12° Nicosia,
20 September, 2024


Displaying results 1501-1530 of 2024 matches for query commission.

1501. EU criticizes 'hasty' UK approval of Covid-19 vaccine

The European Union criticised Britain's rapid approval of Pfizer and BioNTech's Covid-19 vaccine on Wednesday, saying its own procedure was more thorough, after Britain became the first western country to endorse a Covid-19 shot....

1502. Turkey part of EU agenda on ‘reinvigorating’ ties with US‘reinvigorating-ties-with-us

Restoring stability in the Eastern Mediterranean and a “coordinated approach” to Turkey are among the issues outlined by the European Commission in an internal document on how to “renew and reinvigorate” transatlantic relations under the incoming US administration of Joe Biden....

1503. Turkish-Cypriot leader insists on two-state solution

In a Kathimerini interview a month after becoming the leader of the Turkish-Cypriot community, Ersin Tatar reiterated his opposition to a bizonal, bicommunal solution for Cyprus, insisting on a two-state model and calling for “a border adjustment” between the two sides....

1504. New court culture coming to Cyprus

The president of the Cyprus Bar Association says justice reform is in the air in the Republic of Cyprus, after proposed rules on Civil Law Procedure were submitted on Thursday to the Supreme Court in hopes to introduce a new court culture on the island...

1505. EU says first virus vaccinations possible by Christmas

A top European Union official said Wednesday that the first citizens in the 27 nation bloc could be vaccinated against the coronavirus by Christmas, but she warned that member countries must urgently prepare their logistical chains for the rollout of hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccines....

1506. EU reaches deal with Moderna on Covid-19 vaccine supply

The European Union has reached a deal with US biotech firm Moderna for the supply of its Covid-19 vaccine candidate, an EU official told Reuters on Tuesday....

1507. Tactical moves by Ankara before EU summit

The anticipated suspension on November 29 of the activities of the Oruc Reis seismic vessel within parts of the Greek continental shelf after having scanned the entire area it had reserved since August is being touted by Ankara as a goodwill move ahead of the European Council in December 10-11, where one of the main topics of discussion will be the possibility of imposing sanctions on Turkey over its behavior in the Eastern Mediterranean. ...

1508. EU could approve vaccines ‘late 2020, early 2021’‘late-2020-early-2021

Europe’s medicines regulator said Monday that it could approve the first coronavirus vaccines late this year or early next, as it evaluates the most promising candidates....

1509. ‘No going back’ on Varosha decision‘no-going-back-on-varosha-decision

Over 200 Varosha property owners are seeking to return to the divided island’s most popular ghost town, with Turkish Cypriots appearing ready to address Greek Cypriot grievances with or without a solution to the Cyprus problem, adding there is “no going back” on the plan to open the abandoned city...

1510. EU could pay over $10 billion for Pfizer and CureVac vaccines$10-billion-for-pfizer-and-curevac-vaccines

The European Union could pay more than $10 billion to secure hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine candidates being developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and CureVac, an EU official involved in the talks told Reuters....

1511. Cyprus shoots its shot in race for vaccine

As the Republic of Cyprus expects to get one million of doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, President Anastasiades is calling for “common standards” as fierce competition overseas paints a gloomy picture on how countries go about to secure vaccinations for their citizens...

1512. Cyprus draws up coronavirus vaccination strategy

The health ministry said Thursday that a plan has been drawn up for the vaccination of the Cyprus public against coronavirus, noting that in cooperation with the government’s coronavirus expert task force, groups to get vaccinated first were determined on the basis of an algorithm....

1513. Scientists warn against rapid test self-checking

The rapid antigen tests that the health ministry recently stocked up on in its battle against time to detect coronavirus cases among Cyprus employees require careful handling....

1514. Justice Minister highlights government's efforts to fight corruption

The government of Cyprus is making continuous efforts to protect the country from corruption, justice minister Emily Yiolitis said Wednesday, noting that the government has undertaken a series of actions and pushed a bundle of new laws through the pipeline....

1515. Cyprus experiencing excessive macroeconomic imbalances

The European Commission said Wednesday that Cyprus continues to face excessive macroeconomic imbalances, particularly in view of the country’s very high percentage of non-performing loans that continue to plague the financial sector, but also in light of high private sector, government, and external debt....

1516. Turkey and EU fall out over Varosha

Ankara is accusing the European Union of "ignoring the free will" of Turkish Cypriots, in response to EU High Representative Joseph Borrell, who deplored the latest developments in Varosha and called for them to be undone...

1517. Elusive businessman with Cyprus ties pops up

The whereabouts of elusive Russian hedge fund manager German Lillevali, who was linked to a flurry of companies in Cyprus after he became a resident, are no longer a mystery after reports that he was detained in the US on an immigration violation but released due to overcrowding amid the coronavirus pandemic...

1518. Comprehensive anti-corruption proposals in the pipeline

President Nicos Anastasiades will soon be presenting a package of proposals for the strengthening of transparency, accountability and the rule of law, deputy government spokesman Panayiotis Sentonas said Monday....

1519. Biden plans ahead as Trump refuses to concede

Democrat Joe Biden began preparing on Sunday to deal with the coronavirus and other problems that will confront him as president of a divided America, while President Donald Trump planned campaign-style rallies to contest the election...

1520. Cyprus digital transformation plan laid out

Cyprus' Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy is looking towards a two-speed plan, separating the aim for digital transformation into small high-speed and longer-orientated projects, in order to ensure effectiveness, Deputy Minister Kyriacos Kokkinos said on Thursday....

1521. Cyprus police face fresh accusations of mishandling rape claim

Cyprus police are faced with fresh accusations of mishandling a rape claim filed by a young UK national last May whilst on holiday in the Famagusta district’s resort town of Protaras....

1522. Bar set low as Brussels, UN in low spirits for CyProb involvement

Foreign players ranging from Brussels and Berlin to New York have lowered their expectations and show a reduced eagerness to actively get involved in efforts to reach a solution to the Cyprus Problem....

1523. Commission warns Cyprus over lacking anti-money laundering legislation

The European Commission on Friday sent a reasoned opinion to Cyprus for failing to transpose the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD5) into national law....

1524. Police search homes, offices of those implicated in Al Jazeera video

Police on Thursday searched the homes and offices of the people embroiled in the Al Jazeera video on the Cyprus Papers that caused ongoing political turmoil on the island. ...

1525. Appointment of Directors, Principals, Senior Manager in K. Treppides & Co

The Management of K. Treppides & Co Ltd committed to develop leadership that derives from its own people, who pursue excellence in the provision of high quality specialised and unique services, is pleased to announce the appointment of the following members into the Board of Management with effect 1 October 2020...

1526. Fresh total lockdown out of the question for Cyprus govt

Finance minister Constantinos Petrides on Monday strongly refuted the possibility of Cyprus entering a second lockdown, such as the one it was plummeted into in March as a result of the outbreak of coronavirus....

1527. MPs reject dissolution of parliament amid passports scandal

After officially electing AKEL MP Adamos Adamou as the new House President following the resignation of Demetris Syllouris amid intense backlash against his involvement in the recent golden passports scandal, MPs on Thursday debated on whether parliament should be dissolved making way for early elections, with the proposal eventually rejected with 26 votes in favour and 30 against....

1528. Cyprus turns back clock this weekend

People in Cyprus will get an extra hour of sleep Sunday morning, as clocks will fall back to winter time on Saturday after midnight, marking the end of Daylight Saving Time...

1529. Reynders: 'golden passport' schemes must be abolished

The EU Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders briefed the plenary of the European Parliament on Thursday on the Commission’s decision to initiate infringement proceedings against Cyprus and Malta in view of their ‘golden passports’ schemes which appear to be in violation of EU law....

1530.  KPMG's Vasiliou first Chairman of Cyprus-Australia Business Association

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) announced the launch of the Cyprus - Australia Business Association, aiming to further promote, expand and encourage business relations between Cyprus and Australia...