12° Nicosia,
21 September, 2024


Displaying results 271-300 of 326 matches for query ticket.

271. 20,000 coronavirus tests to target school staff and students

After news that schools will be reopening doors for students of all levels on May 21 sparked debate and concern among the Cyprus public, Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou said Thursday that a round of 20,000 coronavirus tests will be launched, targeting school staff and students....

272. Schools to open doors on May 21

With students of graduating classes set to return to school on Monday, the government agreed on a plan for the safe return of the remaining classes on May 21....

273. Police clamp down on unjustified movements

Police in the Republic of Cyprus have been checking motorists and pedestrians for possible curfew violations, with 123 individuals found to be in violation of a decree on movement restrictions on Wednesday...

274. Cyprus to ban flights from 28 countries

As of Saturday, flights to the Larnaca and Paphos airports from 28 countries will be banned, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou announced on Tuesday night, noting that this stricter measure does not affect cargo....

275. Flights booked solid before 6pm deadline

Daytime flights from Athens to the Republic of Cyprus were sold out on Monday after the government said new arrivals on evening flights after 6pm would not be allowed into the country without a valid health certificate...

276. Alpha Bank supports Cyprus Association of Kidney Patients’ Friends

277. EDEK party shrinks as turmoil escalates over ousted MEP

After the dramatic ousting of MEP Demetris Papadakis from socialist party Edek on Monday, the party continued to shrink throughout the week with the resignation of ten party members by Friday....

278. British High Commission replies to British expats FAQ

The British High Commission in Cyprus compiled and replied to some of the most frequently asked questions by UK nationals in Cyprus, providing further clarity on what British expats living on the island can expect post-Brexit. ...

279. Thousands of Greek cards to be replaced in travel website data breach

Greece’s four systemic banks have canceled or are planning to cancel and replace up to 15,000 credit and debit cards, after the payment card data used by some of their customers on a Greek online tourist services portal was hacked....

280. Driver argues with officer over filming

A video showing a driver in Cyprus debating with a police officer has gone viral, raising once again questions over the rights of citizens to record video in public places...

281. Niyazi against Turkish language holdup

Cypriot MEP Niyazi Kizilyurek is calling on the European Commission to clarify why the EU is slow-walking the process of making Turkish an official language of the EU...

282. North to get security cameras next year

A Turkish company is set to deliver hundreds of security cameras in the north next year, while a tender process for speed cameras in the south is concluding Friday with the aim of installing the first batch in late 2020...

283. Macbeth premieres at Paphos medieval castle

The first of three performances of Giuseppe Verdi’s masterpiece Macbeth is staged on Friday at the square of the Medieval Castle in Paphos...

284. Grappling with aftermath of deadly weekend

An emergency session held by police highlighted measures to help prevent road fatalities, as post mortem results released in Nicosia and Limassol pinpointed to the exact cause of death in three deadly accidents over the weekend...

285. Police raise alarm after three fatalities in a row

Another senior citizen was killed in a road accident on Sunday, marking the third fatality over the weekend and prompting police to say they are doing everything they can but drivers also need to do their part...

286. Digital Agenda Summit: Brian McBride, ASOS Chairman and CEO of Amazon UK

Brian McBride is one of Britain’s foremost digital business leaders. For six years he served as Chairman of ASOS, the leading online fashion retailer. He is also Senior Non-Executive Director at electrical retailer and is Senior Adviser with Scottish Equity Partners. Outside his commercial interests he’s also a member of the Government’s Digital Advisory Board, which steers the digital delivery of Government services to the public. ...

287. Cyprus pushes for ferry link with Greece

The government is looking for ferry links to Greece as cheaper alternatives to costly flights, with the shipping deputy minister hoping there will be a weekly connection by next summer...

288. Traffic police told to play fair

Traffic police issued a new directive this week requesting that officers on duty remain visible at all times and refrain from forcing motorists into speed traps...

289. SYRIZA, Kotzias-led movement part ways

The political movement Pratto, led by former foreign minister Nikos Kotzias, on Wednesday announced that it was officially ending its cooperation with ruling SYRIZA and that it will not take part in next month’s national elections. It urged its followers to vote for progressive forces. ...

290. Man arrested for filming police officer in public

A man has been detained by police in Larnaca after he recorded on video a police officer who was flagging down vehicles and checking for traffic violations...

291. They are not Europe

Britain and the chaos that has taken over the country is the biggest sign of what dangerous populism can do if it is underestimated, but it is not the only example...

292. Cyprus' MEPs pledge to work together

Republic of Cyprus’ six newly-elected Members of the European Parliament pledged to work to promote the national problem and the issues facing the people on the island...

293. Cypriots go to the polls

Polls opened on Sunday morning in the Republic of Cyprus where 72 candidates are competing for one of six seats at the European parliament...

294. Cops launch distracted driving campaign

Traffic police will be watching out for distracted drivers this week, during a weeklong campaign against drivers using their mobile phones or otherwise not driving hands-free...

295. Greek who missed doomed flight reflects on good fortune

296. You know why

'You know why' was the nuanced slogan of DIKO party MP candidate Fytos Constantinou who was running his election campaign in 2011. The catchphrase was simple and smart according to communication experts, sending a message to all those who benefited from his presence in the Defence House committee...

297. Indian housemaid in Nicosia hung out to dry

A female housemaid from India was ordered to pay a €500 fine after a judge found her guilty of stealing €20 from her employers, a charge she vehemently denies to this day...

298. Germania airline files for bankruptcy, halts flights

299. New call centre falling behind

The call centre that was launched three months ago in a government effort to upgrade public services has had a false start, prompting the Finance Ministry to send out urgent cables to civil servants...

300. Police scanners go after unpaid fines

More people are being called in to the nearest police station to settle traffic fines, according to media reports, with much of the credit going to the recently-installed smart licence plate scanner...