12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 91-120 of 124 matches for query buses.

91. First steps taken for the reopening of checkpoints

Substantial steps were taken on Thursday by the leaders of the island’s divided communities toward the reopening of crossing points, with the two agreeing that as a first step, certain groups of people will be allowed to cross through checkpoints as of June 8....

92. EU unveils guidelines for travel, tourism

The European Commission unveiled a series of measures aimed at ensuring people can start traveling safely across the continent again as governments try to revive tourism and airline industries brought to a halt by the coronavirus....

93. Minister keeps bus drivers on their toes

Transport Minister Yiannis karousos made an unannounced visit to a bus transit location on Friday to experience firsthand the implementation of public health guidelines...

94. 20,000 coronavirus tests to target school staff and students

After news that schools will be reopening doors for students of all levels on May 21 sparked debate and concern among the Cyprus public, Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou said Thursday that a round of 20,000 coronavirus tests will be launched, targeting school staff and students....

95. PHOTO GALLERY: Athens streets deserted during lockdown

Deserted squares, padlocked parks, empty avenues where lines of cars once idled bumper-to-bumper in traffic as motorbikes and scooters zoomed through the narrow gaps between. The Greek capital, Athens, like so many cities across the world, has seen its streets empty under a lockdown designed to stem the spread of the new coronavirus....

96. National Guard to oversee returnees quarantined in hotels

As of Saturday, the National Guard will be bolstering efforts for the surveillance of quarantine facilities where some 1,300 repatriated Cypriots will be isolated for two weeks....

97. Travelers speak of horror under quarantine

Dozens of travelers who arrived in Cyprus without a required health certificate for the coronavirus say they were hurried to the mountains in the dead of night and treated like “criminals” and “lepers"...

98. New government travel restriction leaves thousands of Cypriots trapped abroad

Thousands of Cyprus nationals have reportedly been trapped abroad after the government said it would not allow entry to arrivals without valid health certificates, but labs abroad say they are following protocols whereby checks are only conducted on those showing symptoms....

99. Turkish Cypriots close two crossings

Turkish Cypriot authorities have shut down two crossings on Thursday for ten days, following the latest developments with the coronavirus pandemic...

100. EU criticizes Turkey on migration as border clashes resume

Clashes between Greek riot police and migrants attempting to cross the border from Turkey erupted anew Friday as European Union foreign ministers took aim at what they called “Turkey’s use of migratory pressure for political purposes.” ...

101. Official guidelines for people returning from high-risk countries

102. Guards use tear gas to disperse hundreds of migrants at Greek-Turkish border

Guards on Greece’s northeastern land border with Turkey made “deterrent use” of tear gas to disperse some 500 refugees and migrants trying to enter the country and the European Union after Ankara loosened controls on migrant flows....

103. Novel coronavirus: The profile of victims

The death toll from the coronavirus epidemic rose to 490 in China on Wednesday, when two US airlines suspended flights to Hong Kong after the first coronavirus fatality was recorded, and a cruise ship was quarantined in Japan after 10 passengers tested positive for the virus....

104. Shuttle buses go up in flames

Eight buses were destroyed in a fire on Monday in Larnaca with authorities pointing to arson based on early indications...

105. Nicosia bypass closer to the start line

The long-awaited Nicosia bypass on the perimeter of the capital is a step closer to the start line, with reports saying a tender could be announced as early as next week...

106. Limassol buses strike again

An open-ended bus strike was set to begin on Tuesday in Limassol following the collapse of labour talks between the company and the government...

107. Asprokremos dam overflow begins

The Asprokremos dam began overflowing on Tuesday after 1pm, with spectators on site and weather enthusiasts online celebrating the rare event...

108. Officials prepare for Asprokremos overflow

Officials are not taking any chances ahead of the highly anticipated overflow of Asprokremos dam, with police making traffic arrangements for visitors who want to enjoy the view...

109. Paphos bus drivers demand holiday bonus

Bus drivers working for Osypa in Paphos are descending on the capital Tuesday morning to demand their holiday bonus, with the government calling on the company to stick to the rules and not victimize its own staff...

110. Paphos bus drivers issue ultimatum

Bus drivers in Paphos have warned officials that if no positive developments take place on Monday to resolve a wage dispute, they plan to drive their buses outside the Presidential Palace on Tuesday...

111. Annual insurance cost climbs for saloon cars crossing north

Saloon car owners in the south who buy annual car insurance to drive north will have to pay a higher price starting Tuesday, following a decision by Turkish Cypriot officials...

112. Minister contemplates requisition in Paphos bus strike

The Transport Ministry is considering a tough response to the ongoing bus strike in Paphos, including a possible order for requisition to put an end to the saga affecting thousands just before student exams...

113. Thousands left without buses in Paphos as strike continues

There is no end in the Paphos bus strike that began Tuesday, with over 20,000 people being affected as drivers tell company executives they won’t drive until they get paid...

114. Tension rising on the Greek islands

More than 15,500 migrants are living in cramped conditions in state-run centres on the eastern Aegean islands...

115. Far-right extremists attack migrants on Greek island

Police forced dozens of migrants onto buses and transported them to the Moria camp in the early hours after Mytilini was turned into a battleground...

116. US says air strikes cripple Syria chemical weapons programme

US President Donald Trump called the operation a success...

117. Threat of US-Russia battle hangs over Syria

Two days ago U.S. President Donald Trump warned that missiles “will be coming” in response to that attack...

118. Migrant caravan heading to US puts Mexico in tough spot

So far the Mexican federal government has provided little guidance on how to handle the migrants...

119. Food, buses, and cash - Getting out the vote the Egyptian way

Some women in working class Cairo neighbourhoods told Reuters they were promised bags of food in exchange for voting...

120. Cabbies call off strike at Larnaca airport

The taxi drivers strike at Larnaca airport is being suspended hours after it was launched, following an attack incident and an invitation by the transport minister to meet representatives Thursday afternoon. ...