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DISY President urges transparency amid Vasilikos scandal

Christodoulides admitted that project shouldn't have been awarded to the involved company


DISY President Annita Demetriou's call for transparency regarding the Vassilikos scandal carries dual significance. Her remarks are directed not only at the current administration but implicitly at former President Nicos Anastasiades, under whose watch the controversial project took shape.

Demetriou's statement underscores her resolve to address the scandal without personal or political bias. The Vassilikos terminal project, originally heralded by then-Energy Minister George Lakkotrypis, has become a significant fiasco, burdening Cypriot consumers financially and exposing Cyprus to international scrutiny.

The European Public Prosecutor's Office is now involved, making it impossible to conceal any details. Demetriou’s stance is seen as an effort to distance herself from the scandal and emphasize that the current developments must be transparently handled, contrary to previous attempts to downplay the issue.

President Nikos Christodoulides recently admitted that the project should not have been awarded to the involved company. This acknowledgment aligns with the longstanding concerns from various political and technical circles. The project, plagued by mismanagement and irregularities, was a focus of an informal November 2019 meeting that included high-ranking officials and ministers. Despite warnings from the Audit Office about the project's feasibility and the company's capability, former Finance Minister Harris Georgiades pushed for its continuation, even suggesting the issuance of a government bond to secure funding.

The project faced three objections from Brussels, all disregarded by the government. These concerns included doubts about the company's expertise, the withdrawal of a key consortium member, and the government's decision to grant an additional €25 million due to steel price increases, despite no such clause in the contract.

The scandal has sparked significant unease within political and technocratic circles, particularly following the European Public Prosecutor's Office's investigation. DISY Vice-President Savia Orfanidou's dismissal of the Auditor General’s concerns and her warning to Odysseas Michaelides to cease his revelations have added to the controversy.

Demetriou's attempt to separate herself from the scandal highlights the persistent shadow it casts over the party, reminiscent of the previous golden passport scandal. The handling of the Vassilikos project by the Anastasiades administration raises questions about the competency and integrity of those involved, further complicating the political landscape in Cyprus.

[Summary of Marina Economides' original story in Greek published in Kathimerini's Cyprus edition]

Cyprus  |  energy  |  politics

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