12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 333 matches for query bear.

1. Greece anticipates bumper olive oil harvest despite price fluctuations

Estimates from Greece suggest a promising outlook for olive oil production this year, with anticipation building for a potentially fruitful harvest, although definitive conclusions remain pending for about a month....

2. Banks stress need for government support in ESG initiatives

Banks are urging a combination of government and regulatory policies to achieve a healthy, effective, and optimal green transition in Cyprus....

3. Brutal attack on young APOEL fan

In a shocking incident that has reverberated across the internet, a young APOEL fan fell victim to a vicious attack on Saturday night, May 11, in Nicosia, leaving the community in disbelief....

4. Who bears responsibility for the energy transition?

Chris Angelides serves as the Managing Director in the oil and gas consulting division of Ernst & Young LLP in Houston....

5. Greek Cypriots involved in traffic accident in occupied territories

A significant traffic collision involving Greek Cypriots took place on Maundy Thursday (May 2nd) within the Occupied Territories, reports from the Greek press indicate....

6. Polar bears stranded on land as sea ice vanishes

If you’ve ever wanted to experience a day in the life of a polar bear, you’re in luck. ...

7. Gaza doctors save baby from womb after mother dies

In Rafah, Palestinians are grappling with the aftermath of a relentless series of Israeli airstrikes that have left 22 people dead, with 18 of them being children....

8. 250,000 military documents allegedly breached in IDF cyberattack

The global hacker organization Anonymous issued a statement today, Friday, claiming to have successfully conducted a cyberattack on the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and reportedly obtained 250,000 military documents....

9. Middle East conflict fuels fear of $100 per barrel$100-per-barrel

The recent Iranian attack on Israel serves as a stark reminder of the ever-shifting geopolitical dynamics in the Middle East, with potential ramifications extending......

10. CBC Governor faces toughest banking challenges yet

A new dawn breaks with the appointment of Mr. Christodoulos Patsalides as the Central Bank of Cyprus's new governor, heralding both promise and challenge....

11. Heavy rains and hail sweep across Cyprus

Cyprus is currently facing the brunt of severe weather conditions, with heavy rains and hail wreaking havoc in various regions....

12. Cyprus faces electricity market struggles amid smart meter setback

Cyprus faces significant hurdles in its electricity sector, notably in establishing a fair and competitive market. This impacts consumer choice of suppliers and efforts to transition to cleaner energy sources at home....

13. Erdogan's worries mount as opposition claims victory in key cities

There's a palpable sense of satisfaction among the opposition, resonating with a significant portion of the populace, following Sunday's electoral outcome in Istanbul and other major Turkish cities....

14. Cyprus coastlines awash with mesmerizing jellyfish spectacle

The coastal waters of Cyprus have been graced with a mesmerizing spectacle as jellyfish sightings surge, captivating onlookers and prompting insights into their increased presence. ...

15. From China's cultural revolution to Cyprus' church scandal

In the classic science fiction novel ''The Three-Body Problem,'' the traumatic experience of a Chinese astrophysicist during the Cultural Revolution becomes the catalyst for humanity's first contact with extraterrestrial beings....

16. Cyprus rocked by abbey scandal

Cyprus is grappling with the fallout from a series of unsettling revelations involving the Abbey of Avvakum, a scandal that has implicated the state, the Church of Cyprus, and the nation’s political sphere, raising serious questions about oversight, responsibility, and the need for swift action....

17. Erdogan gambles all in bid to retake Istanbul in municipal elections

Recep Tayyip Erdogan is playing all his cards to regain Istanbul in the municipal elections on March 31. On Friday, he attempted to rally his supporters and persuade those who were not convinced to vote for his party's candidate, implying that these would be his "last elections."...

18. What role do banks ultimately play?

Are banks merely financial entities providing a range of services to the public and businesses, solely driven by profit for shareholders? Banks serve as the heart of our economic and social systems, ...

19. Bitcoin surpasses $57,000 on ETF boost and corporate investments$57-000-on-etf-boost-and-corporate-investments

Bitcoin reached a milestone, surpassing $57,000, driven by increasing demand from exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and corporate investments, notably by MicroStrategy. ...

20. Will anyone be held accountable?

Experts conduct studies, and we pay them for their work. However, the problem arises when these studies are manipulated to align with the interests of our friendly MPs....

21. Greece tops yachting visits, yet revenue struggles

In the last three years, Greece has become the country with the largest number of yachts (commercial and private) visiting, surpassing traditional leaders in the sector such as France and Italy....

22. Dimitra explains what it's like to be a ''bee mama''

Dimitra Zakynthinos is a resident of central Athens and has a very particular approach to issues concerning the environment and our transition to the green era. ...

23. New York youth team gifts jersey to Cyprus President

The Cypriot government's commitment to bolstering the youth football teams of the diaspora, particularly in facilitating their visits to Cyprus, was reaffirmed today by President Nikos Christodoulides. ...

24. Greece joins 28 nations in recognizing same-sex families

In a groundbreaking move, Greece has joined over 37 nations in granting recognition and equal rights to families with same-sex parents....

25. Over 1,000 tons of discarded tires pile up across Cyprus

Today, more than 1,000 tons of tires lie scattered in open spaces throughout Cyprus, posing a significant problem for the environment and public health....

26. New incentive plans aim to revive Maronite villages, says President

The government is working on and will soon will announce incentive plans for new families and young couples to resettle in the occupied Maronite villages......

27. Severe weather grips Larnaca

Larnaca is currently in the grip of severe weather conditions as a weak low-pressure system asserts its dominance, as per the latest updates from the meteorological service. ...

28. Amateur UK photographer's arctic encounter wins prestigious Wildlife Award

Nima Sarikhani, an amateur photographer from the UK, clinched the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year award with his captivating snapshot capturing a polar bear snoozing in a makeshift bed carved into a small iceberg off Norway's Svalbard archipelago. ...

29. Calls for increased electricity rates raise eyebrows

The recent plea by the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) for significant electricity rate increases has raised eyebrows, especially as the possibility of bearing additional costs for the Vasiliko terminal looms. Does the parliament even exist? Is there a state? If so, let them finally play their part. Enough already!...

30. CERA proposes reduced electricity increases amidst parliamentary discussion

The head of Regulatory Energy Cyprus (Cera), Andreas Poulikkas, briefed the Parliament's Finance Committee on the latest proposals submitted by the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) for review. ...