12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 601-630 of 741 matches for query Technical.

601. 'Flextension' thrown in the mix

European Council President Donald Tusk said on Tuesday that he would recommend that the 27 other member states of the European Union approve a delay of Britain’s departure date following Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to put the Brexit deal on hold...

602. Financial Services towards Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence in general and machine learning in particular, is not a new concept, but it is only in recent years that financial services firms have started to learn about and understand its full potential...

603. Pompeo opts for diplomacy over Cyprus EEZ

The new defense deal signed between Athens and Washington will contribute to Greece’s security, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Kathimerini in a recent interview, while staying firm on diplomatic efforts regarding Cyprus' EEZ...

604. Smoke scare on flight out of Cyprus

Passengers on a flight from Larnaca to London had to spend the night in Athens after their British Airways flight had to make an emergency landing due to a smoke warning in the cabin...

605. K.Treppides & Co Ltd: Time Value of Money

What if a close friend asks today to borrow 1,000EUR with the precondition to repay the exact same amount in five years? Would you take the deal or not?...

606. How will digital shape your future?

As technology evolves to support more and more of our everyday lives, it’s natural to wonder what’s in store for the future. How will it affect your life and career?...

607. Brexit no-deal preparedness: Final Commission call to all EU citizens and businesses

With 8 weeks to go until the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union on 31 October 2019, the Commission has today – in its 6th Brexit preparedness Communication – reiterated its call on all stakeholders in the EU27 to prepare for a ‘no-deal' scenario. In light of the continued uncertainty in the United Kingdom regarding the ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement – as agreed with the UK government in November 2018 – and the overall domestic political situation, a ‘no-deal' scenario on 1 November 2019, remains a possible, although undesirable, outcome...

608. North and south repatriate artworks

Representatives from the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities exchanged art works and audiovisual recordings in the buffer zone on Tuesday...

609. Brussels piles on pressure over Greece-Cyprus-Israel electricity cable

Just when the Greek Energy Minister thought he could take a short August break, after a hectic first 30 days of the Mitsotakis administration, a stern warning from Brussels has exposed the wavering attitude that Athens has chosen by succumbing to pressure from the Chinese-controlled transmission system operator ADMIE over the Attica-Crete subsea electricity cable...

610. South hands over murder suspect to north

Another murder suspect is in police custody in the north in connection with the murder of a Turkish Cypriot businessman, after Greek Cypriot police handed Azmad Ali Virk over to UN officials...

611. Joint statement following Anastasiades-Akinci meeting

Statement by the United Nations Spokesperson in Cyprus on behalf of the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr. Mustafa Akıncı and the Greek Cypriot leader, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades...

612. Interview with Endy Zemenides

Ever since Joe Biden declared that Cyprus was a “strategic partner” of the United States, people have been trying to identify substance behind those words. There has been a similar search of what “best relations ever” between the U.S. and Greece means...

613. 1st Energy Ministerial Meeting: Full support for Cyprus' and Greece's stance on regional energy issues

Full support for Cyprus' and Greece's stance on regional energy issues and for the expansion of security and environmental co-operation is the outcome of the 1st Energy Ministerial Meeting, held in Athens on Wednesday, and participated by Greece, Cyprus, Israel and the United States...

614. Natalie's body found in a ditch on Ikaria

The body of Natalie Christopher was discovered on Wednesday afternoon on the Greek island of Ikaria, putting an end to search efforts for the British Cypriot scientist who went missing on Monday while on vacation...

615. British Airways flights disrupted by IT failures

Problems with British Airways’ IT systems left thousands of passengers facing flight cancellations, delays and long queues at airports in the airline’s third major computer failure in a little more than two years. ...

616. Greek police expand search for Natalie

Police investigators are testing DNA and trying to decipher mobile phone signals in Natalie Christopher’s disappearance, the British woman who went missing on a Greek island while on vacation with her Cypriot boyfriend...

617. North and south touch base on West Nile virus

Members on the Bicommunal Technical Committee on Health met Wednesday to discuss the West Nile virus, following one death in the north and a number of cases throughout the island...

618. Nicosia walls literally coming down

A conservation group has slammed authorities in the north over the partial collapse of the Guerini Bastion, saying it had warned about the conditions of the Nicosia medieval walls but nobody took them seriously...

619. With courage and moderation

It is often said Greece’s post-dictatorship era ended with SYRIZA’s defeat. But how will we now close the accounts of the past and stop arguing about what happened 44 or 75 years ago? And how will Greece look ahead to resolve its accumulated problems – now we are done with ideological fixations and have lived the “dream” of the Left in power?...

620. North hands Rudolf over to south

Miroslav Balazovjech, also known as Rudolf who was wanted in connection with attempted murder, has been handed over to authorities in the Republic of Cyprus on Sunday...

621. The benefits of studying with a learning provider

Studying to become an ACCA member is flexible, and it opens up a world of opportunities. With over 500,000 students studying in a variety of ways, we know that flexibility is key to a successful ACCA journey. ...

622. Talent shortages costing European private businesses €414 billion each year€414-billion-each-year

European private businesses’ biggest challenge is the increasingly growing skills shortage that is preventing them from hiring the right talent for growth. A PwC survey across 31 European countries shines a spotlight on a wider, ongoing issue across the region. PwC estimates that the skills shortage is costing the region €414 billion annually in lost revenues - just from private businesses. That’s around 2.6%of European GDP and is more than the combined annual GDP of Greece and Portugal. ...

623. Morning sirens trigger memories of 1974

Emergency sirens sounded all over the island on Monday morning to mark the anniversary of a military coup in 1974...

624. Cyprus aims to be among the first to regulate blockchain technology

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and more specifically, Blockchain, can offer endless possibilities in many different fields, according to speakers addressing the Cyprus Blockchain Summit, on Wednesday, in Nicosia. Finance Minister Harris Georgiades said that Cyprus aim to be among the first countries to regulate aspects of DLT. The creation of the regulatory framework should be flexible, so that it will promote innovation and provide legal certainty and protection for both consumers and investors, House President Demetris Syllouris noted from his part...

625. Larnaca on the rise

The construction of the tallest building in Larnaca and third tallest in all of Cyprus has received the green light from local environmental authorities, which will undoubtedly change the famous Finikoudes strip...

626. Traffic police told to play fair

Traffic police issued a new directive this week requesting that officers on duty remain visible at all times and refrain from forcing motorists into speed traps...

627. North gears up for mobile link-up with south

Turkish Cypriots are gearing up ahead of a much-awaited linkage of cellular networks between north and south, which could bring down costs considerably for local users...

628. Nicosia expects UN to maintain position on Varosha based on Security Council decisions

The government said on Friday that it expected from the UN to maintain their long-standing position with regard to the ghost-town of Famagusta, that is consistent with the UN Security Council decisions which are explicit and are now blatantly violated through the announcement made in the Turkish occupied areas of Cyprus...

629. Playing with fire

The emerging crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean over Turkey’s drilling activities in Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) raise the prospect of an open Greco-Turkish conflict to a level higher than anytime since the Imia crisis...

630. US bill calls for end to Russian military vessels refueling in Cyprus

The Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of 2019 would allow the U.S. to fully support the trilateral partnership of Israel, Greece, and Cyprus through energy and defense cooperation initiatives...