12° Nicosia,
17 June, 2024


Displaying results 121-150 of 237 matches for query withdrawal.

121. Government subsidizes for alternative, zero or low emissions vehicles

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works announces that from next Monday, December 6, 2021, the Plan for Withdrawal of Polluting Vehicles and Incentives for Alternative, Zero or Low Emissions of Vehicle Types will be implemented....

122. Turkey: Tear gas used against women protesting against gender-based violence

Turkish police used tear gas on Thursday night against hundreds of women protesting in Istanbul to denounce gender-based violence and Turkey's withdrawal from the International Convention for the Protection of Women....

123. Cyprus gives huge incentives to go electric

Cyprus is investing €45 mln in incentive schemes to purchase greener cars and register 36,000 electric vehicles by the end of 2030, Transport Minister Yiannis Karousos announced....

124. Government subsidies for electric vehicles

The car market is going through a difficult period, as evidenced by the statistics of new motor vehicle registrations....

125. Cypriot students demand Turkish troops leave island

Holding banners reading ‘I don’t forget’ and ‘200,000 refugees,’ Cypriot university students demonstrated in the northern port city of Thessaloniki,...

126. 38 years since the illegal proclamation of the pseudo-state

Today marks 38 years since the illegal proclamation of the pseudo-state in the occupied territories of the Republic of Cyprus....

127. The Cyprus issue is at a prolonged impasse

The insistence of Turkey and the leader of the Turkish Cypriots and settlers Ersin Tatar on advance acceptance by the Greek Cypriot side of the sovereign equality of the Turkish Cypriots has led the Cyprus issue to a prolonged impasse....

128. Anastasiadis intervenes in the conference on Libya with messages to Turkey

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nikos Anastasiadis participated today in the Paris International Conference on Libya, following an invitation from the President of the French Republic, Mr. Emanuel Macron....

129. Cyprus grabs a seat at the Libya conference table

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades has a seat waiting for him at the Libya conference in Paris on Friday, the first time ever for the east Mediterranean island to officially state its views on the war-torn country proxied by power struggles in the region...

130. Is America really back?

In a 1990 Atlantic Monthly piece, the most influential realist of a generation – John Mearsheimer – put forth a provocative title: “Why we will soon miss the Cold War.” ...

131. President Anastasiades addresses the 76th UN General Assembly

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, today addressed members of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York....

132. Cyprus ranks 3rd in car ownership in the EU

Cyprus had the third highest number of cars per capita in the EU in 2019, according to data published by Eurostat....

133. Chaos as Biden defends withdrawal

Thousands of people desperate to flee Afghanistan thronged Kabul's airport on Monday after the Taliban seized the capital, prompting the United States to pause evacuations, as President Joe Biden confronted mounting criticism over the US withdrawal...

134. ECB tells Cyprus lawmakers to get it right

Elizabeth McCaul, Member of the Supervisory Board of the ECB, advised caution over possible amendments to the Cyprus foreclosure law stressing that 'such policies can also backfire and destabilize the banking sector if designed in a haphazard manner'...

135. Cyprus adopts restrictions for AstraZeneca

The Republic of Cyprus is adopting age restrictions for the AstraZeneca vaccine, following a fatal blood clot incident and intense debate amongst health experts, with the decision coming just hours after the health minister had warned he would seek answers abroad if the advisory team failed to deliver a solid recommendation...

136. Vaxxed woman in Cyprus dies from blood clot

A British woman passed away on the weekend while she was receiving thrombolytic therapy in Cyprus, following her vaccination against COVID earlier this month, with officials admitting a link but unable to pinpoint what exactly may have caused the blood clot...

137. Turkey says ‘sofagate’ unfair criticism from EU‘sofagate-unfair-criticism-from-eu

Turkey has blamed the European Union for seating arrangements that left European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen standing without a chair during formalities at the Presidential Palace in Ankara...

138. Cyprus stands behind AstraZeneca vaccine

Authorities in the Republic of Cyprus have resumed the vaccination program using the AstraZeneca vaccine, after EMA said benefits outweigh the risks, with the health minister criticizing fellow member states for creating confusion by not sticking to plan...

139. IMF: Withdrawal of support measures should be gradual

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission met virtually with the Cypriot authorities from March 8–29, 2021 to discuss recent economic developments and policy priorities on the island. In an interview with Kathimerini Cyprus, IMF mission chief for Cyprus, Anita Tuladhar, said the longer the recovery period in sectors related to tourism, the greater the chance that permanent scars will remain in the economy of Cyprus. Tuladhar also noted the importance of state-sponsored programs to support the economy....

140. Borrell determined to carry out EUCO mandate on Turkey

President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades said clarifications about the EU’s role at the informal conference of Cyprus set to take place in Geneva in late April may arise after the visit expected to be paid to Turkey by EU officials....

141. Cyprus, Greece mount pressure for revision of EUCO conclusions

Cyprus and Greece mounted pressure on Wednesday for a revision of the draft European Council conclusions on Turkey, arguing that they should better reflect the stance taken by the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in his recent report....

142. Germany: Turkey sending wrong human rights signals

Turkey is sending the wrong messages to the European Union by withdrawing from a pact designed to counter violence against women and closing down the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas warned on Monday....

143. Probe into police brutality has three-month deadline

The independent authority for the investigation of allegations and complaints against the police said Thursday that it instructed the four criminal investigators probing complaints of police brutality at last Saturday’s protest to wrap up investigations within three months....

144. Smoothening the cliff edge in EU-UK relations

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the United Kingdom and the European Union came into effect on January 1, 2021, capping a tumultuous four-and-a-half-year period since the shocking result of the July 2016 Brexit referendum, in which 51.9% of the British voters voted in favor of leaving the EU. Subject to the delayed assent of the European Parliament, this UK-EU free trade agreement (FTA) extends zero-tariff and quota-free trade in goods between the two economic areas....

145. Dendias warns against appeasing Turkey

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias says the European Union should have shown more determination in taking decisions regarding Turkey, breaking ranks with Cyprus’ president who said he was fully satisfied with EC conclusions...

146. Bar set low as Brussels, UN in low spirits for CyProb involvement

Foreign players ranging from Brussels and Berlin to New York have lowered their expectations and show a reduced eagerness to actively get involved in efforts to reach a solution to the Cyprus Problem....

147. Nicosia in wait-and-see over Barbaros

Government officials in the Republic of Cyprus on Friday declined to comment on reports that Turkish seismic vessel Barbaros had moved away from contested waters off Cyprus, suggesting Nicosia was in a wait-and-see mode amid reports of ongoing diplomatic efforts at the European level between Greece and Turkey...

148. East Mediterranean dialogue prospects ‘at sea’‘at-sea

Cypriot government spokesman Kyriacos Koushos said Turkey’s pulling out of Yavuz drillship from waters off Cyprus was a positive step but cautioned it was not known whether the withdrawal would be short-lived...

149. Greek President stresses solidarity with Cyprus

President Katerina Sakellaropoulou on Monday underlined the unity and solidarity between Greece and Cyprus in the face of Turkish provocations during a two-day official visit to Nicosia....

150. The Cypriot aspect of the eastern Mediterranean crisis

A few days ago, the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community made an important statement, involving the future of the Cyprus Problem. At a time when Greek-Turkish relations are highly tense, and just before the withdrawal of the Oruc Reis from the waters of the eastern Mediterranean, Mustafa Akinci announced that a new conference on the Cyprus Problem is imminent....