12° Nicosia,
03 July, 2024


Displaying results 601-630 of 1451 matches for query Cypriots.

601. Tatar: Greek Cypriots ‘are preparing to shed blood’‘are-preparing-to-shed-blood

Clearly annoyed by Cyprus’ decision to bolster its military defense, Turkish-Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar claims “Greek Cypriots have started an aggressive armament program and are preparing to shed blood.”...

602. Cyprus is the 1st country in the EU with 100% 5G coverage

Cyta has announced the completion of the pan-Cypriot 5G mobile network that offers state-of-the-art telecommunications services throughout the country, even in its most remote areas. This makes Cyprus the 1st country in the EU with 100% population coverage....

603. Cyprus energy hub hopes hanging by a thread

Nicosia is eagerly awaiting news any day now that could potentially revive the island’s hopes in the energy game, with all eyes on whether a UK-based company with contracts in Israel could find enough gas to bypass red tape and send some of it to a friendly neighbor’s hub...

604. Erdogan critic in Cyprus sentenced by Turkish court

Turkish Cypriot journalist Sener Levent says he does not recognize a sentence handed down by a court in Turkey, where prosecutors accused him in absentia of insulting the country’s president with an offensive cartoon as well as offending the state’s military...

605. Nicosia drops hint at ferry link this summer

The Shipping Deputy Ministry in the Republic of Cyprus says a successful bidder for a state-subsidized ferry link to Greece has been asked to submit a proposal, with reports saying a summer connection could be launched this year...

606. Russia to offer consular services in the north

Russians living in the northern part of divided Cyprus will soon be able to receive consular services, with Greek Cypriot media reporting that the development had been kept quiet for about a year...

607. Pro-migrant group says locals instigated Emba brawl

A pro-migrant group has accused police of stalling an investigation following a violent incident in Paphos involving foreign nationals and locals, with the NGO saying a 'hate crime' perpetrated against refugees was being misrepresented in the media...

608. Greeks halt weapons to Ukraine as Russia warns US

Athens signaled this week there would be no more weapons shipments to Ukraine, as reports emerged that Moscow has also warned Washington that US and NATO weaponry sent to Kiev could bring 'unpredictable consequences'...

609. Property sales hit 14-year high in Cyprus

Property sales in March, as measured by the number of sale contracts deposited at Land Registry offices, hit a 14-year high according to figures released by the Department of Lands and Surveys....

610. Anastasiades to Nuland: Urge Turkish side to abandon two-state solution narrative

President Nicos Anastasiades on Thursday asked the assistance of US Undersecretary Victoria Nuland in persuading Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership to abandon the “unacceptable narrative” of a two-state solution in Cyprus and abstain from new provocations....

611. UN official gets ‘donkeyed’ Cyprus-style‘donkeyed-cyprus-style

UN official Colin Stewart was amused over two gag gifts he received at a bicommunal gathering in north Nicosia, with one elder of the group presenting him with a donkey ornament to remind him he would 'need a lot of patience' on the island...

612. Stelios Bi-Communal Awards 2022

The Stelios Awards promote island-wide business cooperation between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot entrepreneurs by giving promising ventures the funding boost they need to grow. Applications for this year focus exclusively on Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots' business activity and, can be submitted until March 31....

613. Nicosia roundtable calls on Cyprus to reexamine sanctions

Leaders from the Russian business community in the Republic of Cyprus are calling on the government to reexamine sanctions in the wake of the war in Ukraine, saying the measures were hurting the island nation...

614. Walls go up as wall comes down in divided Nicosia

Turkish Cypriot city officials in north Nicosia say they are prepared to tackle a collapsed Venetian wall with or without help from the south, as both sides on the divided island still disagree on how to fix it together...

615. Ukrainian Ambassador expresses gratitude for Cyprus solidarity and support

Ukrainian Ambassador to Nicosia, Ruslan Nimchynskyi, expressed his gratitude to the Republic of Cyprus and Cypriots for their solidarity and support to Ukraine and its people....

616. Perdios: 'We will cover the loss of revenue from Russian tourists'

Despite losing ground in the Russian and Ukrainian markets due to the war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia, Deputy Tourism Minister Savvas Perdios was optimistic on Tuesday that this year's tourist arrivals could catch up with 2021 from the promotion of other markets, which may fill part of the gap from Cyprus' second largest tourist market....

617. Greek Cypriots honor EOKA boy’s sacrifice

A Greek Cypriot boy who was shot and killed during a protest in 1955 was given a hero’s burial over the weekend, decades following a fight against Britain and an ethnic struggle for union with Greece...

618. Turkey urged to pay compensation to relatives of Greek Cypriots who disappeared during invasion

The Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers has urged Turkish authorities to abide by their international obligations and pay the “just satisfaction” awarded by the European Court of Human Rights to relatives of nine Greek Cypriots who disappeared during Turkey’s military invasion of Cyprus in 1974....

619. $100,000 grant for an interactive platform to promote shared cultural heritage$100-000-grant-for-an-interactive-platform-to-promote-shared-cultural-heritage

A grant agreement for the implementation of an interactive shared cultural heritage education program for Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot youth was signed on Wednesday by United States Ambassador to Cyprus Judith Garber and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Chief of Mission in Cyprus Jakhongir Khaydarov, during an event held at the Home for Cooperation in Nicosia....

620. UK Liberal Democrat MPs sign Early Day Motion calling for a bizonal, bicommunal federation in Cyprus

All Members of Parliament of the Liberal Democrats in the UK have signed an Early Day Motion (EDM) submitted in the House of Commons in support of a bizonal, bicommunal federation in Cyprus....

621. Sides agree on humanitarian corridors in Ukraine

Ukrainian and Russian interlocutors have agreed to organize humanitarian corridors through war zones with Greeks and Cypriots being amongst those being evacuated, while both sides have been accusing each other of attacking civilians...

622. Cypriot MP reveals secret blacklist in state media

A House representative in the Republic of Cyprus says she had to deal with blacklists when she worked in state media, saying during a budget session on Thursday that she felt compelled to respond to colleagues who defended a move to keep political satire out of public television...

623. Fifty Cypriot nationals still in Ukraine

There are currently 50 Cypriot citizens in Ukraine as well as 10 Ukrainian nationals who have a permit for residence in Cyprus, Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Demetris Demetriou, has told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), adding that the Ministry "continues to work so that it will be possible to safely and smoothly evacuate all Cypriots" from Ukraine....

624. Israel reassures Nicosia ahead of Ankara trip

Israeli President Isaac Herzog traveled to the Republic of Cyprus on Wednesday to reassure Nicosia their “strategic relationship” would not be torn down in light of his impending visit to Turkey, with the guest joining his host Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades in condemning Russia over Ukraine and a strike near a Jewish memorial...

625. Eleftheria square lit up in solidarity with Ukraine (images)

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine 7 days ago, monuments around the world were lit up in the colors of the Ukrainian flag to show support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people. ...

626. Alexis Pantazis and Emilios Markou of Hellas Direct have been named EY Entrepreneurs Of The Year for 2022 in Cyprus

This prestigious award for entrepreneurs was presented for the first time in Cyprus. Winners will represent Cyprus at the EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Awards in Monte Carlo, in June 2022 ...

627. Op-ed: 'Poor humanity....'

Whatever I write about culture, I believe, would be out of place and out of step at this time, since the drums of war have sounded in the heart of Europe....

628. Hundreds of thousands rally in support of Ukraine (images)

There have been numerous protests around the world against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, something President Putin probably didn't expect. ...

629. Cyprus and Greece work together to evacuate its citizens from Ukraine

Cyprus and Greece have agreed to work together to evacuate their citizens from Ukraine. Most of these citizens live permanently in the western part of the country. ...

630. CMP work on missing persons marks progress

The House Committee on Refugees learned about progress in the work of the Committee on Missing Persons (CMP), during a meeting on Tuesday, in Nicosia, with the CMP’s Greek Cypriot member, Leonidas Pantelides....