12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 328 matches for query Tatar.

1. Erdogan and Tatar reject federal solution on 50th anniversary (pics)

Yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in July 1974. Over half a century later, Cyprus remains in the same status quo as it had after that fateful day. Consequently, poignant memorials were held across the island, including in the occupied areas....

2. Cyprus' political failure 50 years on

The 20th of July will mark the day the Turkish Army invaded and occupied 40% of the island of Cyprus. Greece’s Prime Minister Mitsotakis, dignitaries and other heads of state will be welcomed as guests by President Christodoulides to commemorate that historical dark event but to also make the customary petty speeches aimed to tickle people’s ears....

3. EU Commission boycotts Hungarian presidency

In a bold and unprecedented move, the European Commission announced today its decision to ''boycott'' the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union. This action is a direct response to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's controversial visits to Moscow and Beijing....

4. See you in September!

Despite the multi-layered, all-against-all contest over what happened in Crans Montana in 2017—a contest that started between Anastasiades and Averof, expanded with former negotiator Mavroyiannis, and included the AKEL leadership's response, all with a dose of poetry...

5. Diplomatic efforts intensify amidst critical juncture

The diplomatically crucial time leading up to Friday is seen as particularly important for efforts to break the deadlock in the Cyprus talks. UN Secretary General's personal envoy, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, ...

6. Tatar calls for occupied North to be included in the EU

The Cyprus government has firmly rejected recent statements by Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar advocating for a two-state solution and the inclusion of the Turkish-occupied northern region of Cyprus in the European Union....

7. President Christodoulides hosts FBI Assistant Executive Director

President Nicos Christodoulides hosted a meeting today with FBI Assistant Executive Director Michael Nordwall at the Presidential Palace. During the meeting, President Christodoulides highlighted the strong ties between Cyprus and the United States, ...

8. Tatar and Stewart confer on security issues in Cyprus buffer zone

The UN Secretary-General's Special Representative to Cyprus, Colin Stewart, expressed concern about the militarization of the buffer zone......

9. Reunification talks face challenges, UN envoy finds parties far apart

The ongoing efforts to reunify Cyprus have hit another roadblock, as the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, former Colombian Foreign Minister Ms. Holguin, finds significant gaps between the negotiating parties. ...

10. President Christodoulides to host UN's Colin Stewart

The President of the Republic Nikos Christodoulides is set to receive on Monday afternoon at the Presidential Palace the Special Representative......

11. Tatar to discuss new crossing with UN in London

The issue of opening a new crossing point in Mia Milia to enhance contact between the two communities will be raised at his 1 July meeting in London......

12. Turkish Cypriot groups challenge Tatar's solution proposals

Twenty-one Turkish Cypriot guilds, organizations, and political parties have collectively appealed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and his envoy for Cyprus, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, ...

13. President Christodoulides to meet UN envoy in Brussels

Cyprus President, Nikos Christodoulides, is to hold a meeting with the UN Secretary-General's envoy for Cyprus, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, on the sidelines of the European Council in Brussels later this week, Government Spokesman, Konstantinos Letymbiotis, told CNA on Tuesday....

14. Turkey-Greece relations could improve but Cyprus policy stays the same

Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar emphasized that while relations between Turkey and Greece have the potential to bring mutual benefits, Turkey’s policy on Cyprus remains unchanged. ...

15. Tatar affirms growth of 'strong Turkish presence' in Cyprus

The Turkish Cypriot leader, Ersin Tatar, asserted during a lecture titled "Lessons Learned from the May 27 Coup and the Peace Operation in Cyprus......

16. Anastasiades, Christodoulides accused of derailing talks

Time has its own meaning. The former president of DISY, Av. Neophytou, according to a report......

17. Turkish Cypriot leader's Australian diplomatic debut

Ersin Tatar, the first Turkish Cypriot leader to visit Australia, made headlines as he embarked on a significant diplomatic mission. Reports from the "presidency" reveal that Tatar recently toured the country, marking a pivotal moment in Turkish Cypriot-Australian relations....

18. UN envoy's visit prompts Cyprus talks push by trade unions

Greek Cypriot trade union PEO and Turkish Cypriot trade union DEV-IS called on the two leaders, President Nikos Christodoulides and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar......

19. UN envoy completes three rounds of talks, grasps impasse

Just before the beginning of the year, the name of former Colombian Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, who served from 2010 to 2018......

20. Navigating summer stalemates in the Cyprus conundrum

Historically, there has never been a peak in the Cyprus problem during the summer. The last significant event in Crans-Montana occurred at the start of the season....

21. Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar: From the jungles of Colombia to Cyprus

When, just before the beginning of the year, the name of Colombia's former Foreign Minister, María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar (in office from 2010 to 2018), was heard in the corridors of New York as a potential appointee for António Guterres' personal envoy for the Cyprus problem,...

22. Navigating the next steps in the Cyprus issue

The Cyprus problem is entering an intriguing phase following the UN Secretary General's Personal Envoy, Maria Angela Algin Quayar's, rounds of contacts - including three visits to Cyprus and diplomatic engagements in Greece, the UK, Turkey, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, and Moscow....

23. Turkish Cypriot leader criticizes UN envoy's approach

Ersin Tatar criticized UN envoy Olgin's push for negotiations without common ground, citing her proposal for ''Initiative 3A'' (direct flights, direct trade, direct contacts) through the UN Secretary General's Personal Envoy. "If such an initiative were possible, we could engage in dialogue," he remarked....

24. ''It's up to the two leaders to show courage and boldness''

In an exclusive interview with ''K'', the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, expresses hope that the two leaders will listen to civil society....

25. Cuellar urges Cyprus leaders to listen to civil society for progress

The UN's personal envoy, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, didn't arrange a trilateral meeting with the two leaders during her third visit to Cyprus....

26. UN envoy deemed ''unworthy to lead''

Efforts to restart negotiations on the Cyprus problem hit a snag as the Turkish Cypriot Civil Servants Union (KTAMS) and the Teachers' Union (KTOS) jointly criticized UN Personal Envoy Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar....

27. Tatar accused of sabotaging negotiations

In a recent statement, The New Cyprus party has accused Ersin Tatar of undermining negotiations, alleging that he does not truly represent the Turkish Cypriots....

28. UN envoy pursues diplomatic solutions in Cyprus meetings

In favourable weather conditions, as per ''K'' information, Maria Angela Holguín Cuéllar held pivotal meetings with the two leaders....

29. Cuellar's strategic plan to ease tensions in Cyprus problem

The return of UN Secretary-General's Personal Envoy, Maria Angela Holguín Cuéllar, to Nicosia on Tuesday evening marks a pivotal moment since her appointment last January and holds the key to breaking the ongoing seven-year deadlock in Cyprus talks. ...

30. UN envoy updates Cyprus president on EU strategy

President Nikos Christodoulides will hear what the personal envoy of the UN Secretary-General, María Angela Holguín Cuéllar, has to say about her contacts in the EU and elsewhere, the previous days and her thoughts on the next steps, Spokesperson Konstantinos Letymbotis told the Cyprus News Agency, ahead of the envoy’s new visit on the island....