells toll for Hagia Sophia

Archbishop of Cyprus Chrysostomos has ordered church bells across the island to ring on Friday, marking what he described as a “criminal conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque"...

226. Supreme Court orders Syrian man’s release

An asylum seeker, who was detained on national security grounds and his application had been rejected, was ordered to walk free after the Supreme Court ruled state authorities had no legal basis to keep him locked up...

227. Students arrested as visa debate rages on

Police officers and immigration agents raided establishments in Paphos on Sunday, arresting two international students who were found working without authorization, with critics calling on the state to ease restrictions and allow off-campus work...

228. Divided Cyprus reacts to Hagia Sophia

Cyprus has weighed in on Turkey’s controversial decision to allow Muslim prayer inside Hagia Sophia, with different reactions across the divided island and amid reports of nuanced differences in President Erdogan's statements in two different languages...

229. Aegean tension fueling Berlin concern

With Germany assuming the European Union presidency on Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed concern over developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and Greek-Turkish relations in response to questions from MPs in the Bundestag....

230. Ayia Napa rape case on appeal path

The lawyers of a British young lady, who was accused by Cypriot police of fabricating rape allegations in Ayia Napa last year, have submitted documents to the Supreme Court for an appeal hearing expected later this year...

231. Cyprus outlines drastic step on migration

Republic of Cyprus Interior Minister Nikos Nouris is urgently seeking a constitutional amendment to shorten the time of due process for asylum applicants, calling a set of government-sponsored bills a “holistic approach” to immigration during a press conference on Thursday...

232. Interior minister presents bills for streamlining asylum procedures

The house legal committee discussed on Tuesday a bundle of four bills, submitted by interior minister Nicos Nouris, that seek to streamline procedures for the processing of applications filed by asylum seekers as well as appeal proceedings....

233. Cyprus readies to deport suspected terrorists

The Republic of Cyprus says it is getting ready to deport 17 undocumented migrants suspected of having ties to foreign terrorists, but proceedings could be delayed due to ongoing pandemic and other legal issues...

234. Cyprus announces 'timid first steps' in easing restrictions

In a televised national address on Wednesday night, President Nicos Anastasiades presented the detailed plan of the first two phases of Cyprus’ lockdown exit plan, with the first phase, which will see a timid resumption of the economy and a small loosening of restrictions on individual freedoms, set to begin on May 4....

235. Efforts underway to allow courts to judge cases remotely

As the Justice Ministry scrambles to pave the way for a resumption of the complete operation of courts amid the strict restriction measures in place to tackle to coronavirus outbreak, Justice Minister Giorgos Savvides said Monday that efforts are underway to allow some hearings to take place via teleconference....

236. Supreme Court: public sector pay cuts during financial crisis constitutional

The Cyprus Supreme Court on Friday overturned earlier rulings by the Administrative Court, finding that cuts made to public sector employees’ salaries and pensions during the economic crisis of 2013 were in accordance with the Constitution....

237. Bill sparks kosher debate in Cyprus

Animal rights advocates are up in arms over a new government bill that would allow slaughterhouses in the Republic of Cyprus to incorporate kosher rituals, a procedure described by animal rights activists as inhumane...

238. Greece to treat violation of Covid-19 protection measures as a crime

The violation of measures dictated by the authorities to contain the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus should be treated as a crime and prosecuted, the Supreme Court said on Thursday in a memo to the country’s prosecutorial services....

239. 'The Time Is Now': Women abstain from duties in call for gender equality

Women from across Cyprus locked elbows to form human chains outside their workplaces on Friday during a one-hour work stoppage that called for gender equality and an end to discrimination against women....

240. Asylee walks free after state loses case

The Supreme Court in Cyprus has ordered an asylum seeker released from detention, after the state refused to provide evidence he was being held on national security grounds and suspicion of terrorism...