12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 691-720 of 1071 matches for query Moni.

691. Cyprus is expected to be more affected by climate change in the coming decades

Cyprus is expected to be much more affected by climate change in the coming decades, said today the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Costas Kadis,...

692. Pfizer Pill: Clinical trials show 89% protection against severe Covid

The Pfizer pill against coronavirus showed high efficacy against possible hospitalization, in second phase clinical trials conducted by an independent committee of scientists....

693. Cyprus’ top expert goes public over measures

The head of Cyprus’ government team for pandemic response says it is time for measures to evolve, calling for frequent rapid tests to apply to vaccinated people as well amid reports that many who get the jab tend to play down symptoms and carry on normally due to a false sense of security...

694. The New York Times International Edition every Sunday with Kathimerini Kyprou

"Kathimerini" and NYT France - Kathimerini S.A. announce the publication of "The New York Times International Edition - Kathimerini English Edition" weekend leaf newspaper in Cyprus along with its circulation together with the basic package of "Kathimerini" Cyprus....

695. Man dies in highway head-on collision

A man is dead and a woman critically injured following a front impact collision on the Nicosia-Limassol highway, with police trying to understand how the female driver ended up going the wrong way...

696. Cyprus airs migration grievances at divided Europe

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris wants strong EU awareness on external borders to be shown in Cyprus as well, in remarks he made near the buffer zone on Sunday, just two days after the European Commission president signaled there would be no funding for barbed wire and walls...

697. State launches speed cameras again

Law enforcement authorities in the Republic of Cyprus relaunched on Monday a number of mobile and fixed cameras to monitor traffic and catch violators, but fines through the controversial system won’t start being issued until January 1 next year...

698. Cyprus frets ‘pandoramonium’ overshadowing good work‘pandoramonium-overshadowing-good-work

The Cypriot finance ministry says a European Parliament resolution on Pandora Papers and subsequent criticism by local opposition is overshadowing the amount of good work that has been done on the island against illegal activities, as some parties are calling on the president to step down...

699. Electronic ankle bracelets in lieu of incarceration

Stefi Drakou, Minister of Justice and Public Order, announced today that she is in favor of introducing legislation that allows the use of ankle bracelets to monitor prisoners in lieu of incarceration...

700. House committee condemns sidelining of prison warden

There was an odd twist during a House committee hearing on Tuesday, after it emerged that the prison warden had been told to sit out a crucial part regarding ankle bracelet legislation, with members crying foul over the arrangement...

701. Cyprus, Egypt sign deal to speed up electricity grid linkage

An undersea cable linking the electricity grids of Cyprus and Egypt could be key to helping both countries transition to a green economy ...

702. Cancer vaccines in two to three years

Drs. Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci are a very modest, perhaps even humble, scientist couple. ...

703. Lebanon: Explosions and shootings in Beirut with dead and wounded

At least two large explosions were heard Thursday morning in the Lebanese capital Beirut,...

704. ‘A Dark Room’: excerpts from Alexis Papachelas’ forthcoming book‘a-dark-room-excerpts-from-alexis-papachelas-forthcoming-book

“The nut, he went and did what we didn’t,” said Greek dictator Georgios Papadopoulos the morning of July 15, 1974 after he found out that Dimitris Ioannidis, the junta’s military police chief, had orchestrated a coup to overthrow Cyprus President Archbishop Makarios....

705. International fraud ring dismantled

A criminal organization involved in cyber fraud in Europe has been dismantled...

706. KPMG in Cyprus announces partnership with RICS

KPMG in Cyprus and RICS have signed a collaboration agreement for the provision of services for the issue of the quarterly ''RICS Cyprus Property Price Index, with KPMG in Cyprus''....

707. Outage highlights how vital Facebook has become worldwide

In Lima, Peru, the breakdown complicated dental technician Mary Mejia’s job. Like most Peruvian medical workers, she uses WhatsApp for a multitude of tasks, including scheduling appointments and ordering crowns....

708. Investigative journalist in Cyprus cries censorship

A renowned investigative journalist in Cyprus, whose scheduled appearance on television was recently scrapped, says he believes he has been banned from media because of his latest book on power and corruption...

709. Cyprus puts foot down on migration talks

The Republic of Cyprus is adding pressure on a pending agreement over an EU migration pact, with three proposals backed by MED5 countries aimed at airing their grievances against the bloc, a union that is going through a power struggle...

710. Facebook: In a whirlwind of scandals and unprecedented blackouts

It took a few minutes for it to disappear from the internet and about seven hours for it to return....

711. Warm congratulations from US President Joe Biden on the 61st anniversary of Cyprus independence

US President Joe Biden sent a congratulatory letter to President Anastasiades today on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the declaration of independence of the Cyprus Republic...

712. K. Treppides & Co Ltd: Renewed European finance strategy and implementation of the action plan on financing sustainable growth

The European Commission adopted on 21 April 2021, a comprehensive package of measures to help improve the flow of money towards financing the transition to a sustainable economy, whereas these measures will be instrumental in reaching climate and environmental targets as well as vital for economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

713. Woman’s letter probes AIDS phobia in Cyprus

A woman living with HIV in Cyprus has gone public with her ordeal after months of being given the runaround by officials, while shocking details about a recent case include GESY doctors refusing to treat a patient because they had 'no experience with her condition'...

714. Bellucci makes theatrical debut as Callas

Acclaimed Italian film actress Monica Bellucci made her theatrical debut as the iconic Greek opera star Maria Callas...

715. Another 85 million by February if Cyprus meets deadline of key reforms

With the first 157m euros already paid in advance from the Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Fund, the country still has a long way to go to complete the reforms and investments required to unlock the next 85m euros which is due to be received in February 2022....

716. Deaths are high, cases and hospitalizations are declining

As in August, we await an equally difficult September in terms of the number of COVD-19 patients who fell ill and ended up in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). ...

717. Cyprus’ spy van case too close to the bone

A police investigation in Cyprus has concluded there was no proof of illegal phone tapping in the spy van case, but prosecutors are still going after the main suspects on lesser charges despite reports of alleged contacts in the past with local officials...

718. Police warn public following road fatalities

Cyprus Police are pleading with the public in the aftermath of last week’s road fatalities to comply with traffic rules, with officials saying many deadly accidents were preventable...

719. Vaccination of children-adolescents: Answers to commonly asked questions

Here are the most commonly asked questions and answers about the COVID-19 vaccine provided by the National Vaccination Committee....

720. Divided Cyprus braces for oil spill from Syria

Cypriot authorities went on alert Tuesday after a fuel oil leak in Syria was proven to be bigger than expected, with local media saying a visible slick had come close to the northeastern tip of the divided island...