12° Nicosia,
01 July, 2024

Monthly car auction returns to Larnaca, featuring Bank of Cyprus vehicles

Auction is scheduled for July 2nd


Car enthusiasts and bargain hunters alike will converge once again on Mosfiloti, Larnaca, as the monthly car auction resumes its cycle. Held every first Tuesday of the month, except in August and January, this event is organized by Auction Yard, drawing attention with its wide array of vehicles up for bidding.

Scheduled for July 2nd, the upcoming auction is set to showcase vehicles directly tied to restructuring efforts, legal settlements, and voluntary concessions aimed at debt relief. Among the notable participants, the Bank of Cyprus will feature prominently, offering a selection of vehicles that have become available through various financial resolutions.

"The auctions serve as a platform for acquiring vehicles that have been part of significant financial negotiations," noted a spokesperson from Auction Yard. "Buyers can expect a diverse range, from everyday models to more specialized vehicles, each with its own unique history."

Ahead of the auction, Auction Yard has released a preview list accompanied by photographs of the vehicles slated for bidding on July 2nd. Interested parties are encouraged to review the listings to gain insights into the offerings prior to the event.

For automotive enthusiasts and those seeking a deal, Mosfiloti's monthly car auction remains a key date on the calendar, offering a blend of opportunity and variety under Cyprus's sunny skies.

The next installment of the auction series will resume on Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, promising another chance for both buyers and sellers to engage in Cyprus's vibrant automotive market.

Cyprus  |  economy

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