12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 1681-1710 of 1994 matches for query claim.

1681. Iran escalation continues after midnight tweet

US President Donald Trump on Saturday threatened to hit 52 Iranian sites “very hard” if Iran attacks Americans or US assets after a drone strike that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani, as tens of thousands of people marched in Iraq to mourn their deaths...

1682. High-stakes rape verdict turns political

A prominent attorney in Cyprus says the British teen convicted of fabricating rape allegations should get a presidential pardon, while an experienced human rights lawyer says there is solid ground for an appeal...

1683. Critics pounce on Ayia Napa verdict

The British teen who was found guilty of lying to Ayia Napa police about being raped is determined to take the case to the Supreme Court while the verdict has fueled even more debate in Cyprus and around the world...

1684. London raises red flag over Ayia Napa verdict

The British government is raising red flags over the Ayia Napa rape verdict, after a 19-year-old Briton was found guilty of lying to police about being gang raped by Israeli teens...

1685. Tough dilemmas in Greek-Turkish affairs

Turkey’s claims in the Aegean were first brought to the table in 1973 and have escalated ever since, reaching successive peaks over 10 to 15 years and multiplying...

1686. Ayia Napa rape accuser found guilty

A British teenager, who says she was gang raped by a group of Israeli teens, was found guilty Monday by a Cypriot court on charges of public mischief...

1687. Diplomatic hype over eastern Mediterranean

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias attended Christmas Mass in Istanbul amid diplomatic tensions and power play between Athens and Ankara over gas exploration in the eastern Mediterranean...

1688. Turkish military drone lands in Cyprus

A military armed drone landed in the northern part of Cyprus on Monday after flying a five-hour mission from its naval base in Turkey...

1689. Turkish drones in the north ready for takeoff

Turkish drones were due to arrive in the northern part of Cyprus where they are expected to begin flying missions on Monday over drilling ships in search of natural resources in the eastern Mediterranean...

1690. Iranian wins appeal against Asylum office

A coordinator from an Iranian university, who was refused asylum in the Republic of Cyprus, was vindicated but the Supreme Court this week after it emerged that his case was adjudicated based on a flawed Google search...

1691. Athens and Ankara take jabs at each other

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias is expected to raise the Turkey-Libya deal on maritime borders in Brussels, after accusing Ankara of blackmailing its way through an agreement totally devoid of substance...

1692. Expert has no doubt British teen was raped

A forensic pathologist has testified for the defence in the ongoing Ayia Napa rape trial, saying a report by a state examiner had left out important details that were consistent with rape...

1693. Leaked Turkey-Libya deal under scrutiny

A copy of a controversial maritime agreement between Turkey and Libya leaked to the press on Thursday after Ankara shared the memorandum with parliament ahead of a vote in the coming days...

1694. Armed patrols begin this weekend

Armed soldiers and police officers will very soon be holding joint patrols in downtown Nicosia, with the justice minister saying the measures are being taken to combat crime, terrorism, and illegal immigration...

1695. Rape accuser sticks to her story

A British teenager accused of making up gang rape allegations is sticking to her story, telling a judge during cross-examination that she was raped by Israeli teens despite prosecutors pointing to video footage showing consensual sex days prior to the alleged incident...

1696. '74' wins first place at Cyprus International Film Festival

Paul Lambis’ full-length screenplay “74” was awarded the “Best Screenplay” prize at the Cyprus International Film Festival’s Golden Aphrodite awards ceremony, held at the Pallas Cinema-Theatre in Nicosia...

1697. Cyprus asks to review Turkey-Libya deal

Τhe Republic of Cyprus has joined Greece in demanding to review two recent Turkey-Libya deals, with the Cypriot foreign minister accusing Ankara of extorting the memorandum from Tripoli...

1698. Turkey says Greek Cypriots 'spoiled' in the EU

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says his country’s continental shelf is not up for discussion, accusing Greeks and Greek Cypriots of holding maximalist and uncompromising positions....

1699. Coercion claim rejected in Ayia Napa rape trial

A judge has ruled in the ongoing Ayia Napa rape trial that a British teen, who accused a group of Israeli youths of gang rape, was not coerced by police when she retracted the allegations a week later...

1700. Jho Low movie gaining popularity

A film about Malaysian financier and Cypriot passport holder Jho Low has been steadily gaining popularity, despite legal challenges over copyright infringement and potential defamation lawsuits...

1701. Minister determined to fight ‘green line abuse'‘green-line-abuse

The Cypriot government is cautiously moving forward with plans to reduce illegal migration to Cyprus through the north, including checkpoint stations and surveillance of remote areas along the Green Line...

1702. Cypriot police vague over spy van

New information has emerged about a controversial spy van in Cyprus, with reports suggesting police may have known about its special capabilities in advance...

1703. President stresses political determination ahead of Berlin

President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades stressed on Friday his determination and political will to attend a meeting in Berlin, later this month, with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, in a positive and creative spirit, aiming to conclude the terms of reference “whatever the Turkish intentions are.”...

1704. Questions raised over spy van in Cyprus

An unbelievably expensive van roaming Cypriot streets and packing spy technology worth millions has prompted Akel opposition leader to seek answers from the government, citing privacy laws and concerns...

1705. Turkey reacts to EU sanctions over Cyprus

President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday the European Union’s decision to sanction Turkey over drilling off the coast of Cyprus could disrupt talks with the bloc, and he warned that Turkey could send captured Islamic State fighters to Europe...

1706. Student suffers electric shock at school

A high school student was admitted to hospital after he was electrocuted while trying to reach inside a metal box where a light switch for the toilet was said to be located...

1707. Ayia Napa confession not up to par

A British woman accused of making false rape claims in Ayia Napa after signing a confession is fighting back in court, pointing to grammar errors to prove she never wrote a statement recanting the initial allegations...

1708. Ayia Napa rape accuser back in court

The Ayia Napa rape accuser was expected back in court on Tuesday where she is facing charges of public mischief, with her defence taking issue with how the complaint was investigated and how their client was treated by police...

1709. Cyprus says frigate underlines French support

Cypriot Defence Minister Savvas Angelides says a French frigate within the Cypriot EEZ was not intended to militarize a situation but to show support from France towards the Republic’s sovereign rights...

1710. Defendant denies intent in rural Nicosia murder

A Georgian national who has admitted stabbing a Greek Cypriot woman to death in rural Nicosia last year says it was not premeditated, with a state forensic pathologist insisting the stab wounds say otherwise...